MAD architects
chicago lucas museum
source: dezeen
MAD has now unveiled the design for the building, which will present a history of the moving image using Lucas’ existing collection and new additions. Studio Gang is creating the landscaping for the site as well as a new bridge to connect the museum to the nearby Northerly Island peninsula, which has not been made public yet.
The result is a curving white stone building with extremities that extend into the landscape, creating a platform above the main entrance. At the highest point, a flat top is covered by a “floating” disc, forming a sheltered viewing area that offers visitors vistas of Chicago and Lake Michigan.
Slices cut out of the facade provide space for slivers of glazing, while three levels of exhibition spaces form “infinite loops” inside, according to the designers. A large, open lobby area inside the entrance described as an “urban living room” is lit by a central skylight.
“The Lucas Museum design is both futuristic and timeless,” said the team in a statement. “Its continuous, undulating organic surface blurs the line between structure and landscape. As the harbour rises up to the land, it merges with stone surfaces that reach up to the sky and ultimately crescendo into a ‘floating’ disc.”
The museum will occupy a site near some of Chicago’s existing institutions on a stretch of land that has become known as Museum Campus. Studio Gang’s design will connect the new building to the park the firm created on Northerly Island.
MAD founder Ma Yansong, whose current projects include a complex of buildings in Beijing meant to emulate the forms of classical Chinese landscape paintings, said he wanted to make the museum building appear like a “wave” coming out of the ground.
“The green space, the public park is a great asset for Chicago and I want our building to blend into this environment, so you don’t tell where the building is, where the park is,” he said. “You will see the building as a landscape in front of all these modern skyscrapers.”
“Our museum is not in the city, not in the downtown area. It is on the edge of the artificial and nature. So I was thinking, maybe our architecture can bring the nature force, like water waves.”
Chicago-based studio VOA Associates will act as the executive architect to implement MAD’s design.
“We are bringing together some of the top architects in the world to ensure that our museum experience begins long before a visitor ever enters the building,” said George Lucas, in a statement published in July when the architects for the project were announced. “I am thrilled with the architectural team’s vision for the building and the surrounding green space.”
source: qdaily
在今年 7 月赢得芝加哥卢卡斯叙事艺术博物馆( Lucas Museum of Narrative Art )的设计权后,中国建筑师马岩松领衔的 MAD 建筑事务所今日公布了该项目的设计方案,而它看起来就像是一座充满未来感的金字塔。
计划中的卢卡斯叙事博物馆,将展出多达 50 万件电影纪念品,成为大众体验叙事艺术以及了解从插图到电影院和数字艺术发展历程的聚集地。此前,包括旧金山、芝加哥以及洛杉矶在内的 3 个城市都在争取这一博物馆,最终,“星球大战之父”乔治·卢卡斯( George Lucas )没有选择将这座私人博物馆建在自己生活了大半辈子的旧金山,而选择了在美国建筑历史上占有重要地位的城市芝加哥。
卢卡斯叙事艺术博物馆选址在芝加哥市中心密歇根湖畔的博物馆公园,紧邻芝加哥学派代表人物密斯·凡·德罗( Mies Van Der Rohe )设计的麦考密克展览中心( McCormick Place ),占地面积 17 英亩,建筑规模 4 万平米。
在看到马岩松的设计方案时,乔治·卢卡斯称:“ MAD 建筑师团队对博物馆及沿湖绿色空间的畅想是激动人心的设计,我也期待向芝加哥和世界展现我们的设计。”此外,来自芝加哥的 Studio Gang 工作室将设计博物馆的景观桥,美国 VOA 建筑事务所将担协助 MAD 完成执行建筑设计工作。
博物馆的整体外型呈现出山峦起伏的样子,白色的外立面自下延伸至附近的水面,往上则向天际延伸,在周围高楼林立的块状天际线的包裹下,卢卡斯叙事艺术博物馆柔和的外部曲线给人流动的感觉,仿佛是高楼丛林中一座低矮的小山。在 MAD 的设计理念中,马岩松就是要让这座博物馆成为一个整体连续的场所体验,把周围的城市空间与环境融为一体,让博物馆成为人与自然相遇的大地艺术。
“我们希望这个项目能代表芝加哥建筑的未来。”马岩松说。这与乔治·卢卡斯的设想一拍即合,“这将是能推动 21 世纪设计的项目。”在马岩松看来,“ 21 世纪的建筑将是有机建筑,或者可以说是景观建筑,它会是人与自然相融创造出来的新型空间。”
在 MAD 的设计方案中,马岩松希望博物馆是一个有机结构的建筑,看上去就像是从一旁湖畔边的土壤中自然生长出来一样。外部的墙面是如同金字塔一般堆叠的石块,在计算机的精确计算下,每一块石块都有一个合适的角度,构成整个的外部结构。在建造过程中,设计团队将选用保温功能极佳的天然石材,设计团队认为,灯光及其他设备都有可能产生大量热量,再加上外部石块的抵御,即便到了冬天,博物馆也无需专门的供暖设备。
卢卡斯叙事艺术博物馆的内部空间拥有一个被命名为“城市天穹”的巨大穹窿,这里可举行临时展览, 音乐会等多种城市活动。穹顶中央,外部的自然光线倾泻而下,意图激发游客探索上部空间的好奇心。环绕穹顶的是一个大型展厅,沿着斜坡螺旋上升,被设计为一段引领游客穿越时空的旅程。当游客最终抵达博物馆的最高位置时,将进入一个漂浮 360 度的全景观景台,既可以观赏博物馆公园的湖畔美景,亦可以眺望芝加哥曼妙的建筑群制造出来的天际线。
那向来对建筑挑剔的芝加哥市民怎么看待卢卡斯叙事艺术博物馆呢?因装修风格过于前卫,芝加哥的军人球场( Soldier Field )就曾饱受当地居民非议,相比之下,唐纳德·特朗普( Donald Trump )的川普大楼( Trump Tower )就要好得多。
VOA 建筑事务所的首席执行官 Mike Toolis 表示:“我们估计(卢卡斯叙事艺术博物馆)会听到很多批评的声音,但我认为对于那些懂得欣赏建筑的人以及芝加哥的建筑领域来说,这个设计方案应该被人接受。”
待到 2019 年项目落成后,你可以欣赏到英国插画家约翰·坦尼尔创作的《爱丽丝漫游仙境》插图,美国插画家杰西·威尔科克斯·史密斯 1911 年的作品《小红帽》以及很多珍贵的插图漫画绘图和电影海报,还有一部分出自诺曼·洛克威尔之手的画作。