

리시 엘

source: lissyelle

About Me

My name is Lissy and I live between a tall forest and an old cornfield. I wander between them imagining terribly impossible things and scribbling in journals about how to make them real.

I discovered photography as an art-form when I was 13. It quickly became an escape from the trials of adolescence, and an excuse to let it soldier on. The reason to get up in the morning and wash your hair. To re-arrange your bedroom furniture. To save your money for a Nikkor 50mm 1.8 lens. To explore an abandoned house. To tie two dozen apples to trees. To cut out a thousand paper stars. To practice ballet. To learn to levitate. To have tea parties at the age of 18. To forge, through art, a place for yourself in the world and fight tooth and nail to stay there.
source: trendland

Lissy Laricchia aka Lissy Elle is a Canadian photographer who creates magical, paused in motion surreal photos. She plays with the subject, likes to change the rules of gravity and use smart props, location and digital manipulation. Her dreamy photographs are certainly pleasing on the eye, taking you off somewhere for a moment but the world within these images has also an air of mystery.
source: fubiznet

Découverte sur la galerie, du travail de cette jeune photographe Lissy Elle basée actuellement au Canada. Des portraits et des mises en scènes avec un fort attachement au monde imaginaire, à la magie et à l’enfance. Une sélection à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.
source: creativejournalru

Сказка, волшебство и детские мечты миксует в своём творчестве Lissy Elle – молодой фотограф из Канады.
Яркие,красивые и какие-то добрые работы получаются у Лисси
source: youshouldbeingridbergmanblogspot

Lissy Elle, in arte Lissy Elle Laricchia, è una fotografa canadese.
Spesso soggetto delle sue opere, è sospesa nel tempo e nello spazio, avvolta in un’aura magica.
I suoi scatti sono sempre sognanti, persi in mondi onirici, alla ricerca della leggerezza del sè.
source: fashionmsn

Lissy Elle是擅长“造梦”的摄影师。没有华丽服饰也没有夸张效果,Lissy Elle的作品大多简简单单却梦幻美丽,像青橄榄一般回味无穷。在森林中游走的美丽少女、通往天堂的阶梯,还有生长在树上的茶杯,Lissy Elle的奇思妙想让人惊叹,放在照片中却又是那么恰当得宜,那种仙灵缥缈的气息,猛地把你的思绪引向童话故事中的那个奇异世界…
source: justcherrybombblogspot

A fotógrafa Lissy Elle ficou conhecida por seu ensaio “Volte para o seu livro”, onde a artista retratou personagens famosas de livros infantis desafiando a gravidade. Visitando o blog da fotógrafa temos a oportunidade de ver novas imagens com a mesma inspiração.