Ольга Дугина у Андрея Дугина
source: nnmru
Андрей Дугин родился в Москве в 1955 году. Работал в Краснопресненской Художественной Школе, где познакомился со студеткой Ольгой Котиковой. Андрей обучался в Институте Искусств им. В.И. Сурикова, а также работал иллюстратором для разных русских журналов и издательств. В 1984-1985 годах был главным художником при создании русских анимационных фильмов.
Ольга Котикова (Дугина) родилась в Москве в 1964 году. Обучалась в Краснопресненской Художественной Школе, где познакомилась с Андреем Дугиным, который в то время был ее учителем. Она окончила Москвоский Художественный Колледж в 1988, работала дизайнером для журналов и кино, а также иллюстратором для Издательства Ладога.
В 1984 года Андрей Дугин и Ольга Дугина поженились. В 1989 году они начали сотрудничать с немецким издательством Verlag J.F. Schreiber, впоследствии переименованном в Esslinger Verlag. Андрей и Ольга проиллюстрировали несколько сказок. С 1992 года они живут в Штутгарте (Германия).
В настоящее время их работы известны в разных странах. Они получили контракты для оформления фильмов о Гарри Поттере и для иллюстрирования новой книги Мадонны. Тем не менее пара продолжает сотрудничать с издательством Esslinger Verlag.
source: cremisilabiblogspot
Andrej Dugin e Olga Dugina, originari di Mosca ma residenti in Germania dagli anni novanta sono fra i miei illustratori preferiti. Ho avuto l’onore ed il piacere di averli come insegnanti presso il MiMaster di Milano a maggio del 2011.
Le loro illustrazioni viaggiano parallelamente allo scritto e, per certi versi, prendono direzioni narrative e interpretative diverse, c’è del non detto, del celato, curiosità da scoprire, un racconto nel racconto. Diventano gioco.
Le figure sono rigorosamente eleganti, il segno pulito, curato, le velature (matite e acquerelli) manieristiche, ricchezza dei dettagli e dei particolari.
Stupefacenti gli abiti dei loro personaggi, ricchissimi, di ispirazione medievale e rinascimentale, in alcuni casi ricordano quelli indossati dai protagonisti del quattrocentesco Jan van Eyck.
Forte l’ispirazione con le opere di Peter Bruegel e Hieronymous Bosch e gli artisti non nascondono tale influenza. Anche i coniugi, come i due fiamminghi, ad accompagnare la scena inseriscono elementi presi dalla simbologia, personaggi che apparentemente nulla c’entrano con il racconto che vanno a illustrare, creature fantastiche, fantasiose e ironiche.
Mosche giganti o elefanti nani, improbabili cavalieri e dame che somigliano a fate dai lunghi copricapo a forma di cono.
Il loro è un lavoro “certosino”, una tecnica che farebbe invidia a un talentuoso miniatore medievale. Non sono illustrazioni per bambini, ma vere opere d’arte e di questo si è resa conto anche la cantante Madonna che ha chiesto ai due artisti di rendere unico il racconto da lei scritto (Le avventure di Abdi) e bisogna dire che ci sono riusciti.
Possiamo vedere le loro illustrazioni, oltre che nel raccondo “Le avventure di Abdi” di Veronica Ciccone (Madonna) e nel volume de “il sartorello coraggioso” anche ne “Le penne del drago” sempre edito da Adelphi per la collana “i cavoli a merenda”.
source: insideyourart
Olga Dugina and Andrej Dugin are the world-famous children’s book illustrators famous for their fanciful, richly textured, tapestry-like watercolor-and-gouache book illustrations.
Andrew Dugin was born in Moscow in 1955. He studied art at the Krasnopresnenskaya Art School (1968-1972) and took private lessons from well-known Moscow artist Rostislav Barto. From 1972 to 1979, he studied at the Surikov Arts Institute. After graduating form Institute, Dugin returned to the Art School to work as a teacher. There he got to know his future wife Olga Dugina (Kotikova) who was at that time his student. In 1984, the couple got married.
While teaching at the Art School, Andrej was also busy illustrating for publishing houses and magazines. 1984 the artist spent at the Soyuzmultfilm Studio, working on an animation FOWLER. Work on the Fowler has given him a good opportunity to learn drawing in its dynamics, as well as develop a sense of composition. After completing of the animation project, Dugin has focused on book illustration.
Among the first artist’s works for the publishing houses were illustrations to the collection of poems THE CUP by Friedrich Schiller (1986) and Alexander Kazantsev’s science-fiction BURNING ISLAND (1987) published by Children’s Literature.
The turning point in the Andrej Dugin’s creative destiny was a series of illustrations for EVENINGS ON A FARM NEAR DIKANKA by Nikolai Gogol commissioned by publisher Children’s Literature. This order came from the artist Gennady Spirin, who for various reasons, could not bring work to the end.
Andrej and Olga, who has joined her husband in this project, focused on preparing for work on a book. They began a thorough study of Ukrainian national costume doing research in a museums and libraries. In the summer of 1987, couple went in an ethnographic expedition to Poltava with inflatable boat and tent. They visited many picturesque corners of the Poltava region, taking photos of everyday life, costumes and scenery. However, the project of Gogol’s illustrated book never was completed, because they were made only three illustrations. These three “pictures” took them two years. This strange sluggishness has a good reason – Dugins produce their illustrations in an extremely complex artistic technique, when an illustration is created as a result of intense, long and hard work.
In 1987 Verlag J.F. Schreiber, director of German publishing house Esslinger Verlag, came to Moscow from Germany. In the editorial office of the Children’s literature, he saw Dugin’s illustrations for Gogol and immediately offered Andrej a contract. Schreiber ordered the illustrations for the English folk tale JOHNNY-CAKE and Andrej went to Stuttgart, Germany to work on a book. Olga soon followed him. Published in 1991 JOHNNY-CAKE was reprinted later in the U.S., Spain and Austria. Dugins decided to stay in Germany.
The next fairy tale, commissioned from Dugins family by the Esslinger Verlag was THE DRAGON’S FEATHERS. Olga and Andrej were working on a book for three years. It was published in 1993 and soon became a treasure for art lovers. Richly detailed illustrations with stunning textures resemble of works by medieval artists Hieronymus Bosch, Pieter Brueghel the Elder and Jan van Eyck. Dugins use their amazing technique to create a world of magic and poetry, where fantastic things look common, and ordinary things look unreal.
Their next book THE BRAVE LITTLE TAILOR Dugins drawing seven years. It was published in 2000. Since 2000, Andrej Dugin teaches at the Art School in Stuttgart. From 2002 to 2003, Andrej and Olga were concept artists on the movie “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.” While working on the film they were invited to illustrate THE ADVENTURES OF ABDI, Madonna’s fourth book. Work on the book took two and a half years: the endless trips to the library, incessant study of Oriental life and sketches, drawings, sketches…
In 2007, Dugins had been awarded with a Gold Medal from the Society of Illustrators (United States) for the illustrations to THE BRAVE LITTLE TAILOR. Their work is held in private collections worldwide, mainly in the U.S. and Germany.
At present, Olga Dugina working on the illustrations for the fairy tale THREE ORANGES. Andrej Dugin is doing the illustrations for HAMLET. Both books will be published by the publishing house Esslinger. Dugins live in Stuttgart, Germany.
source: nanamadablogspot
Andrej Dugin
Nascido em Moscou, em 1955, iniciou sua carreira profissional como ilustrador, em 1979.
Olga Dugina
Nasceu em Moscou, em 1964. O seu interesse por desenho e pintura vem desde a infância. Na Escola de Arte de Moscou (Krasnopresnenskaya), quando realizava seus estudos artísticos, conheceu o ilustrador Andrej Dugin, com quem se casou em 1984 e com quem passou a fazer uma dupla de ilustração, na Alemanha.
Falando em Boch,Bruegel e obras que ocupam todo espaço da tela, vejam uma nesguinha do trabalho desse casal de ilustradores.São claramente influenciados pelo trabalho de Boch.Uma riqueza de detalhes e pesquisa de época impressionantes.
Coisa mais rica são as ilustrações do casal russo Dugin .Feitos para ilustrar estórias infantis. Há objetos e elementos que não fazem parte da história original,mas foram inseridas nas ilustrações que não raro falam mais que as próprias palavras do conto.
Caramujos ganham armaduras de guerreiros; um elefante surge de ponta-cabeça no alto do teto; camponeses medievais convivem com criaturas mágicas e excêntricas. Ricas no detalhe, surrealistas no resultado, ampliam o universo fantástico deste célebre conto clássico.