Hiding in the City No.16 – Civilian and policeman
source: highlike
Work: Liu Bolin is a Chinese Artist who became famous for his series of Photographs called “Hiding in the City” where the artist makes himself invisible in different locations all around the world. He presented a TED Talk in 2013 explaining why he makes himself invisible.
Image: Name: Hiding in the City No.16 – Civilian and Policeman, 2006, Photography. Size: 160x100cm; 120x75cm; 80x50cm Technique: C-Print Material: Kodak Printing Paper.
source: martketing-blog
Il y a presque un an naissait, avec le travail de Liu Bolin comme étonnant sujet, la rubrique [Un dimanche, un artiste], destinée à partager avec vous quelques coups de cœur artistiques.
Une fois n’est pas coutume, je vais vous présenter aujourd’hui le même artiste car Liu Bolin, a encore frappé, avec une nouvelle version de sa série “Hiding in th city”, où on le voit à nouveau se mêler à un décor improbable grâce son énorme talent de peintre caméléon contestataire. Cette nouvelle série est à découvrir jusqu’au 9 mars 2013 à la galerie Paris – Beijing.
source: falafil
Liu Bolin é um Artista Chinês de 39 anos também conhecido como o “Homem Invisível“. Liu é responsável pela série “Hiding in the City” que na tradução seria algo como ” Escondido na Cidade”.
Com seu trabalho exibido em países como Russia, Estados Unidos, Suécia, China, Israel, Itália, Londres, Turquia e muitos outros, Liu é o artista mais conceituado e respeitado na arte de se camuflar.
source: kosta1ru
Хорошо вглядитесь в фото, Вы его видите? Нет? А он там! Зовут его Лю Болинь, по профессии художник, имеет множество научных степеней и наград в области искусства. Известный всему миру человек-невидимка родился в Китае в 1973 году. В 2005 году создал совершенно новое направление в искусстве перформанса. Его работы выставлялись в самых известных выставочных галереях мира. Он назвал свое направление «Скрывающийся в городе». Вашему вниманию представлены 38 лучших работ художника.
source: twistedsifter
Liu Bolin is an artist from China’s Shandong province. Born in 1973, he currently lives and works in Beijing. Bolin received his Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Shandong College of Arts in 1995 and his Master of Fine Arts from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing in 2001. His work has been exhibited in museums and galleries around the world.
Known as The Invisible Man, Bolin’s most popular works are from his “Hiding in the City” series; photographic works that began as performance art in 2005. Helped by his assistants, Bolin stands still for hours in a landscape while they paint on him to create a camouflage, blending him into his surroundings. Bolin states:
“My intention was not to disappear in the environment but instead to let the environment take possession of me.”
Bolin is not looking for a way to disappear as an individual but insists on the damages caused by the economic and urban development on the individuals. This is a kind of silent hold where the human being loses his capacity to integrate. Bolin followed up his Beijing series of Hiding in the City with two derivative series of performances captured in Venice and New York City. Following the method of painting himself into the cityscapes, Liu choose Venice for its significance within the Western art tradition and New York City for the potency of the underlying conflicts between humans and the objects they create. [Source 1, 2]
Founded in 2006 by Flore and Romain Degoul, Galerie Paris-Beijing is dedicated to represent emerging and established artists within two main artistic focuses which are contemporary photography and more generally, the Asian art scene. On their website you can find an extensive collection of Liu Bolin’s work.
source: questoloricicloaltervistaorg
Liu Bolin è un originale artista cinese che si fa dipingere tutto il corpo compreso viso, con i colori dello sfondo, ”scomparendo” letteralmente. L’effetto è davvero sorprendente! Eccovi una serie di incredibili performance, alcune delle quali tutte italiane.Nato nel 1973 nella provincia nordica dello Shandong, Liu Bolin si è formato alla prestigiosa Accademia Centrale d’Arte Applicata come studente del noto artista Sui Jianguo, suo mentore agli inizi della carriera, Liu appartiene alla generazione che divenne adulta nei primi anni ’90, quando la Cina risorse dalle ceneri della Rivoluzione Culturale e stava iniziando a intraprendere una rapida crescita economica e una relativa stabilità politica. Liu Bolin è conosciuto soprattutto per la sua serie di foto di performance Hiding in the City in cui tocca i temi universali del rapporto uomo-natura e tra pensiero e potere politico. La ricerca in questo solco è iniziata nel 2006 nel Suojia Village di Pechino, smantellato nel novembre di quell’anno dalle autorità, e non si è ancora arrestata.
Dalla sua prima personale a Pechino nel 1998, il lavoro di Liu Bolin ha ricevuto riconoscimenti internazionali. Tra gli altri eventi, le sue foto e le sculture tipiche della sua produzione sono state esposte nel più importante festival di fotografia contemporanea Les Recontres d’Arles, e ha tenuto mostre personali alla Dashanzi Art Zone di Pechino (2007), alla Galleria Bertin-Toublanc di Parigi (2007), da Eli Klein Fine Art a New York (2008) e alla Galleria Boxart di Verona (2008/2010). Oggi vive e lavora a Pechino.
source: slechtegrappennl
De Chinese kunstenaar Liu Bolin, ook wel de ‘invisible man’, staat er om bekent om zichzelf (en soms anderen) op een zodanige wijze te schilderen dat hij perfect gecamoufleerd is met de achtergrond. Nou Liu, ouwe onzichtbare man, knap staaltje schilderwerk! Chapeau. Wij hebben enkele keren goed moeten zoeken. Kunnen jullie Liu Bolin vinden?
source: bloggoonejp
北京を中心に活動するアーティストliu bolin氏によるカモフラージュ作品。微妙に顔の輪郭や服の凹凸が見えるので、透明人間のように見えてくるアートになっています。