

source: ngmchina

日本艺术家饭田龙太(Ryuta Iida)与贺寿田中(Yoshihisa Tanaka)所组成的Nerhol发表了这系列名为“Misunderstanding Focus”的艺术人像摄影作品。他们找来模特,并请他们尽可能的保持不动,在三分钟内拍下了许多照片。当然人不可能完全静止不动,所以他们将这三分钟所拍摄下来的照片叠起来,以分层的方式一张一张往下切割,形成了这种扭曲、模糊、彷彿在流动的人像。这系列作品旨在探讨时间以及人类肉体的脆弱与缺陷。
source: jiae

这是日本艺术家ryuta iida和yoshihisa tanaka创作的nerhol系列作品。在创作时采用摄影和裁切处理的方式让无形的时间概念变成有形的线条从模特的面庞流逝,除了全新的视觉感受以外nerhol还加深了我们对时间,年华的留恋与追忆。
source: incandescentartwordpress

“Misunderstanding Focus” is a series of layered photographs by Ryuta Iida and Yoshihisa Tanaka, also known as Nerhol. Subjects sit as still as they can for three minutes. Photos taken during the sitting are stacked and cut.
source: lenterasgadoblogspot

El artista especializada en el uso de papel, Ryuta Iida, realizó estos increíbles retratos con la técnica de lapsos de tiempo para revelar las capas de cada instante como si se tratara de los anillos del tronco de un árbol. Lo que veréis a continuación es el fruto de una lenta y meticulosa ambición que Ryuta fue capaz de llevar a cabo.
source: designboom

japanese artists ryuta iida and yoshihisa tanaka are collectively known as nerhol, and have sent designboom images of their project ‘misunderstanding focus’. the work is created through a multitude of photographs taken of a subject over a period of three minutes, where during this sitting, the model is asked to stay as still as they can. of course, the ability to remain completely immobile is impossible, and the work captures this through a topographical layering of the many photographs taken during the short interval, generating an effect where the image appears distorted and blurred. the concept explores the idea of time, human fragility and flaw, reminding the audience of shared corporeality.
source: designboom

japanese artists ryuta iida and yoshihisa tanaka are collectively known as nerhol, and have sent designboom images of their project ‘misunderstanding focus’. the work is created through a multitude of photographs taken of a subject over a period of three minutes, where during this sitting, the model is asked to stay as still as they can. of course, the ability to remain completely immobile is impossible, and the work captures this through a topographical layering of the many photographs taken during the short interval, generating an effect where the image appears distorted and blurred. the concept explores the idea of time, human fragility and flaw, reminding the audience of shared corporeality.
source: criatives

Apesar de parecer (de longe) uma manipulação fotográfica, esses artistas conseguiram passar a ideia de distorção, mas feito manualmente. Ryuta Iida, artista especializado em papel, junto com a artista Yoshihisa Tanaka, criaram este projeto chamado de Misunderstanding Focus, como se fossem anéis de um tronco de árvore. Tá, mas como foi feito isso?
Bem, os retratos são fotografias clicadas durante um período de três minutos. Depois eles são cortados e montados, para representar as fatias de um tempo. Trabalhoso, mas com um resultado final bem diferente.