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The Wandering Mind of Jesus

Michael Jantzen

source: highlike

Work: The Wandering Mind of Jesus is a conceptual art installation designed to be exhibited in a large gallery. The installation consists of a large statue of Jesus, and a convoluted platform that meanders around the gallery and intersects with the head of the statue. Mounted to the top surface of the meandering platform are a pair of electrified tracks. Whenever visitors to the gallery enter into the exhibition room, the top portion of the head of the statue begins to slowly move over the electrified tracks, on small motorized wheels. The top portion of the head of the statue continues to move randomly back and forth, stopping, and starting, as long as people are in the exhibition room. When it finally returns to its original position over the statue, the top of the head stops for a short time, before it resumes its random convoluted journey.
Photographer: Michael Jantzen
source: michaeljantzen

My work is very well known around the world. It has been featured in thousands of articles in books, magazines, newspapers, and on the Web. My work has been shown in many galleries, and on various TV documentaries. It has also been exhibited at the National Building Museum, the Canadian Center for Architecture, the Harvard School of Design and Architecture, and at the Museum of Modern Art in New York.
source: archiru

Родился в 1948 году. Закончил Университет Южного Иллинойса (1971) и Университет Вашингтона в Сент-Луисе (1973).

Его работы представляют собой смесь актуального искусства, архитектуры и дизайна. Еще студентом он построил несколько экспериментальных домов небольшого размера.

В 2001 он основал Исследовательский институт человеческого жилища [Human Shelter Research Institute].

Одним из последних его проектов стал “М-Хаус” – дом, который можно взять с собой за город на выходные и собрать самостоятельно на любом понравившемся месте.