source: lookatmeru
Художник из Южной Кореи Лими Юнг (Limee Young) создает сложные кинетические скульптуры, используя нержавеющую сталь, микропроцессоры, двигатели и другие механические приспособления. Никакого функционального применения эти скульптуры не имеют, но, безусловно, притягивают взгляд сверкающими поверхностями и заставляют задать себе вопрос: «Как это сделали?»
source: thisiscolossal
South Korean artist Limee Young makes these diabolically complex kinetic sculptures using stainless steel components, embedded cpu boards, microprocessors, servos, and other mechanical doodads I’m not going to even pretend to understand. The devices seem to have no practical function other than being completely mesmerizing in a strangely perfect way. You can read a bit more about the devices on his blog and see a couple larger images on mu-um.
source: artistblogbsublogspot
South Korean artist Limee Young makes incredibly complex kinetic sculptures out of mechanical components such as steel, central processing units, conductors, and microprocessors. The result is unbelievably beautiful and interesting machinelike sculptures that also serve no real function. He always names his pieces in a way that helps the viewer understand what the piece might actually be intended to do. For example, he has made a secret keeping machine. You can tell it all of your secrets and it won’t tell a soul. Also, there’s a machine that is supposed to magnify love and help it to mature. How they do it is entirely up to the imagination, which to me is half the fun of his pieces.
After looking at many of Young’s sculptures I’d have to say that one of his most visually compelling pieces is The Dark Eating Machine. With its long curving limbs it’s hard to not wonder “what IS that?” when you first see it. It is also a lot larger than most of his other kinetic works, so that alone makes it more compelling. I watched the video and it really looks like a science fiction creature methodically devouring its power source. By using a lot of organic shapes in the tendrils Young gave the machine a naturalistic edge that is more than a little eerie.
source: sophistryjp
韓国のアーティストLimee Youngが制作したキネティックアートがすごい。ここまで来るともう工業製品とも思えるくらいです。一般的にキネティックアートといっても、シンプルな動きしか持っていないものも多いですが、Limee Youngの作品は複雑な構造と動きのパターンに驚かされます。
source: qingblogsinacomcn
南朝鲜人民艺术家 Limee Young 制作了一系列强夺天工的机械动力雕塑。他使用不锈钢作为主要材料,再在上面嵌入CPU、伺服电机、微处理器,以及一些叫不上名字的机械装置。这些精细复杂的机械装置似乎毫无实际用处,但的的确确有种摄人心魄的奇异魅力。