source: rasterartpl
By using the simplest tools and materials – predominantly paper and cardboard – Michal Budny creates formally restrained models not only of objects, places and situations, but also of phenomena which do not have a fixed material form, such as voice, memory, rain or a ray of sunlight. The meticulously constructed tiny objects and sculptures, as well as the monumental installation or site-specific works by Budny function as an echo of the reality and are at the same time a discreet story about transitoriness, the fading away of the contents with the paper, empty forms and shapes whose sense is difficult to decipher due to the passing of time and their removal in space. Because of the modesty of his material and the freehand nature of the constructions, these works seem to be especially close and homely. They give form and meaning to that which we would previously consider as empty space. In this sense, Budny’s activities are a poetic interpretation of the architecture around us and the ways in which life fills it with meaning.
source: southlondongallery
Polish artist Michał Budny creates models and objects whose apparent fragility belies the meticulous precision of their making. Using simple materials, mainly paper and cardboard, he constructs abstract forms which hint at things and ideas beyond their physical reality. For his SLG exhibition he presents new pieces across the three domestic-scale spaces which together create one installation.
Titles are often significant in Budny’s works, and his South London Gallery show, entitled Author, can be read as an analogy for the creative process, for the moment at which ideas are being formed yet retain the potential to go in any direction. Taking the domestic origins of the gallery spaces as a point of reference, the planks of wood in two of the gallery spaces are immediately understood to be bookshelves, but freshly cut from a single tree and in the absence of books the significance of their form overtakes that of their potential function. Their warped forms suggest the weight of a past history, but this is at odds with their evident newness, as if to encapsulate the impossibility of any thing, thought or idea to be completely new or independent.
source: rasterartpl
Przy użyciu najprostszych narzędzi i materiałów – głównie z papieru i tektury – Michał Budny tworzy formalnego zakazu korzystania modele nie tylko obiektów, miejsc i sytuacji , ale także zjawisk , które nie mają stałej formy materialnej , takich jak głos, pamięci , deszczu lub promień słońca . Pieczołowicie wykonane drobne obiekty i rzeźby , a takżemonumentalna instalacja lub prace site-specific funkcją Budny jako echo rzeczywistości i są jednocześniedyskretny opowieść o przemijaniu ,zanika treści z papieru , puste formy i kształty , których sens jest trudne do odczytania ze względu na upływ czasu i ich usuwania w przestrzeni . Ze względu na skromność jego materiału i charakteru odręcznego z konstrukcji , prace te wydają się być szczególnie blisko i swojsko . Dają one formę i sens tego, co my wcześniej rozważyć jako pustą przestrzeń . W tym sensie działalność Budny sąpoetycka interpretacja architektury wokół nas i sposoby, w których życie wypełnia go znaczenia.