Лиза Парк
source: astrikiprovoli
Η Lisa Park είναι μια μουσικός performer η οποία πειραματίζεται με μια εξειδικευμένη συσκευή που ονομάζεται NeuroSky EEG και με τη βοήθεια ενός ακουστικού μετατρέπει τη δραστηριότητα του εγκεφάλου σε ρεύματα δεδομένων που μπορούν να μετατραπούν τα Δέλτα, Θήτα, Άλφα και Βήτα του εγκεφάλου της αλλά και τις κινήσεις των ματιών της σε ηχητικά κύματα μέσω ενός εξειδικευμένου λογισμικού. Πέντε ηχεία τοποθετημένα κάτω από ρηχά πιάτα τα οποία περιέχουν νερό το οποίο στη συνέχεια δονείται σε διάφορα σχέδια σύμφωνα με την δραστηριότητα του εγκεφάλου της .
source: sedestaktumblr
Explorando as questões de vulnerabilidade, autocontrole e libertação, a artista Lisa Park criou O projeto intitulado Euonia que significa “Belo pensamento” em grego.
O projeto tem objetivo de estender o potencial humano para ir além das nossas limitações corporais através da arte performativa.
Na prática é usado um dispositivo especializado chamado de EEG NeuroSky, basicamente um fone de ouvido que monitora o movimento dos olhos dela, junto com as ondas de seu cérebro. Os dados são coletados em tempo real pelo software de processamento, onde podem ser visualizados em gráficos, tabelas ou dígitos.
Embora os dados sejam impenetráveis para o nosso entendimento. Park criou uma metáfora visual simples que nos permite ver claramente os efeitos de sua mente através do uso de cinco pratos de metal cheios de água que estão em cima de alto-falantes distribuídos em um círculo. Cada prato representa uma emoção em particular: tristeza, raiva, ódio, desejo e felicidade. Juntos, representam os pensamentos da artista através dos movimentos das águas e sons.
Park ensaiou por quase um mês pensando em pessoas específicas que ela teve fortes relações emocionais. Enfim ela revelou um resultado que é, na verdade, um pouco poético..
source: iurbaninth
Conceptual artist ที่ชื่อว่า Lisa Parkได้ทำการทดลอง ด้วยเครื่องมือพิเศษที่มีช่ือว่า NeuroSky EEG headset ที่จะทำหน้าที่เปลี่ยนสิ่งที่เกิดขึ้นในสมอง ให้กลายเป็นข้อมูล (data) ที่สามารถนำมาใช้ได้ในงานวิจัยต่างๆ สำหรับกรณีนี้ เป็นศิลปการแสดง ที่ใช้ชื่อว่า Euonia ( เป็นภาษากรีก แปลว่า ความคิดที่สวยงาม)
Park ได้ใช้ EEG headset เพื่อจับคลื่นจากสมอง ทั้ง delta, theta, alpha, และ beta รวมทั้ง การเคลื่อนไหวของสายตา และเปลี่ยนข้อมูลที่ได้นี้ด้วย ซอฟท์แวร์เฉพาะ ให้กลายเป็นคลื่นเสียง มีการวางลำโพง 5 ตัวไว้ใต้อ่างน้ำตื้นๆ ที่เมื่อได้รับแรงสั่นสะเทือน ก็จะแสดงการกระเพื่อมของน้ำในแบบต่างๆ ที่ควบคุมและสั่งการโดยสมองนั่นเอง …น่าทึ่งมาก นะคะ
Park ทำการซ้อมหลายครั้งเป็นเวลาร่วมเดือนโดยคิดถึงคนบางคน ที่เธอมีอารมณ์ความรู้สึกด้วยมากๆ และลองหลายๆอารมณ์ ทั้งความเศร้า ความโกรธ เกลียด ความปรารถนาๆ และความสุข
** ศิลปิน ได้มีการใช้เครื่องมื่อ แบบ EEG นี้ ในการสร้างสรรค์ เสียงดนตรีจากความนึกคิด หรือ “music with the mind” มานานแล้ว นักดนตรี และนักแต่งเพลง แนว experimental ที่ชื่อว่า Alvin Lucier ได้สร้างสรรค์ผลงาน ที่ใกล้เคียงกันนี้ ชื่อว่า Music for Solo Performer back ในปี 1965
เห็นแบบนี้ ที่ Steve Jobs ทำ siri มาให้สั่งการด้วยเสียง Google มี Google Glass สั่งการด้วยตา ก็เป็นแค่จุดเริ่มต้นจิ๋วๆเอง อีกหน่อย คงมีใครทำอุปกรณ์ ให้สั่งการด้วยความนึกคิด ความคุมด้วยจิตใจ… ว๊าว…แบบนี้ คงต้องมีโรงเรียนฝึกจิตเกิดขึ้นนมากมาย
ไม่งั้นเดี๋ยวบังคับเครื่องมือไม่ได้ ^ ^
ลองดูคลิป แล้วจะเห็นภาพ น้ำกระเพื่อมจากการสั่งการด้วยสมองอย่างน่าทึ่งจริงๆ ค่ะ
source: techqq
纽约艺术家Lisa Park使用脑电图头盔将脑电波数据传输到电脑中,并通过软件讲情绪转换成为不同的音乐
腾讯科学讯(过客/编译)纽约艺术家Lisa Park的这个项目被称作Euonia,在希腊语中是“美丽思想”的意思。她能够将大脑对悲伤、愤怒和欲望等情绪所作出的反应直接转换成为音符。Park通过训练自己的大脑控制这些情绪,她能够仅仅通过思考就进行她的音乐表演。
source: visionealchemica
Muovere gli oggetti con il potere della mente, il sogno di ogni appassionato di paranormale. Lisa Park non è una mutante X-Men né l’eletta di Matrix, ma solo un’artista concettuale che sfrutta la tecnologia e le leggi della fisica per mettere in scena delle performance decisamente inusuali.
La ragazza, infatti, riesce a modulare le onde del pensiero perché muovano la superficie dell’acqua secondo un ritmo ben preciso. Occulti misteri? Neanche per idea, visto che la spiegazione è tutta scientifica, eppure il video Eunoia sta spopolando su YouTube, facendo il giro di Internet e accendendo un aspro dibattito tra gli scettici e quanti sostengono invece che il potere della mente possa condizionare anche il mondo fisico.
La scena che lo spettatore si trova davanti, in effetti, lascia ampio spazio alle più ardite suggestioni: Lisa Park si trova in una stanza asettica, circondata da cinque piatti colmi di acqua e dotata di un dispositivo che registra le sue onde celebrali. In uno scenario degno di Minority Report, la ragazza si concentra sulla forza del pensiero e sembrerebbe in grado di trasmettere la propria energia all’acqua nei piatti che sembra prendere vita al ritmo delle vibrazioni. Una degna conclusione per una performance che si intitola Eunoia, termine che deriva dal greco e significa ‘bel pensiero’. Meditazione orientale e tecnologia futuristica si uniscono per dare vita a qualcosa di unico e originale. L’atmosfera mistica non deve trarre in inganno, però, perché dietro l’apparenza si nasconde un segreto tutto scientifico.
Se si distoglie l’attenzione dal risultato generale e si analizza la scena nei dettagli, si scopre che non è la mente di Lisa Park, almeno non direttamente. Quella sorta di microfono indossato dall’artista è infatti un dispositivo chiamato EEG NeuroSky, in grado di trasformare l’attività cerebrale in flussi di dati. Si tratta di uno strumento utilizzato per le ricerche scientifiche ma che la Park ha trasformato in una sorta di pennello virtuale per dipingere la sua opera. Le cuffie analizzano le onde cerebrali del suo cervello e i movimenti oculari e li trasformano in dati, elaborati poi da un software che ne ricava onde sonore trasmesse agli altoparlanti posti alla base dell’acqua. Svelato l’arcano: sono le vibrazioni prodotte dagli altoparlanti a provocare il movimento, ma dato che queste vibrazioni sono codificate partendo dalle onde cerebrali possiamo comunque dire che Lisa Park ha mosso l’acqua con la forza del pensiero. Sia quel che sia, il risultato è davvero suggestivo.
source: fantasticocotidiano
La artista conceptual Lisa Park ha estado experimentando con un aparato especializado llamado NeuroSky EEG que ayuda a transformar la actividad cerebral en información que puede ser manipulada. Es una pieza inspirada en el movimiento Fluxus llamada Euonia (en griego: “pensamiento bonito”). Park usó el aparato para monitorear las ondas delta, theta, alpha y beta del cerebro y sus movimientos oculares para transformarlo en un software que las convierte en ondas de sonido. Hay 5 altavoces colocados debajo de los platos llenos de agua que vibran en patrones de acuerdo a la actividad cerebral.
A pesar de que no es una ciencia exacta, Park practicó durante un mes con sus emociones para crear la pieza. Ella relacionó cada uno de los altavoces con una emoción: tristeza, enojo, odio, deseo y felicidad.
Este aparato ya ha sido utilizado en otras piezas, el músico experimental Alvin Lucier hizo un performance similar en 1965 llamado Music for Solo Performer
source: creatorsproject
Lisa Parks Kunstwerk heißt Eunoia, was auf Griechisch „schöner Gedanke“ bedeutet. Mit einem NeuroSky EEG-Headset auf dem Kopf sitzt sie inmitten von Wasserschalen, von denen jede eine andere Emotion darstellt. Auf dieser Position versucht sie, unendliche Einheit zu symbolisieren und durch die meditative Performance einen erleuchteten Zustand zu erreichen. Ihre Hirnströme werden dabei in Sound und Visuals (das vibrierende Wasser in den Schüsseln) verwandelt.
source: thelisapark
“Eunoia” is a performance that uses my brainwaves — collected via EEG sensor– to manipulate the motions of water. It derives from the Greek word “ey” (well) + “nous” (mind) meaning “beautiful thinking”. EEG is a brainwave detecting sensor. It measures frequencies of my brain activity (Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma, Theta) relating to my state of consciousness while wearing it. The data collected from EEG is translated in realtime to modulate vibrations of sound with using software programs. EEG sends the information of my brain activity to Processing, which is linked with Max/MSP to receive data and generate sound from Reaktor.
source: thisiscolossal
Conceptual artist Lisa Park has been experimenting with a specialized device called a NeuroSky EEG headset that helps transform brain activity into streams of data that can be manipulated for the purposes of research, or in this case, a Fluxus-inspired performance art piece titled Eunoia (Greek for “beautiful thought”). Park used the EEG headset to monitor the delta, theta, alpha, and beta waves of her brain as well as eye movements and transformed the resulting data with specialized software into sound waves. Five speakers are placed under shallow dishes of water which then vibrate in various patterns in accordance with her brain activity.
While the system is not an exact science, Park rehearsed for nearly a month by thinking about specific people whom she had strong emotional reactions to. The artist then correlated each of the five speakers with certain emotions: sadness, anger, hatred, desire, and happiness. According to the Creator’s Project her hope had been to achieve a sort of zen-like state resulting in complete silence, however it proved to be ultimately unattainable, a result that is actually somewhat poetic.
It’s important to note that artists have long been using EEG devices to create “music with the mind”. Composer and experimental musician Alvin Lucier had a somewhat similar performance called Music for Solo Performer back in 1965.
source: thelisapark
American-born and Korean-raised, Lisa Park is an artist who is currently based in New York. She is a current member of NEW INC, New Museum’s first museum-led incubator in art, technology, and design. She was recently awarded with New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowship 2014 in the category of Digital/Electronic Arts.
Lisa’s recent performances explored the possibilities of self-monitoring herself using biosensors which measure things like brainwaves and heart rate to monitor her own physical and psychological states. Throughout her artistic career, she has been interested in investigating emotional states in order to better understand herself and her subconscious. In the past few years, she has started experimenting with various technological tools as a vehicle for manifesting and visualizing these invisible states and forces.
Her works were featured on The Creators Project, The New York Times’ Bits Blog, Time Out New York, New York Post, Wired, Daily News, PBS’ Off Book Series, and Intel’s Make it Wearable video, and many other publications. She was also a collaborator with the Marina Abramovic Institute, specifically helping with its digital platform, IMMATERIAL, in the past.
She received a Master’s degree in the Interactive Telecommunications Program from New York University’s Tisch School of Arts and has a BFA in Fine Art Media at Art Center College of Design.
source: vimeo
Lisa Park is a multidisciplinary artist from South Korea who is now based in New York, NY. She is currently a resident at New Inc (New Museum). Her performances and interactive projects use technology as a new form of communication to evoke genuine emotion and empower the public.
Several of her works have explored the possibilities of self-monitoring physiological and psychological states through the use of emerging technologies like heartrate and brainwave (EEG) sensors. She performed a trilogy of works, “Obsession is Sad Passion” (2011), “Le Violon d’Lisa” (2012), and “Eunoia” (2013), in which these sensors function as interactive tools in her art.
The most recent of her performances involving EEG (electroencephalogram), “Eunoia” creates a real-time audiovisual representation of her brain activity by allowing the audience to observe her struggle to achieve a balanced emtional states.
Her interactive projects were featured on The Creators Project, NYTimes Bits, Time Out NY, New York Post, Wired, Daily News, CNET, ‘PBS Off Book’, and Intel’s ‘Make it Wearable’ videos. She was also selected as one of the most creative artists, engineers, and technologists in “The Year in Creativity” by The Creators Project in 2013.