Mark Reigelman
source: contemporist
Mark Reigelman has created NidoSilla, a temporary site-specific installation as a part of the annual DECODE design festival in Monterrey, Mexico.
About the project
NidoSilla was fabricated and installed outside of a former school, Adolfo Prieto Escuela, within Fundidora Park, a 350 acre urban sustainable public park located in Monterrey Mexico. Until the late 80’s the site was owned and operated by Monterrey Steel as a fully functioning Steel foundry. The park preserved many of the industrial buildings and objects from the foundry making it a famous Archeological Industrial Site in Mexico. The Adolfo Prieto Escuela, previously used by the children of foundry workers, is now operated by CONARTE as a creative hub in Monterrey and currently the backdrop for NidoSilla.
Reigelman was invited to create a site specific installation as a part of the annual DECODE design festival in Monterrey. DECODE is a three-day event organized by the founder of Designaholic, Jorge Diego Etienne, and Toc Toc founder Alexis Del Toro. The goal of the event is to celebrate and promote contemporary industrial design, creativity and innovation through workshops, lectures, exhibitions, screenings and installations.
Reigelman was particularly drawn to the juxtaposition within Fundidora Park. At every turn enormous steel foundry artifacts collide with the trees, lakes and rivers of the public park. His approach is based on this premise and he wanted to capture this juxtaposition within his installation. To do this, Reigelman created two identities, one for the DECODE event and one for the school where the work would be installed. The site, a former school, symbolizes growth, community and knowledge and was assigned a nest as its visual representative. The DECODE event, a festival celebrating design as a creative discipline, was assigned a chair as its representative. These two identities were forced to collide which created NidoSilla (NestChair).
source: urdesignmag
New York-based artist Mark Reigelman has conceived NidoSilla (NestChair), a site specific installation as part of the DECODE design festival program in Monterrey, Mexico. NidoSilla was fabricated and installed outside of a former school, Adolfo Prieto Escuela, within Fundidora Park, a 350 acre urban sustainable public park. Until the late 80’s the site was owned and operated by Monterrey Steel as a fully functioning Steel foundry. The park preserved many of the industrial buildings and objects from the foundry making it a famous Archeological Industrial Site in Mexico. The Adolfo Prieto Escuela, previously used by the children of foundry workers, is now operated by CONARTE as a creative hub in Monterrey and currently the backdrop for NidoSilla.
Reigelman was particularly drawn to the juxtaposition within Fundidora Park. At every turn enormous steel foundry artifacts collide with the trees, lakes and rivers of the public park. His approach is based on this premise and he wanted to capture this juxtaposition within his installation. To do this, Reigelman created two identities, one for the DECODE event and one for the school where the work would be installed. The site, a former school, symbolizes growth, community and knowledge and was assigned a nest as its visual representative. The DECODE event, a festival celebrating design as a creative discipline, was assigned a chair as its representative. These two identities were forced to collide which created NidoSilla.
DECODE is a three-day event organized by the founder of Designaholic, Jorge Diego Etienne, and Toc Toc founder Alexis Del Toro. The goal of the event is to celebrate and promote contemporary industrial design, creativity and innovation through workshops, lectures, exhibitions, screenings and installations.
source: zeutch
L’artiste new-yorkais Mark Reigelman a conçu une installation dans le cadre du programme du festival de design DECODE à Monterrey, au Mexique. NidoSilla a été fabriqué et installé à l’extérieur d’une ancienne école, Adolfo Prieto Escuela.
source: photozhulong
蒙特雷DECODE设计节到来之际,Mark Reigelman设计了此项特别的巨型椅子。设计所在地为一处公园的一个入口,这里曾是铸造工人的孩子曾经就读的一所学校,如今却成为了一座新型的创造性社区。
椅子大约,长约14英尺,宽约14英尺,高约30英尺。其阀座的结构对象是由一个木制底座使用2 x 6板钢筋与3/4夹板和不锈钢硬件构成。它支持后方的椅子腿和靠背部分。这些垂直组件连接水平方向的组件构成座位部分。设计者创建丰富、大胆的掩饰框架,125张3/4夹板被划为两种不同深浅的绿色,切成4 x 12条。12000多人用时10天,使用了大约48000个钉子来完成安装。
source: thecitylovesyou
Una silla robo miradas en Monterrey y en el mundo, esto se debe a su enorme tamaño pues son 8 metros de altura los que forman la gigantesca instalación hecha por el artista Mark Reigelman bajo el nombre de “NidoSilla”.
La monumental pieza fue construida en su totalidad en el estado, los cimientos y el material fueron tomando forma aquí mismo hasta completar lo que se pudo ver desde una distancia considerable y a los ojos de muchos. Esta instalación hace referencia a dos elementos, los nidos y las silla, de ahí el nombre, haciendo una mezcla de significados pues el nido simboliza el hogar, un grupo y la seguridad, mientras que la silla simboliza el diseño industrial contemporáneo.
NidoSilla dio la bienvenida a aproximadamente 500 personas que asistieron al Festival de Diseño DECODE, al frente de la Escuela Adolfo Prieto dando un contraste con su fachada y arquitectura además de que sirvió para dar color y sombra.
source: kulturologiaru
На территории известного мексиканского парка Фундидора не так давно появилась внушительная инсталляция в виде девятиметрового кресла. Несмотря на впечатляющие размеры, установка удачно вписалась в ландшафт.
Бруклинский художник Марк Ригельман (Mark Reigelman), прославившийся благодаря гигантским скульптурам и интерактивным установкам, порадовал своих поклонников новой масштабной инсталляцией, изображающей огромное зелёное кресло.
Инсталляция была установлена в Фундидора-парк – огромном парковом комплексе, расположенном в мексиканском Монтеррее на территории бывшего металлургического завода. В рамках проходящего в парковом комплексе фестиваля дизайна DECODE, Ригельману было поручено создать нечто, что идеально вписывалось бы в ландшафт и отвечало современным представлениям о промышленном дизайне.
В основе девятиметровой инсталляции лежит деревянный каркас, на котором закреплены доски различного размера из фанеры и нержавеющей стали, выкрашенные в два различных оттенка зелёного. Любопытно, что при возведении конструкции, задние ножки и спинка кресла были подняты и удерживались в таком положении вручную, пока остальные добровольцы закрепляли передние ножки будущего гигантского произведения. На возведение установки ушло десять дней, при том, что в проекте было задействовано двадцать человек.
Предыдущая скульптура мастера, «Большой пикник» (The great picnic), также запомнилась зрителям благодаря внушительным размерам. Модульная установка обыгрывает беззаветную любовь американцев к дружеским и семейным посиделкам на природе с лёгкими закусками и барбекю.