


source: weareselecters
Olivia Locher nació hace 21 años en los bosques de Johnstown, Pennsylvania y actualmente reside en Manhattan. El arte de Olivia se basa en mundos de ensueño y la conciencia, mientras que ella misma está generalmente soñando.
source: youthdointhangsblogspot
One day Olivia Locher received a package in the mail from a complete stranger, inside was a camera and with it, her adventure in photography began. Taking a small spoonful of Tim Walker dreaminess and injecting a bucket-load of her own signature style, delicate intimacies are revealed within her images or sometimes left hidden underneath pigments and paints. This mixing of mediums could end up rather messy but 21-year old Olivia manages to find that harmonious balance between the two and the end result is fresh and stunning.
source: pinapardo
OLIVIA LOCHER is a young emerging photographer who currently resides in Manhattan. Over the past years the artist has collaborated and been featured in several publications and solo exhibitions. According to the brief bio on her personal site, ’ She breathes carefully and dances very rarely’.
source: jmcolberg
Olivia Locher, an extremely prolific photographer, is one of the winners of the 2012 Conscientious Portfolio Competition. Justifying my choice I wrote: “With so much talk about photography being over or dead, we might as well admit that it is, have a jazz funeral, and continue enjoying the medium, now more than ever. I think this is what Olivia Locher is doing with Another Day on Earth, fearlessly unafraid to produce pictures that either conform to or subvert standard conventions. Photography is dead – long live photography!” I spoke with the artist about her approach to photography in the conversation you can find below.
source: ignantde
Olivia Locher’s world of thought is full of fantasies, ideas and abstract point of views. What makes her photographs so special is the ingeniously conceptualized precision that helps to execute her manifold visions in a both subtle and intensive way.
Her images experiment with colours, materials, settings and gestures and draw the spectator in with an elaborated staging and a dramaturgic strength. They are of such a strong haptic presence that you can almost feel how the cold pepples weigh down your feet, how the dusty colours dryly set down on your skin and what it would be like to take a bite of the soft marshmallows that are stacked in a trousers-like net. Being only 21 years old, the young New York-based artist has already developed a distinct sensitivity for how to express her dreamlike consciousness concretely and representational. She is a talent of high directorial quality- one whose future we will follow with great interest.
‘Olivia’s art is grounded in dreamlands and consciousness, while Olivia herself is generally dreaming. She breathes carefully and dances very rarely.
source: zirkusmagazinede
Olivia Locher ist 21 Jahre alt, lebt in New York und behauptet von sich selbst, dass sie “allgemein träumt”. Nicht abwegig, wenn man den Stil ihrer Fotografie betrachtet: Helle Wälder, Blumenwiesen, in sich verschachtelt angeordnete Menschen oder bunte Regenbogen-Traumwelten in abgelegenen Wäldern. Es sind die Farben, die einen sofort fesseln, die ihren Bildern diese Präsenz verleihen. Es sind die zum Teil kaum identifizierbaren Motive, die die Neugier wecken. Es sind die Fragen, die sich auftun, wenn man mit ihren Bildern konfrontiert wird. Olivia Locher lässt Kunstobjekte entstehen, weit über die Fotografie hinaus. Inszenierte Stillleben: Eine Mischnung aus Kunst, Malerei und Fotografie. Perfekt aufeinander abgestimmte Momente, Ausdrücke und Drapierungen – “Langweilig”, könnte man nun fast denken. Denn liegt in der Kunst nicht oftmals genau in der Spontanität, in der Freiheit die Dinge entstehen zu lassen, die größte Faszination? Nicht im Fall Locher. Hier geschieht durch die vorherige Planung und Anordnung der Objekte genau das, was sie und ihre Arbeiten ausmacht: die Träumerei.
source: phototalentsru
Оливия живет и работает в Нью-Йорке. Специализируется она на креативной фотосъемке, ее снимки всегда отличаются действительно необычными идеями, интересными постановками и довольно непринужденной манерой съемки.