Nils Völker
source: creativeapplications
Created by Nils Völker, One Hundred and Eight is an interactive wall-mounted Installation made out of ordinary garbage bags. Controlled by an Arduino and Processing, each of the bags is selectively inflated and deflated in turn by two cooling fans. The installation runs in either “patter mode” or reacting to people nearby – see video.
The installation consists of 108 interconnected modules made from MDF. Each single one is equipped with a white, semi transparent plastic bag, two cooling fans and a relay that switches the electric current between the fans. One program is running on an Arduino mounted to the lower side taking control of a set of shift registers that trigger the relays individually. A camera is mounted to the ceiling above and connected to a computer on which a second program (Processing) is running. The program registers and tracks movement via the camera and sends the necessary information via a serial connection to the microcontroller.
source: ounae
Captured… tiene su origen en One hundred and eight (2010) [Ciento ocho], una instalación interactiva realizada con bolsas de basura.
Una serie de microcontroladores infla y desinfla las bolsas de un modo selectivo a través de dos ventiladores de refrigeración que interactúan con el movimiento de los espectadores.
Se enciende y se apaga si alguien ingresa al espacio dinámico delimitado por los sensores. Es una obra de fuerte presencia plástica, que necesita de una iluminación muy precisa para lograr su efecto visual.
source: designed
One Hundred and Eight je neobična interaktivna zidna instalacija koju je kreirao nemački mladi umetnik iz Berlina Nils Völker. Zidna instalacija se sastoji od nekoliko desetina običnih plastičnih kesa za đubre koje se mogu selektivno naduvavati i ispumpavati pomoću dva ventilatora. Ceo projekat je izveden zahvaljujući saradnji sa Arduino and Processing.
Iako su plastične kese postavljene tako da su fiksirane, one se naduvavanjem i ispumpavanjem kreću, stvarajući živu sliku na zidu, kao neka pokretna stvorenja. Kako se posmatrač primiče zidnoj instalaciji, kese se povlače ka unutra i polako počinju da prate pokrete posmatrača, skoro oponašajući ga. Ukoliko neko vreme ne detektuju posmatrača u blizini koji stoji mirno, kese se reorganizuju i vraćaju u prvobitno stanje.
Instalacija se sastoji od međusobno povezanih modula sa ukupno 108 plastičnih kesa. Svaka kesa je povezana pozadi sa po dva ventilatora pomoću kojih se omogućava njihovo kretanje i relejem koji prebacuje struju između ventilatora.
source: nilsvoelker
Nils Völker is a media artist living and working in Berlin.
In 2004 he received a diploma from the Bauhaus University in Weimar. Afterwards he moved to Berlin where he started working self employed as communication designer. Since 2010 Nils Völker creates artworks with the means of physical computing somewhere at the intersection of technology and art. During the past years he realized mostly large scale installations which have been exhibited in museums and art spaces all over the world.
In 2010 he realized an installation made from ordinary garbage bags, inflated and deflated in controlled rhythms. This work, called “One Hundred and Eight”, has been exhibited several times and has been widely published online, in books and magazines.
It was the starting point for a whole series of installations based on inflating/deflating cushions made from different materials. The largest one was made from 252 large silver cushions for the exhibition “Captured – a Homage to Light and Air” followed by further site specific commissions like “Thirty Six” for Art Lab Gnesta, “Forty Eight” for the Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery, “Seventy Five” for Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts in Taipei and “Eighty Eight” commissioned by the Gewerbemuseum Winterthur, Switzerland. This installation has been adapted in 2013 as “Eighty Eight #2” for an exhibition at the Musée de Design et d’Arts Appliqués Contemporains in Lausanne.
Besides from working on further variations of this series Nils Völker lately realized “64 CCFL”, a light installation that is mainly made from so called cold cathode fluorescent lights and “Fountains” his first public artwork that is now in permanent collection in Xixi Wetland Park in Hangzhou, China.