
Local Androids

Like living organisms

Local Androids

source: highlike

Work: “Like living organisms” Is an interactive skin-dress that expresses excitement like between two people when they first meet. Our work breathes; it shows a pulse through its veins on the hips and inflates/deflates the shoulder balloons. When approached it responds by increasing its pulse rate through the veins as if it’s excited. It’s now up to the visitor to respond to this excitement. Upon contact the suit will show it’s vulnerable side by deflating the shoulder balloons. Credits: “Like living organisms”Work by: Local Androids. Engineer: Aduen Darriba.
Photographer: Local Androids
source: vimeo

Like living organisms

It’s an interactive organic skin suit that expresses emotions like between two people when they first meet. It’s all about the first impression.

Our work responds to the visitor by showing a pulse through the veins when being approached. Tension builds up, the closer the viewer get’s to the work, the faster it pulses. The neck, a sensual part of the body, is hidden until someone dares to make contact, then the suit will relax and show it’s vulnerable side.
Project by Local androids, with help of engineers: Ralf Jacobs, Daniel Schatzmayr, Berend-Jan van Dijk