

Никола Куперус

Nicola Kuperus

source: lifelounge

We’ve all got our fetishes. Go on, you know you do, it’s cool, so have we. Some like leather, others get their kicks from dressing up like a baby and getting kicked around a dungeon…so we’ve heard…But some people are more easily pleased, like Detroit-based photographer/videographer Nicola Kuperus.

By focussing his lens on woman’s legs and placing them in precarious and often sinister situations, Kuperus has managed to create a series of photographs that are not only suggestive of the female form, but also vivid in their storytelling. Often the other half of the subject is out of frame or hidden in someway, evoking a sense of danger or intrigue and exposing the fragility and vulnerability of the naked leg. Kuperus also keeps to a slightly 1950/60s feel with all of the pairs of pins adorned with heels and the sets dressed with Chevys and Cadillacs.

It’s kind of like if the Wicked Witch worked for Sterling Cooper and was getting boned by Don Draper.
source: weareselecters

Nicola Kuperus es una fotógrafa de Detroit,… y también miembro de la banda Adults. Su trabajo como fotógrafa es puramente conceptual. Fotografias de asesinatos, estética 70´s y cierto toque de humor.
source: o-que-vem-a-redeblogspot

Como se fossem fotogramas de um (bom) filme de terror, as obras fotográficas de Nicola Kuperus representam quase sempre modelos femininas, parcialmente fora do enquadramento, em situações pós (ou na eminência de) um acidente. Nicola Kuperus, desenvolve a sua actividade de fotógrafa a partir da cidade de Detroit (talvez por isso a presença constante de belos carros vintage americanos) paralelamente com a carreira musical. Além de integrar a banda punk/electónica “Adult”, colaborou em 2003 com as “Chicks on Speed” numa das músicas do album “99 Cents”.
source: fubiznet

Focus sur Nicola Kuperus, une photographe américaine née et vivant à Détroit. Cette artiste a pu réaliser une série de photographies autour des jambes de femmes, mises en situation. A la fois étrange et réussi, son travail est à découvrir dans la suite.
source: etodayru

Никола Куперус (Nicola Kuperus) родился в 1975 году в Детройте. В 1998 году окончил College for Creative Studies. Работает в жанре художественной фотографии. Все фотографии Николы объединены одной идеей…
source: lifenernet

Nicola Kuperusはアメリカのミシガン州南東部にある都市デトロイトで活動するファッション・フォトグラファーで、彼女の撮影するフォトシリーズに写るモデルは不自然なカットで切り取られた作品が数多く存在する。それは一目見た瞬間に違和感を覚え「どうしてこうなった….。」と、思えてくるだろう。そして、そのユニークな作風に次第に心惹かれるかもしれない。
