
Marshmallow Laser Feast

Marshmallow Laser Feast   Laser Forest

source: digitalmantra

O estúdio criativo Marshmallow Laser Feast, se dedica a criar experiências artísticas criativas. O último projeto dos caras, o Laser Forest, produzido para a Bienal de Eindhoven, envolveu uma enorme instalação de quase 450 metros quadrados, composta por mais de 150 “árvores” musicais feitas de varas e lasers.

Marshmallow Laser Feast e a Floresta de lasers interativos

O público pode explorar livremente o espaço, batendo fisicamente, agitando, arrancando e vibrando as árvores para acionar sons e lasers, provocando uma experiência coletiva bem interativa. Devido à elasticidade natural do material, a interação com as árvores fazia com que elas oscilassem, criando padrões de vibração de luz e som. Cada árvore estava sintonizada com um tom específico, criando sons harmoniosos espacializados e jogados através de um sistema de som surround poderoso, e quanto mais gente, mais legal ficava o experimento.

A instalação foi projetada para trazer para fora em adultos os sentimentos de curiosidade e admiração, que são tão viva e evidentes nas crianças.
source: wiadomoscionetpl

Projekt był częścią pokazów odbywających się podczas festiwalu “Abandon Normal Devices”, na którym prezentowano sztukę, w tym kinową, stworzoną za pomocą urządzeń cyfrowych. Festiwal zorganizowano w zeszłym tygodniu właśnie na terenie lasu Grizedale.

Widzowie mogli założyć słuchawki, które wibrowały, imitując naturalne wrażenia słuchowe.

Barney Steel, jeden z założycieli grupy “Marshmallow Laser Feast” powiedział, że połączenie nowoczesnych urządzeń i przyrody pozwoliło gościom festiwalu dowiedzieć się, jak zwierzęta przetwarzają sygnały optyczne, co z pewnością pozwoliło uczestnikom lepiej zrozumieć świat przyrody.
source: journal-du-designfr

Forest est la dernière installation du studio de création Marshmallow Laser Feast, composée de Memo Akten, Robin McNicholas et Barney Steel. Depuis deux ans, ce studio s’intéresse particulièrement à la réalisation d’expériences interactives à travers la lumière.

Comme son nom l’indique, Forest comprend une forêt de 150 tiges flexibles pourvues de laser au sommet. Elle a été installée dans une usine désaffectée à l’occasion de la STRP Biennale à Eindhoven le mois dernier. Lorsqu’une fibre est touchée par le public, elle émet un son et des signaux lumineux, un véritable instrument interactif !
source: tudou

《Laser Forest》是由创意工作室Marshmallow Laser Feast制作的大型交互设计音乐激光装置作品,近期于荷兰埃因霍温首次展出。这个大型交互作品占地450平方米,包含150棵由激光和电线组成的“音乐树”,观众可以任意探索其中,触摸、摇晃、拨弄音乐书,从而触发音乐和激光。由于材料自有的弹性,当观众与音乐树互动,作品自然而然的摆动,呈现漂亮的线条和声音。每棵音乐树载有独特的音调,通过强大的环绕立体声音响发出悦耳的声音。作者想通过这个装置作品调动出成年人内心对世界的好奇心,结果可见一斑。
source: marshmallowlaserfeast

‘Forest’ is a large interactive musical laser installation. Commissioned by and premiered at the STRP Biennale in Eindhoven, this giant interactive forest covers almost 450 square meters and is composed of over 150 musical ‘trees’ made of rods and lasers. The audience can freely explore the space, physically tapping, shaking, plucking, and vibrating the trees to trigger sounds and lasers. Due to the natural springiness of the material, interacting with the trees causes them to swing and oscillate, creating vibrating patterns of light and sound. Each tree is tuned to a specific tone, creating harmonious sounds spatialized and played through a powerful surround sound setup.

The installation is designed to bring out in adults those feelings of curiousity and wonderment which are so alive and evident in children.

Forest exists as a tourable interactive installation, open to the public, and also a performance. The performance premiered at the STRP Biennale opening, consisting of 12 local children between the age of 8 and 12 years old. They were choreographed to move around the space, strumming and triggering the lasers and sounds.
source: marshmallowlaserfeast

Marshmallow Laser Feast is a creative studio working at the intersection of art and technology. With over 20 years of industry experience between them, MLF was founded in 2011 by Memo Akten, Robin McNicholas and Barney Steel, each successful, multi-talented artists in their own right. As a group, MLF creates groundbreaking work of epic artistic proportions, consistently seeking collaborations across disciplines.

In 2012, MLF created two landmark productions. The first, “Meet Your Creator,” opened the 22nd Saatchi & Saatchi New Directors’ Showcase at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity. MLF worked as creative and technical directors, and their theatrical performance became nothing short of a cultural landmark: sixteen illuminated, flying robot “quadrotors,” intricately choreographed to Oneohtrix Point Never musician Daniel Lopatin’s electronic soundtrack, reflected light beams on the stage to awe-inspiring effect.

MLF also designed and directed the video for McLaren’s P1 launch, in collaboration with photographer James Medcraft. Using long exposure photography, light painting, and animation, while being driven by real-life wind tunnel data and motion control rigs, MLF created a sexy, avant-garde interpretation of the car.

In just two years, MLF has earned a reputation for creating things that aren’t seemingly possible—for producing installations that push boundaries, redefine expectations and amaze audiences.