
Marcel·lí Antúnez Roca


Marcel·li Antunez Roca

source: highlike

Work: EPIZOO (1994)

The Epizoo performance enables the spectator to control Marcel.lí’s body by means of a mechatronic system. This system comprises a body robot, which is an exoskeleton worn by the performer, a computer, a mechanical body control device, a vertical projection screen, two vertical lighting rigs and sound equipment.

The orthopaedic robot mechanism is held to the body by two metal moulds, a belt and a helmet, into which the pneumatic mechanisms are fitted. These mechanisms can move Marcel.lÌ’s nose, buttocks, pectorals, mouth and ears while the artist remains standing upright on a rotating circular platform during the performance. The pneumatic devices are in turn connected to a system of computer controlled electro valves and relays. An exclusive application with an interface similar to a videogame is run by the computer. Its eleven interactive scenes include several computer generated animated sequences that recreate the figure of the artist and indicate the position and movement of the mechanisms. In this way the user can control the lighting, images and sound as well as the artist’s body by using the mouse.

In the art world, Epizoo is an early example of the application of computer technology to the human body. This performance is probably the first to feature a remote control device enabling the spectator to control onstage elements including the artist’s body. Epizoo has aroused great interest since its opening and to date it has been performed in more than fifty cities in Europe, America and Asia.
source: marceliantunez

The onstage action takes place in a rectangular space, with a large overhead projection screen at the back. At the front of the stage there are four musical robots inspired by a guitar, a drum, a set of bagpipes and a violin. Marcel.lÌ Ant·nez Roca, the sole performer, wears an exoskeletal body interface (dreskeleton) made of metal and plastic fitted to his body. This orthopaedic mechanism enables the digital reading of body movements and also of the network of switches measured to the body. Thanks to software written specifically for this work it is possible to process and control the images projected onto the screen in real time, as well as the robots and the music, in other words all the aspects that make up this work.

Aphasia is a term meaning an inability to understand thought as expressed in spoken or written word by reason of some brain disease. This title sums up Marcel.lÌ’s remarkable interpretation of Homer’s Odyssey. The plot of this classical myth has been refashioned into a series of images and sounds that Marcel.lÌ controls by means of the dreskeleton. A sequence of non-verbal situations creates a broken and disturbing narration. The original verse has been substituted by a wide-ranging interactive landscape. The spectator is situated, for example, on a psychedelic island of lotus-eaters, or watches Circe in an animated cartoon version or yet again, the sirens consummating an orgiastic ritual.

This performance has been awarded many prizes: the Best New Media in Montreal in 1999, the Aplaudiment Arts Parteatrals FAD in Barcelona 2000, the Premio Max for alternative scenic arts Spain 2001. To date it has been performed in cities in Spain, Norway, Italy, Sweden, France, Canada, Portugal, Holland, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Russia, Switzerland and Korea.
source: premsagencatcat

Performance mecatrònica interactiva presentada per primera vegada el 1994. Un robot corporal en forma d’exoesquelet pneumàtic permet a l’espectador controlar el
cos del performer. L’exosquelet robòtic d’ Epizoo es sosté al cos mitjançant dos motllos metàl·lics, cinturó i casc, on estan acoblats els mecanismes pneumàtics. Aquests poden moure el nas, les natges, els pectorals, la boca i les orelles de Marcel·lí Antúnez Roca, que figura dret sobre una plataforma circular giratòria.

Els mecanismes pneumàtics estan connectats a un sistema d’electrovàlvules i relès que, s’activen des de l’ordinador. El programa recorda a un vídeojoc, amb onze entorns gráfics i la figura recreada de l’artista. L’usuari pot controlar, gràcies al ratolí, el cos de l’artista, la llum, les imatges i el so. Aquesta performance és probablement, el primer dispositiu que va permetre el control telemàtic de l’espectador sobre el dispositiu escènic, incloent el cos del performer. Epizoo ha tingut des de la seva estrena un ampli ressò internacional i s’ha presentat fins ara a més de cinquanta ciutats d’Europa, Amèrica i Àsia.