

ماثيو مازوتا

open house

Matthew Mazzotta

source: highlike

Work: OPEN HOUSE is a transforming theater in York, Alabama Artist Matthew Mazzotta, the Coleman Center for the Arts, and the people of York Alabama have teamed up to work together and transform a blighted property in York’s downtown into a new public art project this is in the shape of a house, but can physically transform into a 100 seat open air theater, free for the public. Through open conversations, hard work and planning we have developed a project that uses the materials from an abandoned house as well as the land it sits on to build a new smaller house on the footprint of the old house. However this new house has a secret, it physically transforms from the shape of a house into an open air theater that seats 100 people by having its walls and roof fold down. We call our project ‘Open House’. Open House lives mostly in the form of a house between the grocery store and the post office, reminding people what was there before, but it opens up when the community wants to enjoy shows, plays, movies, and any other event people can think of that supports community life here in York. When the theater is folded back up into the shape of a house the property is a public park for anyone to enjoy. Open House was awarded grants from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Visual Artist Network, as well as individual contributions Special Thanks to: Jegan Vincent De Paul – Architectural Designer Cory Vineyard – Carpenter Curtis Oliveira – Set Designer.
Image: Courtesy of Open House.
source: dezeen

This house in Alabama folds open to provide seating for an open-air performance space (+ movie).

Sections of the house-shaped structure designed by artist Matthew Mazzotta are hinged and unfold to reveal rows of seating inside the walls and under the roof.

Community organisation Coleman Center for the Arts and local residents teamed up with Mazzotta to demolish a derelict house in the centre of York, Alabama, and repurpose its materials and site for new public space – an amenity lacking in the town.

“Public space is an important element for the social and political health of a community,” Mazzotta told Dezeen. “If there is nowhere for people to come together and talk, except for the grocery store, then the conversations about the town are much less dynamic and inclusive.”

The original abandoned building
The team took the abandoned dwelling apart by hand to salvage timber boards, window frames and anything else reusable. The fire department then levelled the remaining debris using a controlled blaze.

The new structure sits on the same plot as the original house and is built on top of reclaimed railway sleeper foundations. The project was completed seven months after the idea was initiated.

The fire department burn down the remains of the original building
Opening along the top ridge in five sections on each side. Hinges are located along the ground and seams halfway down the sides of the roof.

The large sections are lowered down in two stages and each requires a few people to move them at a time.

Once fully unfolded, five rows of seating in three lines face an open area that can be used for film screenings, musical performances and town meetings.

“People that sit together can dream together and have a moment to collectively see their town from a new perspective, and have a moment to express that to one another,” Mazzotta said.

Present at the opening event, Mazzotta noticed that everyone made themselves at home in the outdoor theatre straight away:

“People took right to it and started dancing and having a good time,” he said. “When we showed the movie, all the kids sat and laid all over it like it was their living room.”

“Overall there is just a real positive attitude towards the project since it cleaned up such an eyesore and now provides such an enjoyable experience, both through the events and the design,” said Mazzotta.

We recently published a home in Paraguay with a roof that lifts up like the lid of a box, and other moving buildings we’ve featured include a house that would shape-shift in different weather and structures that would roll along railway tracks.

Other outdoor theatres on Dezeen include an outdoor stage in Estonia made entirely from timber batons and a temporary canal-side cinema under a London motorway flyover.

Read on for more information from the project organisers:

202 Main Street, York, Alabama – between the town post office and the main grocery store.

What happens when an artist is invited to use the resources of a small town to help transform its identity? Artist Matthew Mazzotta, the Coleman Center for the Arts, and the people of York Alabama have teamed up to transform one of York’s most iconic blighted properties into a new public space. Open House is a house with a secret, it physically transforms from the shape of a house into an open air theater that seats one hundred people by having its walls and roof fold down.

Performers at the opening event
On June 15 of this year, a ribbon cutting by the Mayor of York, Gena Robbins, inaugurated Open House. The symbolic gesture was followed with an invocation prayer to bless the project by Reverend Willie, performances by a gospel choir and the local R&B funk band Time Zone, as well as an outdoor film screening of Dr. Suess’s The Lorax. For the town of York, this is the beginning of a series of free public events programed by the Coleman Center for the Arts. A screening of the film Madagascar 3 was shown this past weekend – August 10th at 7:30pm. The theatre is free and open to the public.

How Open House came to be?

In January 2011, artist Matthew Mazzotta was invited by the Coleman Center For The Arts to organise an artwork with the people of York. During Matthew’s initial visit to York, the artist asked people from the community to bring something from their living room so that they could recreate a living room outdoors in the middle of the street as a way to provoke discussion about what were on peoples minds and to generate ideas about what direction they might go in. From this conversation, they developed a project that uses the materials of an abandoned house as well as the land it sits on to build the transforming structure on the footprint of the old house.

How it works?

The metamorphosis of Open House is designed to require cooperation. It takes four people one and a half hours to unfold the structure. The foundation is made of used railroad ties which anchor the custom fabricated industrial hinges to five rows of stadium seating. The rows of seats fold down with the aid of a hand winch and enough manpower to counter balance the hefty, but agile structure.

Critical Impact

Through the project, the artist hopes to directly address the lack of public space in York, AL by providing a physical location that becomes a common ground for community dialogue and activities. The new structure carries the weight of the past through the materials that were salvaged and repurposed from the old structure, most visibly the original pink siding. When Open House is fully unfolded, it provides an opportunity for people to come together and experience the community from a new perspective. When it folds back up, it resembles the original abandoned house, reminding people of the history of what was there before.

Support for Open House provided, in part, by the National Endowment for the Arts, the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, the Visual Artists Network, York Drug, the City of York, the City of York Fire Department and countless individual supporters of the Coleman Center for the Arts and Matthew Mazzotta. A special thanks to Jegan Vincent De Paul, Cory Vineyard, Curtis Oliveira, James Marshall, Elouise Finch, Brenda Carole and Lerene Johnson, Alpha Kappa Alpha of the University of West Alabama, John’s Welding of Meridian, MS, Beany Green, Pam Dorr and CCA employees and Board of Directors.
source: bimbonbr

Pequena casa nos Estados Unidos se desdobra em um espaço público. Fruto da associação entre o artista Matthew Mazzotta, The Coleman Center for the Arts e os cidadãos de York, Alabama.
Casa se desdobra em espaço público.
É entre o hortifruti e o correio da cidade que se encontrava mais uma casa abandonada em um tecido urbano carente de ambientes de convivência. A identificação deste problema levou a idealização da Open House, um projeto coletivo que se reconfigura a partir de uma edificação condenada.
As paredes e telhados dobram-se em uma transformação completa, cujas dobradiças, feitas sob medida, são sustentadas por dormentes de madeira utilizadas em vias férreas.

O espaço suporta até 100 pessoas sentadas.
A Open House pode ser montada em cerca de 1h30, e requer mão de obra especializada.
São cinco fileiras de assentos que comportam até 100 pessoas, que passaram a desfrutar de shows, peças, eventos e exibições de filmes gratuitos.
Casa antiga é reformada em espaço público.
A inspiração de cores e até da própria planta veio da estrutura antiga, de onde foram reutilizados vários materiais.
source: krazyinfo

Casa que se convierte en teatro al aire libre – El artista Matthew Mazzotta es el creador del proyecto “Open House” en colaboración con el Coleman Center for the Arts and the community of York, Alabama. Esta instalación de arte público transforma una casa deteriorada en un rompecabezas. La estructura se despliega para revelar un teatro al aire libre, con capacidad para 100 personas.

La casa que se convierte en teatro al aire libre
El uso del terreno de una casa abandonada en conjunto con los materiales de otra casa abandonada es el marco que dió fruto a este peculiar teatro al aire libre que se abre para espectáculos, obras de teatro, películas, y eventos con la finalidad de unir a la comunidad. Cuando el teatro vuelve a su forma original (la casa), el terreno que rodea la propiedad, se utiliza como parque público para el disfrute de todos. Para que el ‘Open House‘ se convierta en teatro al aire libre, requiere de un grupo de 4 personas durante un periodo aproximado de dos horas.

Fue en el año 2011 que Matthew Mazzotta fue invitado por el Coleman Center for the Arts and the community of York, Alabama con la intención de trabajar en conjunto una obra de arte que se pusiera a disposición de las personas que residen en York, Alabama. ‘Open House‘ se encuentra localizada justo en medio del supermercado de más importancia del pueblo y la oficina de correo. Así, en el verano de 2011, Matthew Mazzotta y su equipo, comenzaron a trabajar en modelos de lo que sería la estructura.

Un año más tarde, ‘Open House’ fue inaugurado por el alcalde de la ciudad y se convirtió en un lugar para reunir los habitantes de York. ‘Open House’, es el ejemplo de la transformación de un edificio abandonado a un espacio de comunidad que provee oportunidades a las personas a reunirse y compartir un espacio en común.
Los eventos públicos gratuitos ofrecidos en ‘Open House’ son programados y autorizados por Coleman Center for the Arts and the community of York, Alabama.
source: propertikompas

Keberadaan ruang publik sebenarnya penting untuk menunjang berbagai kegiatan komunal masyarakat. Namun, tidak semua komunitas mau bergerak untuk menuntut adanya ruang publik di sekitar tempat tinggal mereka. Keengganan ini bisa saja disebabkan oleh aksi protes yang identik dengan hal-hal negatif. Namun, tidak bagi penduduk York, Alabama, Amerika Serikat.

Matthew Mazzotta, seniman asal Amerika Serikat bekerja sama dengan Coleman Center for the Arts, serta penduduk York, membuat teater “lipat” bernama “Open House” sebagai bentuk protes kurangnya ruang publik di daerah tempat tinggal mereka. Reaksi ini muncul akibat banyaknya jumlah rumah kosong yang ditinggalkan pemiliknya. Padahal, lokasi tersebut bisa digunakan untuk hal lain yang lebih berguna.

Aksi protes mereka bisa dicontoh Jakarta. Di sini banyak terdapat proyek properti mangkrak atau rumah-rumah telantar serta lahan yang tidak dimanfaatkan oleh pemiliknya. Ketimbang berlumut dan menjadi sarang sampah masyarakat.

Awalnya, sukarelawan dari Coleman Center for the Arts mengajak penduduk York berkumpul bersama di lapangan terbuka. Secara rutin, para relawan tersebut meminta warga membawa furnitur mereka ke tengah lapangan, kemudian berbincang mengenai kebutuhan mereka di sekitar lingkungan. Hasilnya terungkap bahwa penduduk York memerlukan ruang publik untuk menampung berbagai kegiatan mereka.

Video yang dirilis dalam Designboom menunjukkan sebuah tim membongkar rumah dalam kondisi buruk. Mereka menggunakan berbagai material dari bangunan yang ditinggalkan tersebut untuk membuat proyek “Open House”. Setelah hanya tinggal barang-barang yang sudah tidak bisa digunakan kembali, mereka membakar habis rumah tersebut.

“Open House adalah sebuah ruang yang unik untuk mengadakan acara. Ini merupakan kolaborasi seluruh warga York, Alabama, untuk mengubah sebuah properti menjadi proyek seni tengah kota berbentuk rumah, tetapi bisa diubah menjadi 100 kursi teater terbuka yang dapat digunakan secara cuma-cuma oleh warga,” ujar narator dalam video tersebut. Dalam video, tampak 100 tempat duduk tersebut bisa dimanfaatkan untuk menonton acara musik dan layar tancap.

Selama bertahun-tahun, rumah-rumah yang sudah ditinggalkan pemiliknya ini dibiarkan begitu saja. Semakin lama, keberadaan rumah-rumah tersebut semakin mengganggu. Rumah-rumah ini merusak pemandangan kota. Kini, penduduk setempat memiliki area terbuka yang lengkap dengan tempat duduk praktis untuk melakukan berbagai kegiatan. Tempat ini berada di antara pusat perbelanjaan lokal dan kantor pos. Ketika tidak sedang digunakan, kursi-kursi ini dapat “disulap” dengan cara dilipat. Para penduduk hanya perlu empat orang dan satu setengah jam untuk “membuka” rumah ini hingga menjadi tempat duduk.
source: blognaver

요즘은 도시는 물론 시골에서도 주민들이 모여 예전처럼 이야기와 즐거움을 나누는 공간을 찾아
보기 힘든 것 같다.

York 는 미국 앨라배마주의 도시, 버밍햄 남서쪽에 위치한 작은 마을로 버려진 건물이 많은 곳이라고
한다. 왠지 회색분위기가 느껴질 것 같은 그 마을 또한 접근가능한 지역 커뮤니티 공간이 없었는데,
오늘은 ‘참여 마을 만들기’를 실천하고 있는 디자이너, Matthew Mazzotta 에 의해 완성된 커뮤니티
공간 Open House 를 소개한다.

그냥 보기에는 특별할게 없는 평범한 집처럼 보일 것이다. 하지만 Open House 는 ‘집’이 아니라
‘공간’이다. 그것도 지역 주민들을 위해 버려진 집을 재활용해 만들어진 특별한 공간이다.

변형이 가능한 Open House를 펼치는데 필요한 시간은 성인 세명기준으로 30분에서 한시간 정도라고
하는데, Matthew Mazzotta 는 펼치는 단계부터 지역 주민들이 하나둘 씩 모여 참여를 할 수 있도록
유도 했다고 한다. 그리고 모두 펼치게 되면 주민들이 앉을 수 있는 공간이 완성되는 것이다.

Matthew Mazzotta 는 지역 내 목공장인들, 자원 봉사자들과 함께 7개월에 걸쳐 Open House 를
완성했다고 하며, 한 때는 버려졌지만 재활용되어 새롭게 태어난 공간을 통해 주민들은 이곳에서
공연을 하거나 밤에 영화를 보기도 하면서 함께 즐기고 공감대를 형성하며 위로를 받을 수 있는 것이다.
source: adaymag

雖然如今爲了節省空間,單車、桌椅床鋪、鼠標等不少產品統統推出了可折叠設計,不過當第一次聽到劇場這類公共藝術空間也能夠折叠還是少有驚喜。 由於美國Alabama有不少廢棄舊屋,但是可供民眾娛樂的公共空間卻極少,於是乎美國藝術家Matthew Mazzotta 特意聯手當地群眾及Coleman Center for the Arts建造了這間“Open House”。

採用舊建築的材料重建而成,並且搭配上以舊鐵路枕木製成的基底,雖然位於小鎮郵局和雜貨店附近的“Open House”從外形看來只是個小屋,不過當諸位員工花點力氣將其展開,就立刻能變成一個可以容納100人且配備多排座椅的露天空間,讓周邊的居民能夠在此看看電影和表演,當使用完畢,重新折叠就能變回小屋原貌,讓座椅與地面無需受到風雨日曬的侵蝕,有助延長使用壽命。廢棄舊屋再利用,節省資源又惠民,一石二鳥,絕對值得推廣。
source: kienvietnet

Ý đồ biến hóa một ngôi nhà vô chủ thành một sân khấu mở ngoài trời là một phần của dự án nghệ thuật cộng đồng của nghệ sĩ Mỹ Matthew Mazzotta, trung tâm nghệ thuật Coleman, và cư dân thị trấn York, Alabama (Hoa Kỳ).

Ý tưởng sân khấu xếp-mở này nảy sinh từ nhận thức về sự thiếu hụt không gian công cộng, và số lượng nhà ở bỏ hoang khá cao trong thị trấn. Open House, sân khấu mở được tạo hình từ một gian nhà nhỏ thông thường này đủ rộng cho 100 người.

Tận dụng vật liệu có sẵn từ ngôi nhà bỏ hoang, nhóm thực hiện đồ án dựng nên một mô hình nhỏ hơn của ngôi nhà cũ, trong đó phần nóc nhà và các bức tường có thể xếp gập xuống, tạo ra sân khấu mở. Phần móng của sân khấu được làm từ những thanh tà vẹt đường sắt cũ. Các thanh tà vẹt này đóng vai trò neo những bản lề chế tác riêng cho công trình vào năm hàng ghế khán giả. Việc mở cấu trúc sân khấu ra mất một tiếng rưỡi đồng hồ, đòi hỏi sự hợp sức của bốn người. Việc gấp hàng ghế khán giả xuống cần sự trợ giúp của máy tời xoay tay. Công trình nằm giữa cửa hàng thực phẩm và bưu điện thị trấn. Khi được sử dụng làm sân khấu, nó là nơi tổ chức các chương trình – sự kiện, diễn kịch và chiếu phim cho toàn thể cộng đồng York. Khi không được sử dụng, nó mang hình hài của một căn hộ bình thường. Đồ án là giải pháp trực tiếp cho vấn đề nhà ở bỏ hoang của khu vực, biến một công trình cũ kỹ thành không gian tụ tập mới cho cư dân thị trấn.
source: makocoil

מבחוץ הוא נראה כמו בית עץ ורדרד וקומפקטי, אך המבנה התמים נפתח לכדי תיאטרון פתוח שמכיל כ-100 מושבים. איך זה קרה? האמן מתיו מזוטה (Matthew Mazzotta) החליט להקשיב לקולות המיואשים של תושבי העיר יורק באלבמה, אשר השתוקקו למרחבי תרבות ציבורים, והפך חורבה נטושה ומבוזבזת שעמדה לה במרכז העיר, לבית פתוח שמשמש את הקהילה לאירועים שונים.

את הפרויקט התרבותי יזם מזוטה, בשיתוף עם מרכז האמנויות המקומי. בחזונו ראה האמן כיצד הוא לוקח את הבית הנטוש והמתפורר שעמד בלב השכונה, בין סניף הדואר לצרכנייה, והופך אותו למרחב ציבורי שיעניק לתושביו מרחב משותף לביטוי יצירתי. וכך, בעזרתם של התושבים, פירק האמן את הבית המתפורר, כאשר חלק מחומרי הגלם שפורקו שימשו לבניית המרכז החדש. בתום עבודות הפירוק הגיעו הכבאים מתחנת הכיבוי המקומית על מנת לשרוף את השאריות.

“הבית הפתוח” (OPEN HOUSE) התמקד בהפיכת בית מגורים “לא מתפקד” לפסל של בית שבמצב הסגור שלו אין לו תפקיד, אבל בפתיחתו נהפך למרחב ציבורי להופעות, חגיגות, הרצאות, סרטים והצגות. באמצעות ניצול חומרים מהמבנה המקורי ובעזרת צירים תעשייתיים שהוזמנו במיוחד, נפתח הבית ממצבו המקופל כנדרש על ידי הקהילה.

שטח המגרש עליו היה בנוי הבית הפך לגינה מטופחת וירוקה עבור תושבי האיזור שבמרכזו יצר מזוטה את הבית קטן מעץ אשר נפתח לאולם. המבנה החכם והקומפקטי יכול להפוך תוך 90 דקות ובעזרתם של ארבעה אנשים מבקתת עץ קטנה לאולם תחת כיפת השמים. הבית כולו נפתח לספסלי ישיבה שמזכירים קצת ישיבה של כנסייה. לסרטו המלא לחצו כאן: vimeo.
source: tactiques-constructivesblogspot

La transformation d’un immeuble abandonné dans un théâtre en plein air (gratuit) fait partie d’un projet d’art public entre l’artiste américain Matthew Mazzotta, le centre Coleman pour les arts, et les habitants de York, en Alabama.
Le théâtre découle de l’identification de l’absence d’espaces publics, et le nombre élevé de maisons abandonnées dans la ville.
Au fil des conversations, le groupe de travail a développé un projet qui utilise les matériaux provenant d’une maison abandonnée ainsi que le terrain ou elle repose pour construire une nouvelle maison plus petite sur l’empreinte de la vieille maison. Cependant, cette nouvelle maison a un secret, elle se transforme physiquement dans un théâtre en plein air pouvant accueillir 100 personnes. Le projet est appelé «Open House».
Open House vit principalement sous la forme d’une maison située entre l’épicerie et le bureau de poste, rappelant aux gens ce qui était là avant, elle peut s’ouvrir quand la communauté veut organiser des spectacles, des pièces de théâtre, des films et d’autres événements.
Les toits et les murs de la nouvelle structure se déplient pour compléter la métamorphose et ainsi se créent les gradins. L’ouverture se fait à l’aide d’un treuil à main et de quatre personnes, en seulement une heure et demie.
Quand le théâtre est replié la propriété est un parc public pour la communauté.
source: alfajertv

تلفزيون الفجر الجديد|بنى الفنان “ماثيو مازوتا” في مدينة يورك بولاية ألاباما الأميركية، منزلاً مصمماً بطريقة هندسية تجعله قابلاً للانبساط، ليتحول إلى سينما أو مسرح مكشوف يتسع 100 فرد خلال 90 دقيقة فقط. استغرق في بنائه 7 أشهر، ويتكون من طبقات رأسية ملتصقة ببعضها البعض مكونة هيئة المنزل، هذه الطبقات مقسومة كلياً بالنصف بطريقة رأسية أيضاً، ولكنها عكسية، ليصبح المنزل عن طريق تفكيكه ثم فرده مجموعة من المقاعد التي تتسع إلى 100 فرد مكشوفة للهواء الطلق يمكن استغلاله من أجل عرض أفلام سينمائية أو تقديم أية عروض فنية متنوعة.