

Лола Дюпре
ولا دوبري

source: onesmallseed

Lola Dupré is a collage artist and illustrator currently working in Glasgow, Scotland. Lola creates a new view on existing and iconic photos or paintings, by using her hands and years of experience in the cutting and pasting department. Her technique is to use thousands of copies and cut outs of an original photo and manipulate the tiny shards of paper into a strange but interesting new vision of the original version.

Dupré collaborates with several photographers to produce her works of art, but she also does commissioned personalized versions for private clients. Imagine how cool a custom made artwork by Lola would look on your living room wall.

Lola Dupré proves you can be a successful artist without the use of expensive materials or a specific talent like painting or designing. Creative thinking, your own vision, a copy machine, scissors, and some glue will do the job.

Lola Dupré:

I think as an artist all you can do is start a dialogue amongst your viewers, for example, I am just about to start a portrait of Julian Assange, in my work I don’t intend to say something is good or bad, just to raise a discussion about something I think should be discussed. This is why I often work with contemporary political images. But indeed with a lot of my work, I find humour and horror to be the most attractive things to people. A new viewpoint of an established norm is my motivation.
source: vividfluxuryblogspot

Madame Peripetie ezúttal Lola Duprével közösen készített sorozatot, melyben a már meglévő fotókhoz egyfajta párként csatlakoznak a kollázsok, melyekről nekem hirtelen a kubista képek is eszembe jutottak, de persze a szürreális “élmény” sem marad el. Pengeéles vonalak váltják a hajlékony formákat – volt már ilyen jobb is, de sebaj, a blogot meg frissíteni kell.
source: damnamazingthingsblogspot

The artist Lola Dupré , the photographs by German photographer Madame peripeteia nachgebastelt as collagen. Wirklich beeindruckend und zu Recht in der aktuellen Ausgabe des Kinki Magazins auf sechs Seiten gefeatured. Really impressive and justice in the current issue of the Kinki magazine featured six pages on.

source: nastplas

Lola Dupré es una artista de collage e ilustradora que trabaja cerca de Góis en Portugal. Lola ha trabajado en Glasgow Escocia, en los estudios Chateau y en los estudios Chalet. Sus collage están hechos a mano con papel, tijeras y pegamento. El trabajo generalmente se monta directamente en madera contrachapada de abedul de 6 o 8 ml tratada en capas.
source: koikoikoi

Lola Dupré è un’artista di Glasgow che crea bizzarre immagini tramite contorni collage fotografici.

I suoi collage sono fatti a mano: stampa molte volte una fotografia, quindi la taglia manualmente in piccoli pezzi e li riassembla per formare una nuova visione, deformata, del soggetto. A volte combina più immagini e occasionalmente i suoi lavori includono penna e pittura.
source: tm4

Lola Dupré é uma artista de colagem e ilustradora que adora compôr suas obras de modo surreal.

Entre cortes e recortes suas colagens são inspiradas em fotos de moda, personalidades e obras famosas. Absolutamente feitas à mão, a artista escocesa adora reinventar formas e desvencilhar o comum do óbvio, trazendo para o olhar um magnetismo e curiosidade sobre as suas distorções um tanto bizarras.

“Tenho um talento natural para assassinar a tecnologia, e prefiro os resultados tangíveis da mídia tradicional”, afirma Dupré.
source: kulturologiaru

Художница из Глазго Лола Дюпре (Lola Dupré) всегда испытывала восхищение, глядя на человеческие лица, в каждом из которых своя красота, своя сила и энергия. Поэтому не удивительно, что темой своего творчества она избрала портретный жанр искусства, хотя довольно нетрадиционный, а коллажированный.

Создание портретов – это целая традиция в истории искусства, это источник постоянных открытий и экспериментов. В своих работах Лола Дюпре обычную фотографию превращает в юмористическую новую реальность. Прекрасные знакомые и незнакомые лица трансформируются в калейдоскопические неузнаваемые портреты.
source: greatwhitechopstick

ローラ デュプレさんは現在、南フランスのアヴィニョンの近くでコラージュアーティスト/イラストレーターとして活躍しています。彼女は、非常に詳細かつ骨折コラージュの芸術を作成します。彼女の作品は、紙、はさみと糊で、昔ながらの方法で作られて、非常に詳細かつ骨折コラージュの芸術を作成します。