
Oscar Parasiego


Oscar Parasiego

source: highlike

Work: Diaspora is a project about Identity in relation with its mutability according to the environment. This series investigates this fact in the context of the current situation, in which thousands of individuals emigrate to other countries every day to find a better future for them. At that point, there is a transition between the person we have been so far and the person we are going to be. Reasons for migration are diverse but this does not change the period of adjustment. The situation in which the individual does not know if he is doing something because he wants to or because he must get used to that new life. This series reflects the modification in the behaviour as a help in the adaptation to a new environment, especially at which point the real mutation of an individual´s personality starts. The images show individuals as transparent silhouettes which reflect the individuals´ new environment, an environment they did not belong to until now. The silhouettes occupy a new space and they gradually merge into this new context, just like a chameleon. A research about the inherent human need of belonging to a group and how, as the process of adaptation to the new culture is completed, the individual´s personality splits between the person we used to be and the person we are in our new place of residence. “The protagonists of my pictures merge into their new houses, new neighbourhoods, new countries, in the same way as I find my place portraying them without showing them, showing just their camouflage, their inner fight for seeing themselves reflected in their new lives”. – Oscar Parasiego Text: Marta Bupili.

Oscar Parasiego is a Spanish multi-disciplinary visual artist currently based in Birmingham. He graduated with an Honours Degree from the MA Fine Art Photography at the prestigious School of Photography EFTI in Madrid (2008). He has delivered several art projects over the last 10 years working in different countries and collaborating with very diverse communities. His practice explores the truthfulness of photography and the inability of photography to capture the complexity of human self-reflection. Some of the themes explore identity, communication, emigration, death and relationships. His artworks evoke surrealist aesthetics creating powerful and playful images, always in need of the observer to complete the journey. He is currently interested in pushing photography’s boundaries and exploring the untruthfulness of photography with virtual and invisible technologies. His aim is to re-think photography in an innovative way, no longer as a 2D or frozen time instant but something else. Oscar Parasiego uses photography as a mechanism through which he can know, in a more comprehensive way, people, and therefore know himself better. His works have been exhibited in Spain, Argentina, UK, Panama, Colombia and Portugal, widely disseminated in press and online and reached wide audiences. GROUP EXHIBITIONS 2014 Art Room (V Edition Video en el Cuarto) with Inside, Madrid, Spain. 2013 Anisegallery with the artworks Vanities, London, UK. International Video Art Festival Nio2 with the video art Light Beatings, Colombia. 2013 International Video Art Festival, with the video art Inside, Barcelona, Spain. Arevalo Contemporary Art Fair with the video art Inside, Avila, Spain. 2012 Art Room Gallery with the video art Light Beatings, Madrid, Spain. Matadero, Contemporary Art Centre with the video The seed. Madrid, Spain. Marcó del Pont Art Gallery with the video Buenos Aires Que Lindo Nombre, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Oliverio Art Gallery, video Buenos Aires Que Lindo Nombre, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Finalist for the Video Art Optica Festival with the video Light Beatings, Gijón Spain. Contemporary Art Fair Arévalo, with the video Light Beatings, Avila, Spain. 2011 Video Art Optica Festival with the video Light Beatings, Gijón Spain. Contemporary Art Fair Okuparte with the video Light Beatings, Huesca 2011. 2008 PhotoEspaña 08 Art Fair with the work Psycho Paintings, Madrid, Spain. Finalist for the Video Art Optica Festival with the video Options, Gijón Spain. Group Exhibition in El Dorado, Toledo, Spain. 2006 Herrero Bank, La Asturias Rural with In-Memorian, Gijón, Spain. SOLO EXHIBITIONS Solo exhibition Faceless Palacio de Omaña, Asturias, Spain 2012. Solo exhibition Faceless at Don Juan 14 Art Gallery at Zaragoza, Spain 2011. Solo exhibition Anamnesis at PH15 Foundation, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2010. SELECTED PUBLICATIONS Oscar Parasiego’s work has drawn press, TV and online coverage such as: Featured Shoots (New York, US), IGNAT (Nederlands), Huffington Post (New York, US), Culture Trip, (London, UK), Beautiful/Decay (US), The wall breakers (New York, US), Poster Magazine (Panama, Panama), Arevalo Catalogue (Avila, Spain), Uncertain Stages (London, UK), Arqueologia del Futuro (Madrid, Spain), Absolut Network (Spain), PMS 485 C (Lisbon, Portugal), TPA TV (Asturias, Spain), 21 Le Mag, Magazine (Madrid, Spain), Depiefoto Magazine (Madrid, Spain), Saatchi Countdown Surrealism (London, UK), Jovenes Artistas, Caja Madrid (Madrid, Spain), Papa Issue Magazine (Madrid, Spain), 10×15 Magazine (Madrid, Spain), Sharemag Magazine (Lisbon, Portugal), 24 Kilates (Buenos Aires, Argentina), La Explosiva Revista Visual (Buenos Aires, Argentina), Jóvenes Creadores (Madrid, Spain), Cultural Magazine: The Zinc Can (Oviedo, Spain).
Photographer: Oscar Parasiego
source: ignant

Oscar Parasiego created the series ‘Diaspora’, a project about our identity, inspired from his own move to the UK. Every day thousands of emigrants leave their countries to find a better future elsewhere. At that point, there is a clear transition between the person we’ve been so far and the person we’re going to be.

The images show individuals as transparent silhouettes which reflect the individuals’ new environment, an environment they didn’t belong to until now. The silhouettes occupy a new space and they gradually merge into this new context, just like a chameleon. The artist transmits a powerful feeling by portraying the individuals without showing them, showing just their camouflage, their inner fight for seeing themselves reflected in their new lives. Parasiego explains: ‘The protagonists of my pictures merge into their new houses, new neighbourhoods, new countries, in the same way as I find my place portraying them without showing them, showing just their camouflage.’
source: infrared-mag

Ο Oscar Parasiego είναι εικαστικός που ζεί στο Birmingham. Οι δύο σειρές του με τίτλο «Ανάμνηση» και «Διασπορά» είναι έργα σχετικά με την ταυτότητα σε σχέση με το ευμετάβλητο ανάλογα με το περιβάλλον.
source: thecitylovesyou

Vivir en otro país seguro no ha de ser cosa facíl, mucho menos si se va en busca de mejores oportunidades de las que no se tienen en su país. Ya que como bien hemos sabido a lo largo de los años, no en todos los países del mundo es fácil obtener un buen trabajo con buenos salarios, oportunidades de estudio, (solo por mencionar algunos) mucho menos si se es ilegal. Todo esto es lo retrata el artista español Oscar Parasiego en esta serie fotográfica que lleva por nombre “Diaspora”.

Inspirado en su traslado a vivir al Reino Unido, Parasiego utiliza la fotografía como medio para presentar los miles de inmigrantes que buscan una vida mejor en el extranjero. Cada uno de los retratos fue alterado para que sea un reflejo del ambiente que rodea a los inmigrantes, pero desconocido cuando entran en un país diferente. Muchas veces, todas estas personas son “invisibles” ante la sociedad y sobre todo el gobierno.
source: journal-du-design

Oscar Parasiego est un artiste espagnol pluridisciplinaire qui vit et travaille la majeure partie du temps à Birmingham en Angleterre.

Je vous présente son travail au travers de deux séries baptisées « Anamnesis » et « Diaspora » où l’artiste utilise plusieurs techniques pour faire disparaître le sujet dans un environnement parallèle.
source: outshoot

Oscar Parasiego est un artiste espagnol pluridisciplinaire qui vit et travaille la majeure partie du temps à Birmingham en Angleterre.

Je vous présente son travail au travers de deux séries baptisées « Anamnesis » et « Diaspora » où l’artiste utilise plusieurs techniques pour faire disparaître le sujet dans un environnement parallèle.