

Лорана Шейе

Flying Houses


source: vinglenet

프랑스 사진작가 Laurent Chehere 는 하늘을 나는 집을 사진으로 담았습니다 ‘Flying house’ 씨리즈는 우리의 상상력을 자극합니다.

작가는 집을 꿈에 비유합니다. 또한 여행에 비유했습니다. 도심 속, 다닥다닥 붙은 빌딩들, 이렇게 까지 붙어 살아야 하나 싶을 정도로 새장 같은 아파트들 사이에서 우리는 숨막히지만 언제부턴가는 당연히 여기고 살아갑니다. 그리고 자유롭고 싶은 욕망을 표현해 낸 작가가 여기 있습니다.
source: thisiscolossal

French photographer Laurent Chehere is known for his commercial work for clients such as Audi and Nike, but after a change of interest he left advertising and traveled the world with stops throughout China, Argentina, Columbia, and Boliva. From his numerous photographs along the way was born his flying houses series, a collection of fantastical buildings, homes, tents and trailers removed from their backgrounds and suspended in the sky as if permanently airborne.
source: webdesignerdepot

If the thought of flying houses conjures up images of Dorothy, Toto, and ruby slippers in the wake of that famous Kansas tornado, then you’re in good company—but the wonderful Wizard of Oz has nothing on French photographer
Laurent Chehere
Known for his work for such high profile clients as Nike and Audi, Chehere swapped his commercial cap for that of world traveler, gathering inspiration from the beauty of Japan, Bolivia, Argentina, and more. But for all of his globe-trotting, it was the photographer’s journeys through the popular districts of Paris that gave way to an extraordinary series titled “Flying Houses”—a whimsical collection of homes, tents, trailers, and cottages that are seemingly suspended in mid-air.
By capturing as many possible angles in good light, Chehere later was able to break the structures out of anonymity and inject them into an intriguing story of flight—with a little help from Photoshop. And while the artist attributes his inspiration to the short film The Red Balloon (shot in Ménilmontant in 1956 by Albert Lamorisse) and to Hayao Miyazaki’s Howl’s Moving Castle, I’m still standing by the theory that these floating houses would find a perfect home in The Emerald City. After all, both are perfect material for a fantastical dream.
source: boardpostjung

Flying Houses บ้านบินได้ เป็นภาพถ่ายจากเเนวคิดสุดล้ำของ Laurent Chehere ตากล้องชาวฝรั่งเศส ที่ได้เดินทางไปยังประเทศต่างๆ
จีน, อาร์เจนติน่า,โคลอมเบีย เเละ โบลิเวีย เพื่อทำการเก็บภาพบ้านเรือน อาคารต่างๆ Laurent Chehere ได้ทำการนำภาพบ้านสวยๆที่ถ่าย
ได้ ดึงภาพออกจากพื้นหลัง จากนั้นจึงใส่ภาพท้องฟ้าเเละอากาศเข้าไป ทำให้ได้ภาพ บ้านบินได้ Flying Houses เซตนี้ขึ้น ว่าเเล้วเราลองไปชมความอาร์ต ความเเปลกของภาพถ่ายเซตนี้กันเลยครับฟ
source: nodicemag

Inspiré par des oeuvres cinématographiques telles que “La-Haut”, “Le Château Ambulant” ou le moyen-métrage “Le Ballon Rouge”, le photographe Laurent Chehere, habitué à travailler pour des marques comme Audi ou Nike, a décidé de peindre une vision moins féerique de ce fantasme absolu de pouvoir parcours les cieux tout en profitant du confort de nos chaumières.
source: urdesignit

Laurent Chehere è un artista francese che sorprende per la sua maestria nel manipolare scatti fotografici. Nella sua ultima serie intitolata Flying Houses, l’artista eleva l’architettura ad un nuovo livello, estrapolando le strutture dal contesto urbano in cui si trovano e ricollocandole in posizioni fluttuanti tra le nuvole.

Gli scatti, sorprendentemente realistici, utilizzano un contesto che enfatizza l’autenticità del soggetto: i fili elettrici che si estendono da ogni edificio conferiscono alle opere un senso di azione continua, come se ogni casa fosse un palloncino che cerca disperatamente di sfuggire alla gravità terrestre. Il risultato finale è etereo e permette al pubblico di apprezzare la forma fondamentale di una casa senza vincoli prospettici o strutturali.
source: foolsjournalswordpress

Avete mai visto il film “Up”? Beh, non può non venire in mente guardando il progetto “Flying Houses” del fotografo francese Laurent Chehere. Esperto di grafica e noto per numerosi lavori pubblicitari per marchi come Nike e Audi, il fotografo ha realizzato questa serie alquanto surreale tagliando le sagome di numerosi edifici che ha incontrato in numerosi viaggi in Cina, Argentina, Colombia e Bolivia e posizionandole – digitalmente – in cielo, quasi fossero in volo. L’effetto è sicuramente sorprendente!
source: colunasrevistamarieclaireglobo

Sabe quando saímos de casa para trabalhar, ir a ginástica, médico ou para qualquer outro compromisso, e temos a sensação de que nossa casa fica em pausa, esperando pela nossa volta? Foi seguindo esse pensamento que o fotógrafo parisiense Laurent Chehere criou uma linda série chamada “Flying houses” (Casas voadoras), com imagens manipuladas digitalmente de casas flutuando por aí.

Para produzir tais imagens, o ex-publicitário inspirou-se no premiado filme “O balão vermelho”, de Albert Lamorisse, que também foi fonte para a animação “Up”, da Pixar.
source: flogcc

法國攝影師 Laurent Chehere 的廣告作品在圈內是非常知名的,和他合作的商業客戶多是如 Nike 和 Audi 這般大咖,但後來因為興趣的緣故離開了廣告圈,開始在世界各地遊蕩駐足,從中國、阿根廷、哥倫比亞一直到格瓦拉摩托胎痕遍及的玻利維亞,放逐自己的過程中拍下了各地風俗民情的照片,《飛翔的房子》這系列便是在這過程中累積而來的,你可以看到有蒙古包、公寓和可愛的巴士屋,不同文化交錯出不同的家,這讓克里斯想到了電影《天外奇蹟》(Up)裡那動會飛的老房子,我想每棟房子或多或少都承載著每個人成長過程中的夢想吧!一起來看看這系列奇妙的作品!
source: re-actornet

Французский фотограф Лоран Шейе (Laurent Chehere) является автором нескольких необычных серий фотографий. В данной серии, автор предлагает нам пофантазировать и представить, что было бы, будь дома летающими.

Долгое время Лоран Шейе (Laurent Chehere) работал рекламным фотографом и сотрудничал с такими брендами, как Nike и Audi. Однако, в какой-то момент, фотограф решил бросить рекламу и занялся творчеством. За это время Лоран исколесил практически весь мир, начиная Южной Америкой и заканчивая Китаем. Первый показ серии «Летающие дома» состоялся в парижской галерее «Париж-Пекин». Сейчас выставка путешествует по миру и в данный момент находится в Северной Америке.
source: dobask

Ktovie.. možno sa fotograf Laurenta Chehere inšpiroval pri tejto práci animákom Up. Fotografie Flying Houses zachytávajú lietajúce domy. Samozrejme ide o fotomanipuláciu, ale veľmi podarenú. Séria má byť metaforou pre cestovanie. Zatiaľ čo niektorí cestujú do cudziny v luxuse, ostatní sa musia uskromniť. Ubytujú sa ešte v menšiom apartmáne ako je ic vlastný dom. V skratke, cestujú do horšieho.
source: creatorsprojectcn

你可曾想过如果我们居住的房子、工作的大楼或是消费的商场建筑物有生命的话,它们是不是很厌烦自己总是被困在同一个地方?如果有机会它们会不会尝试远走高飞?法国摄影师Laurent Chéhère在他飞行的房子系列中就制造了这么一个景象。照片中的建筑物都摆脱了地基,在空中飞了起来。

Chéhère曾经担任奥迪、耐克和报纸L’Equipe等获奖广告作品的艺术指导,出于对建筑和旅行的热爱而开始这组创作,他的灵感来自于1956年的法国电影《空气球》,和宫崎骏的动画《哈尔的移动城堡 》。Chéhère说飞行的房子系列是对于旅行的隐喻。同时,透过更换布景和在建筑上添加一些特别的元素,让观者看到这些破旧不知名的房子被隐藏或忽略的美丽。
source: arcobloggers

Fotógrafo y viajero insaciable, Laurent Chehere abandonó la publicidad para entregarse al medio de la fotografía. En “Flying Houses”, una serie de casas suspendidas en el aire inspiradasen el mediometraje “The red balloon” (1956), combina su interés por la arquitectua y por la imagen conceptual.
La serie digital nos invita a descubrir la belleza escondida de las casas anónimas de los distritos 19 y 20 de París, unas casas entre lo real y lo imaginario que nos invitan a viajar con ellas, como lo hizo Dorothy.