


source: archdaily

Ma Yansong, founder of MAD.

Ma Yansong graduated from the Beijing Institute of Civil Engineering and Architecture, and went to Yale thanks to the AIA Scholarship for Advanced Architecture Research, where he received his masters degree in Architecture in 2001. Afterwards, Ma Yansong worked at Zaha Hadid’s office in London, and started MAD in 2004.

His strong research background is mixed with a deeper understanding and interpretation of traditional Chinese architecture, inspired by urban typologies such as the hutong and the siheyua. This can be seen in projects such as the Hutong Bubble, the Wooden Sculpture Museum (under construction) and the recently opened Ordos Art & City Museum. MAD’s vision for Beijing 2050 is a bold proposal that opens up debate, challenging what the future of the CBD (Central Business District, an area populated by tall generic buildings) could be.

Another interesting project is his Absolute Towers in Canada (2006-2012). Not only did the project make Ma Yansong the first Chinese architect to build abroad, it also put his practice on the map.

Ma Yansong represents a new generation of Chinese architects who have the important task of shaping a forward-looking architecture while at the same time understanding their rapidly growing country’s past. MAD also sponsors a travel scholarship.MAD’s office is located in a hutong neighbourhood in Beijing, where Ma Yansong works with principals Dang Qun and Yosuke Hayano.
source: globalasia

Ma Yansong nacido en 1975 en Beijing es el fundador de MAD, empresa que trabaja en el desarrollo de la arquitectura futurista basada en una interpretación contemporánea del espíritu oriental de la naturaleza.
source: renren


畢業於耶魯大學,師從扎哈 哈迪德(Zaha Hadid)。畢業後於Zaha在倫敦的事務所工作,後來又於彼得 埃森曼(Peter Eisenman)在紐約的事務所工作。2004年回北京成立MAD北京事務所。

馬巖松獲2001年美國建築師學會(AIA)建築研究獎金,2006年度紐約建築聯盟青年建築師獎。2008 年他的建成作品紅螺會所被英國倫敦設計博物館入選2007年度設計獎并被ICON雜志提名為當今最具影響力的20名設計師之一。2008年馬巖松被香港的南華早報評為年度設計師。2006年MAD建築事務所在加拿大多倫多ABSOLUTE超高層國際競賽裡中標的“夢露大廈”設計(2009年建成),成為歷史上首位在國外贏得重大標志性項目的中國建築師。目前正在建設中的項目包括天津濱海新區358米高層——中鋼國際廣場,內蒙古鄂爾多斯博物館以及迪拜世界島东京島的規劃設計。2008年9月,馬巖松成為受第11届威尼斯雙年展邀請參展的最年輕建築師。