A3 Animals
source: designboom
netherland based architect michael schoner has developed ‘A3 animals’. these paper masks are made from A3 sized sheets which can be folded into an animal mask and is held together by ordinary office materials: staples and rubber bands. these templates are downloadable in pdf format, printable from any office machine and can be duplicated in mass quantities.
they are available with a rasterized xerox style patterns which plays with the geometric shapes both in its folded and unfolded state.schoner intentionally did not add holes for these masks helping to keep the emphasis on the geometric patterns themselves. users are given the title of ‘paper-shamans’ who are meant to emotionally connect to the animal. eventually as the mask are taken off, these ‘native office artifacts’ much like the animals they represent, decay after a short lifespan in the wastepaper basket.
source: dezeen
Amsterdam designer Michael Schoner has designed a series of paper masks without eye holes that look a bit like animals.
Called A3 Animals, the geometric patterns can be printed out on various sizes of paper and stapled together.
Photographs are by Anika Schwarzlose and Jonas Lund.
The text below is from Schoner:
A3 Animals
The A3 Animals (some of them are actually A2) are a DIN normed piece of paper folded into an animal head that one can wear on his own. It is held together by ordinary office material: staples and rubber bands.
You can download them as pdf, print them on your office machine and duplicate it in mass quantities (if you like) for little money.
They have a pattern on them rasterized Xerox style which plays with geometry in its folded and unfolded state.
When put on the masks become an extension to the body or a sculpture on your head.
There are no holes for the eyes to see through. This way it’s more about the geometric shape you wear on your head.
You are caught in the inside space of the animal and vulnerable to the outside.
source: tdwa
Michael Schonerが考案した動物に変身する紙のマスク「A3 アニマルズ」
「A3 アニマルズ」と呼ばれるこの作品は、様々な大きさの紙に幾何学模様を印刷してホチキスでとめるだけで完成。
写真: Anika Schwarzlose and Jonas Lund.
source: tutdesignru
Проект Michael Schoner – идея, требующая минимальных офисных затрат: бумага, принтер и степлер. Этих вещей вполне достаточно для создания интересных масок животных а-ля 3D. Конечно, врядли они покажутся занимательными абсолютному большинству. Мне же подобные объекты могут пригодиться на нескольких маскарадах, и продержатся в моем гардеробе до Helloween 2010. Зебру, кота, собаку, лису и свинью вы можете загрузить у Michael Schoner на сайте pdf-файлом, а далее следуйте по прилагаемой видео инструкции…
source: fiebermaedchenblogspot
Die Karnevalssaison mag zwar bereits vorbei sein, aber die nächste Kostümparty lässt sicherlich nicht mehr lange auf sich warten. & wie jedes Mal stellt man sich die Frage nach dem perfekten Kostüm bzw. der perfekten Maske (um möglichst anonym zu bleiben). Für Tier- & Kunstliebhaber verschafft das Projekt A3 Animals des deutschen Architekten Michael Schoner Abhilfe. Die geometrischen, in schwarz/weiß gehaltenen Masken, lassen sich hier gegen ein kleines Entgelt downloaden. Falls das Falten der Masken nicht auf Anhieb klappt & ihr nicht zufällig schonmal einen Origamikurs belegt haben solltet, lege ich euch noch diese Videos ans Herz.
source: instintoguapo
Con los elementos de una oficina y con la idea efímera de que terminarán en el tacho de papeles, el diseñador holandés Michael Schoner, creó A3 Animals: máscaras que son “una extensión del cuerpo o una escultura en la cabeza. Sin agujeros para los ojos la idea es estar atrapado en el espacio interior del animal y ser vulnerable con el exterior. Un chamán de papel para conectarse con el animal…”