

Boardwalk beat – Duality

source: architypeorg

Moment Factory is a new media and entertainment studio specialized in the conception and production of multimedia environments combining video, lighting, architecture, sound and special effects to create remarkable experiences.

Since its beginnings in 2001, Moment Factory achieved more than 300 events, shows and installations across the world for such clients as Cirque du Soleil, Disney, Nine Inch Nails, Céline Dion, Microsoft, Montreal’s Quartier des Spectacles and Madonna.

Our team of more than 110 talented individuals occupies a dynamic, multifunctional 20,000 square-foot space in Montreal, Canada. In our industrial studios we develop, design and produce the groundbreaking—often interactive—new media installations for which we have earned our reputation as industry leader, building mockups and testing prototypes prior to executing our vision.
source: casinoconnectionac

A new, state-of-the art 3D sound and light show at Boardwalk Hall has become a permanent fixture and tourism attraction on the Atlantic City Boardwalk. The show, entitled “Duality,” was created by Moment Factory, a Montreal-based new media and entertainment studio which has completed more than 300 projects for clients like Cirque du Soleil, Jay-Z, Disney, Céline Dion and Madonna. Moment Factory is the shop behind the 2012 Super Bowl halftime show.
This highly sophisticated, 3D projection show uses 45 surround sound devices, theatrical lighting and the latest architectural video mapping technologies. It will be presented every evening, year-round, at approximately 10 p.m.
Check out the video for a peek, just another reason to ‘DO AC.’
source: tdwa

ケベック州、モントリオールのMoment Factoryが「Duality」という題名のビデオマッピングプロジェクトを手がけた。このプロジェクトはインターアクティブ・ディスプレイの背景として建物のファサードを用いて建築的3Dマッピングで成長する文化を表現するもので、今回はニュージャージー州のアトランティックシティにあるBoardwalk Hallを広大なスクリーンとして利用。


source: wiredtw

美國大西洋城的Boardwalk Hall在眾人目光下坍塌,化為斷壁殘垣。但突然間,傾頹的建築物中,飛出四處挪移的彩虹色磚頭,原來這棟歷史建築仍健在,這一切都只是幻象!
這只是表演的其中一小部分,箇中可是大有玄機,結合燈光、建築、聲音以及3-D輪廓量測(3-D mapping)等技術,他們稱之為建築影像量測(architectural video mapping);製作團隊Moment Factory為瑪丹娜今年超級盃的中場表演製作視覺特效,一舉登上頭條,這次又是一場Moment Factory有口皆碑的精彩演出。
這次Boardwalk Hall演出名為「二元性」(Duality),大西洋城聯盟放手讓Moment Factory在這棟83年的歷史性老地標上,大肆揮灑創意。「這樣無拘無束的創作自由,讓工作團隊大為振奮。」Moment Factory的多媒體總監Nelson de Robles表示。
為製作這件作品,Moment Factory讓工作團隊實地到Boardwalk hally做3-D空間量測,他們依據測量資料製作兩個模型:一是用類似製作電腦遊戲時用的3-D引擎,運算出的電腦模型;另一則是18吋高的等比縮放實體模型。
初步創意發想階段,Moment Factory先構想故事大綱,決定描繪大西洋城的兩種風貌:過去與現在,將之視覺化作二元性呈現。但製作團隊認為,觀眾可用自己的角度去想像和詮釋,不一定要拘泥在這腳本中。
「初次觀看時,你會被目眩神迷的色彩吸引,3-D特效讓人目不轉睛。」de Robles說道:「但第二次、第三次再看,會開始了解背後的概念,了解這棟建築的二元性,兩種不同風貌是如何互相對話,彼此影響。」
完成數位建模、擬好大綱,並在迷你版的Boardwalk Hall上測試過後,來自加拿大蒙特婁的Moment Factory前往美國大西洋城,為演出做準備。耗時超過兩星期,架設12台2萬流明的投影機,以及12台操作投影機的伺服器。建築物前方裝設兩座高塔,上方各安置4台投影機,其餘也裝設其上。但為求天衣無縫,工作團隊現場共加裝了上百顆的LED燈泡;另外還有15台環繞音響與5台重低音音箱,重現原汁原味的音效;建築物上的窗戶覆蓋有特殊纖維布幔,使影像銳利清晰。如此浩大的工程耗費將近百萬美元。
「當觀眾響起如雷掌聲與尖叫時,我們感動得雞皮疙瘩都起來了。」de Robles表示:「效果真的是太棒了,甚至還有個4歲的孩子,看到建築物倒塌時哭了起來,因為他以為真的塌了!」
演出主要目的是推動大西洋城觀光業,雖然Moment Factory只展示了短短8分半鐘,但未來固定每晚在每半個小時演出這美不勝收的燈光秀。下一場的魔幻燈光秀將出現在何處呢?公關主任Julie Armstrong-Boileau表示,接下來將會在巴黎艾菲爾鐵塔施展幻術,想像巴黎人看到他們親愛的鐵塔崩塌時的驚呼:quelle horreur!(嚇壞我了!)
有興趣的朋友,請至Moment Factory的官網,觀賞他們參與瑪丹娜的世界巡迴MDNA tour和Jay-A在紐約卡內基音樂廳(Carnegie Hall)演唱會的魔幻視覺演出。
source: lamanufacturera

Como parte del festejo del 4 de julio (Día de la Independencia en Estados Unidos) se inauguró este increíble espectáculo de luz y sonido en tercera dimensión llamado ‘Duality’ en el Boardwalk Hall, creado para Atlantic City en Nueva Jersey por la compañía Moment Factory.

Esta obra magistral consiste en múltiples proyecciones en HD, además de una iluminación teatral con sonidos ambientales, animaciones exorbitantes y el uso de los últimos avances tecnológicos en estructura arquitectónica computarizada, acompañada de una mezcla musical personalizada de orquesta, indie pop y electrónica, con lo que cada noche se le ha dado vida y color a la fachada de este monumento histórico.
source: youtube

Voici le making-of de notre travail au Nouveau Tom Bradley International Terminal (TBIT). Moment Factory a collaboré à la production de l’environnement multimédia le plus évolué de tous les aéroports d’Amérique du Nord.
Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) a confié au studio Moment Factory le mandat de travailler avec Marcela Sardi (Sardi Design) et Mike Rubin (MRA International) à titre de producteur exécutif au contenu multimédia pour sept installations emblématiques au nouveau TBIT de LAX. Résultat : il s’agit du plus grand système multimédia immersif de tous les aéroports en Amérique. Moment Factory a mis l’accent sur l’expérience des passagers, ainsi que l’iconographie de Los Angeles et des destinations desservies par le nouveau terminal. Quatre heures de contenu vidéo original et plusieurs capsules interactives ont été créées à l’aide de techniques de pointe en matière d’imagerie haute résolution, d’effets 3D, ainsi que de technologies qui réagissent directement aux mouvements des passagers et aux renseignements aéroportuaires en temps réel.
source: youtube

View the making-of where Moment Factory has collaborated to the most-advanced multimedia environment in a North American airport.
Moment Factory was mandated by the Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) to work in collaboration with Marcela Sardi of Sardi Design and Mike Rubin of MRA International as the executive multimedia content producer for seven iconic media features at the New Tom Bradley International Terminal (TBIT) at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). Moment Factory focused on the passenger experience, the iconography of Los Angeles, and the destinations served by the TBIT, creating a series of multimedia productions, some of them interactive, that use the latest in high-resolution imaging, 3D effects and even technologies that react directly with people’s movements and with real-time airport information. The latest in multimedia entertainment meets the essential functionality of the airport, turning the terminal into a spectacular, welcoming space to spend time.
source: momentfactory

Atlantic City Alliance contracted Moment Factory to create a third free 3D light and sound show projected onto historic Boardwalk Hall, which started May 25, 2013. Following the highly successful debut of “Duality” in summer 2012 and the holiday-themed “Winter Sweet” in late 2012, “Boardwalk Beat” transports the audience on a musical journey through time. The iconic landmark transforms into a giant jukebox that makes the audience remember the good times. With this 3D light and sound show careening from 1970’s disco to ’80’s rock and ’20’s rag time, just try to keep yourself from dancing!