

Michael Neville

source: highlike
Work: Detroit-based artist and designer Michael Neville created the “Colonial Turd” Rocker series as a material exploration of post-consumer cardboard pulp and natural dyes. The rockers are designed as functional furniture for young children. Neville’s intent was to create playful forms and heirloom quality products using a common recyclable material. The sustainable program of this series is further supported through the use of natural dyes and hardwoods indigenous to North America. Natural dyes such as indigo, madder root and walnut husks were used to create a unique color for each piece.
Photographer: Jojo Chuang
source: inhabitat

Designer Michael Neville created these colorful recycled rockers as a material exploration of post-consumer cardboard pulp and natural dyes. The rockers are designed as functional furniture for young children. Neville’s intent was to create a playful and heirloom quality product using a common recyclable material. The sustainable program of this series is further supported through the use of natural dyes and hardwoods indigenous to North America.
source: catalogodiseno

El diseñador estadounidense Michael Neville ha creado la serie de asientos – mecedoras Colonial Turd como parte de una exploración de uso de materiales post-consumo. La serie, diseñada para la recreación de los niños, esta fabricada fundamentelmante con pulpa de cartón reciclado y tintes naturales. La intención de Michael fue desarrollar un producto de calidad para el juego de los niños que fuese portador de un mensaje vinculado al reciclaje y la sustentabilidad. El mango de cada pieza esta fabricado con madera duras nativas de américa del norte.
source: artintern

Detroit-based designer michael neville has created the ‘colonial turd’ rocker series as a material exploration of post-consumer cardboard pulp and natural dyes. the pieces are designed as functional play furniture for young children that are bight and colorful. the friendly-looking forms and heirloom quality products incorporate common recyclable materials. the sustainability focus of the series is further supported through the use of natural dyes and hardwoods indigenous to north america.
source: roomed

Michael Neville brengt je terug naar de oertijd. Deze meubel- en speelstukken zijn ontworpen voor kinderen. Neville is een artiest en designer uit Detroit. Hij maakt naar eigen zeggen speelse objecten die uitnodigen tot interactie – daar zijn wij het mee eens. Deze kleurrijke schommelstoelen zijn gemaakt van recyclebare materialen.