


source: labkalimo
Nacho Carbonell é um artista plástico espanhol e, segundo o ele, a única forma de dar vida às obras (que por definição são inanimadas) é usar a imaginação humana, a ficção que criamos através dos tempos, e aplicar isso da forma mais orgânica possível no produto. Auto-referente, mas com um toque de surrealismo, a obra de Carbonell causa indignação e curiosidade
source: nachocarbonell
“I like to see objects as living organisms, imagining them coming alive and being able to surprise you with their behaviour. I want to create objects with my hands, then I can give them my personality. I turn them into communicative objects that can arouse one’s sensations and imagination. In short, what I want to create are objects with a fictional or fantasy element, that allow you to escape everyday life.” -Nacho Carbonell-
Nacho Carbonell graduated in 2003 at the Spanish university Cardenal Herrera C.E.U. and the 27 of January 2007 at the Design Academy Eindhoven, with the projects “Dream of sand” and “Pump it up”, and was honoured with Cum Laude. Once graduated he created collections such as Evolution in 2009, which won him nominations to the design of the year by the London Design Museum, and which marked his ongoing collaboration with Galleria Rossana Orlandi. In 2010, a year after being named Designer of the Future by DesignMiami fair organisers, This identity , which defines his actual style of organic forms and rough and colourful finishing textures, is bringing him into an international scene of private collections and museums, such as the Groningen Museum in The Netherlands, and the 2121 Museum in Japan, all attracted by the uniqueness of materials and techniques applied in his works. Nacho currently works with his team in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, were he has established his studio.
source: facebook
Experimental design studio operating in Holland with a curiosity to push the boundaries between the conventional perception of design and uses of materials.
source: guilddesignfair
Named ‘Designer of the Future’ by Design Miami in 2009, Spanish-born, Netherlands-based designer Nacho Carbonell creates distinctive design-art pieces with organic forms and animated surfaces. Known for challenging conventional perceptions of design and uses of materials, he studied at the Spanish university Cardenal Herrera C.E.U. before graduating in 2007 from the Design Academy Eindhoven. His early collection, ‘Evolution’, marked the start of his ongoing collaboration with Rossana Orlandi.
For GUILD, Carbonell will be exhibiting ‘Playground Closes at Dusk’, a four-piece installation that explores the undefined connections between our senses and our surroundings.
source: xuexuefoundationorgtw
畢業於西班牙海瑞拉大學(The CEU Cardenal Herrera University)與荷蘭安荷芬設計學院(Design Academy Eindhoven),「Evolution」作品系列獲倫敦設計博物館(Design Museum London)提名為年度設計,曾與前衛的歐蘭荻畫廊(Galleria Rossana Orlandi)合作。曾獲邁阿密設計博覽會(Design Miami)未來設計師獎,肯定其結合有機形體、色彩和粗糙層理的寫實風格。曾與Droog、Booo!、BSL Galerie等知名品牌合作,作品被荷蘭格羅寧根博物館(Groningen Museum)和日本2121 Museum收藏。
source: bedekobetontechniekennl

Tijdens de werkzaamheden voor Dutch Design Week 2012 werd BEDEKO gevraagd door wereldberoemd kunstenaar Nacho Carbonell om voor hem een project van spuitbeton te voorzien. Dit nieuwe kunstwerk, genaamd ‘Communication Line’, was tijdens de DDW2012 op het Catharinaplein in Eindhoven te bewonderen. Tot in de late uurtjes hebben de mensen van BEDEKO alles in het werk gesteld om het kunstwerk klaar te krijgen voor de opening en het is gelukt. Momenteel is het kunstwerk te bezichtigen bij de werkplaats van Nacho in Eindhoven en kan men het nog steeds aanschaffen. Nacho Carbonell heeft werken gemaakt voor onder andere Brad Pitt en Angelina Jolie.