Cloud Installation
source: dezeen
Canadian interior designers Mason Studio filled a warehouse with luminous clouds as a calming space amid the hustle and bustle of the Toronto Design Offsite Festival last month (+ slideshow).
Behind layers of scrunched-up tissue paper, the installation was filled with motion-sensitive devices that triggered a system of concealed lighting.
As visitors approached, each cloud would start to glow, but when that person walked away the lights would slowly die down.
“The installation was an attempt to pull festival goers out of the commotion and noise that inevitably surround design festivals, to provide a space of tranquil and rest, if even for a fleeting moment,” explains Mason Studio.
Gentle music accompanied the installation, helping to block out the noise from outside.
The Toronto Design Offsite Festival ran from 21 to 27 January as a showcase of the best in Canadian design. Projects on show included a matte steel sink with a polished patch in the centre that provides a mirror.
Clouds have inspired a number of design installations in recent years. Makoto Tanijiri of Suppose Design Office filled an exhibition with clouds back in 2009, while Tokujin Yoshioka filled a showroom with mist in 2011. See more weather-related design on Dezeen.
Here’s a few words from Mason Studio:
Mason Studio, the Toronto-based interior design firm, created a large series of gentle, cloud-like objects to form a site-specific installation nestled in a side-street warehouse. In part of Toronto Design Offsite Festival ’13, the installation was an attempt to pull festival goers out of the commotion and noise that inevitably surround design festivals, to provide a space of tranquil and rest, if even for a fleeting moment.
Fabricated from large sheets of semi-transparent tissue paper, the warehouse was engulfed with the billowing forms to submerge the visitors in a glow emulating the soft filtration of light by clouds at dusk. The ethereal installation was accompanied by a resonating soundscape, producing a numbing white noise to block any extraneous noises.
The motion-sensitive objects were reactive to the surrounding users and environment. Upon inspection, the forms gently intensified with light; walking away, they reverted back to neutral, leaving a trail of dark.
source: mason-studio
Mason Studio is a team of creative design professionals harnessing the power of a multi-disciplinary approach to create unified and captivating interior environments.
With our net of talented specialists in interior, graphic, web and industrial design, we are able to capture the fundamental values of our clients from every angle to maximize the full potential of a project.
The partners of Mason Studio, Ashley Rumsey and Stanley Sun, have extensive experience designing and managing retail, commercial and hospitality projects around the world for top-level international clients.
Ashley Rumsey (BID, LEEP AP) is a specialist in design and visual arts through studies at leading Canadian and Australian institutions. She has worked with multiple top Canadian design firms on projects in the United States, South America, Europe and the Middle East. She was a lead designer for a highly respected Toronto & New York based studio designing and managing large scale hospitality, retail and residential projects.
Stanley Sun (BID, BSc, NCIDQ, IDC, ARIDO, BCIN) is trained in design, fine arts and sciences from multiple academic institutions across Canada and Asia. He has worked for respected firms in North America, Europe and South East Asia and held the position of Lead Designer for a London, UK based multi-disciplinary design studio. He has developed numerous cross-disciplinary brand solutions for retail shops, exhibitions, hotels, commercial offices and concept spaces.
The story
Ashley and Stanley met as fledglings in design school and formed an immediate bond, sharing one mind in design values, aspirations and the inability to accept status quo. They grew and evolved together, constantly changing paths but always on the same track. In their travels, they have seen what works, and more importantly, what doesn’t.
Mason Studio was born as the child of their experiences. Over the years, they have come to fully respect the level of skill and dedication that is required in the process of any design. They are devoted to their professional craft, like a Mason is to his.
source: blogdeldiseno
Para el Toronto Design Offsite Festival 2013 el estudio de diseño Mason Studio ha creado una instalación que desafía el ruido de nuestra vida diaria, tratando plasmar la realidad en una obra de ficción.
Una serie de objetos con forma de nubes gentiles crea una exhibición que envuelve al espacio y establece un momento de tranquilidad etérea.
Los objetos sensibles al movimiento reaccionan a su entorno circundante.
Tras la inspección las formas emanan rápidamente con la luz, se distancian y vuelven a la neutralidad dejando un rastro de oscuridad.
El papel de seda transparente ha sido escogido para esta instalación por su capacidad de ondulación.
source: examplepl
W związku z Design Offsite Festival 2013, który odbywa się w Toronto, kanadyjscy projektanci z Mason Studio stworzyli ciekawą instalację. W szczególności dla miłośników chmur. Ogromna postindustrialna przestrzeń została wypełniona papierowymi formami imitującymi chmury. Gra świateł modulowana przez zagięcia papierowych struktur wygląda spektakularnie. Podoba nam się bardzo!
source: journal-du-designfr
Les designers canadiens de Mason Studio ont investi un entrepôt à l’occasion du Toronto Design Festival. Ils ont créé un espace calme et moelleux à l’aide de nuages lumineux en papier de soie. Le but était d’offrir aux festivaliers un lieu à l’abri de l’agitation et du tumulte de l’évènement.
L’installation a été pourvue de capteurs de mouvement qui déclenchent un système d’éclairage placé dans chaque nuage. De manière à ce qu’à l’approche d’un visiteur, le nuage s’éclaire puis s’éteint progressivement dès que ce dernier s’éloigne. Le tout est accompagné d’une musique douce (production: aftermodernlab) pour optimiser cette ambiance délicate et légère.
source: tdwa
カナダのインテリアデザイナーであるMason Studioは先月行われたトロントデザインウィークのオフサイドイベントで倉庫を光り輝く雲で覆い、喧騒の中の安らぎの空間を与えています。
「このインスタレーションの目的はトロントデザインウィークのオフサイドイベントに参加している人が、このイベントにあふれている喧騒から離れて静かな時間を提供することにあります。」とMason Studioは説明しています。
雲は近年、多くのデザインインスタレーションに影響を与えています。Suppose Design Officeの谷尻誠は2009年に展示場を雲でいっぱいにしました。一方、吉岡 徳仁は2011年にショールームを霧でいっぱいにしました。Dezeenの天気に関係するデザインの記事はこちらをご覧ください。
トロントを基盤としたインテリアデザイン会社のMason Studioは、静かで雲のようなものを作りました。この場所に特化して作ったインスタレーションは、わき道の倉庫にあります。トロントデザインウィーク2013のオフサイトイベントにおいて、インスタレーションは道行く人がデザインウィークのようなイベントにはつきものの喧騒から逃れて静かで安らかな空間を提供することが目的として作りました。