

Лорана Шейе

source: theworldofphotographers

Laurent Chehere, a Parisian traveler born in 1972, formerly worked in advertising, winning awards for his work on campaigns for Sécurité Routière, Audi, Nike and l’Équipe. Always fascinated by photography, his many trips feed his imagination and share with us his vision of the world and the people who live in it.

He explores different fields of photography, from reporting to the conceptual side of the medium. With his background in advertising, he cultivated a taste for mis-en-scène and other original concepts. His special interest in architecture and other off-beat ideas led to his series of “flying” houses, metaphors for travel. He shows us his poetic vision of weary houses, emerging from the anonymity of their street to show us their hidden beauty.
source: thisiscolossal

French photographer Laurent Chehere is known for his commercial work for clients such as Audi and Nike, but after a change of interest he left advertising and traveled the world with stops throughout China, Argentina, Columbia, and Boliva. From his numerous photographs along the way was born his flying houses series, a collection of fantastical buildings, homes, tents and trailers removed from their backgrounds and suspended in the sky as if permanently airborne.
source: nodicemag

Inspiré par des oeuvres cinématographiques telles que “La-Haut”, “Le Château Ambulant” ou le moyen-métrage “Le Ballon Rouge”, le photographe Laurent Chehere, habitué à travailler pour des marques comme Audi ou Nike, a décidé de peindre une vision moins féerique de ce fantasme absolu de pouvoir parcours les cieux tout en profitant du confort de nos chaumières.
source: urdesignit

Laurent Chehere è un artista francese che sorprende per la sua maestria nel manipolare scatti fotografici. Nella sua ultima serie intitolata Flying Houses, l’artista eleva l’architettura ad un nuovo livello, estrapolando le strutture dal contesto urbano in cui si trovano e ricollocandole in posizioni fluttuanti tra le nuvole.

Gli scatti, sorprendentemente realistici, utilizzano un contesto che enfatizza l’autenticità del soggetto: i fili elettrici che si estendono da ogni edificio conferiscono alle opere un senso di azione continua, come se ogni casa fosse un palloncino che cerca disperatamente di sfuggire alla gravità terrestre. Il risultato finale è etereo e permette al pubblico di apprezzare la forma fondamentale di una casa senza vincoli prospettici o strutturali.