
Patrick Jouin

solid chair

Patrick Jouin

source: cooperhewittorg

As part of Cooper-Hewitt’s efforts to explore and document outstanding examples of innovative design, the Museum has begun to collect objects produced by rapid prototyping and manufacturing technology. This computerized production method is rapidly evolving with each advance in digital technology, and makes it possible to produce even a centuries-old object like the chair in new and refreshing forms. We want to show the techniques, materials, and object types that this method is making available.

The Solid C2 chair, by Patrick Jouin, is a highlight among the Museum’s growing group of digitally designed and produced works. We are deeply grateful to our members for making this acquisition possible.

The chair was manufactured by a process called stereolithography, a kind of 3-D printing in which a computer-controlled laser heats and solidifies a photosensitive epoxy resin upon contact. This process builds up a form, layer by minuscule layer, to create a single complete object. This method differs greatly from traditional handcrafting or conventional mass-production methods such as assembly, carving, and molding.
source: fermob

Tout de suite, Patrick Jouin parle de son père artisan, ingénieur mécanique, qui concevait des machines pour l’industrie. Dès qu’une entreprise avait besoin d’une solution un peu atypique, d’une réflexion créative sur la technique, elle faisait appel à Jean-Claude Jouin. Baigné de technique industrielle, Patrick Jouin a poursuivi parallèlement des études scientifiques et l’apprentissage de la peinture. Intéressé tout autant par la médecine que par le design, il a cette double approche de la mesure du corps et de l’objet qui idéalement, en design, ne font qu’une.
source: catablogcatablogcatablogblogspot

Jouin is particularly excited by the eliminations of material and manufacturing concerns that were inhibiting the realization of his projects. He explains this process as the rawest form of his creative expression as a furniture maker, a “pure idea”. The elimination of anyone form the middle of the process makes it a discussion between the material, which has very little to say, and Jouin.
source: dazcomtw

1967年法國出生的設計師 Patrick Jouin。畢業於巴黎著名的工業設計學院 ENSCI。1995-1999年間加入了世界知名設計師 Philippe Starck 設計團隊,離開之後成立了自己的設計公司 PatrickJouin ID,活躍於室內設計、建築、工業設計、家具、都市規劃 等各式設計領域。很快的成為了領導歐洲設計風潮的設計代表人物之一。

Patrick Jouin 在家具設計方面以精緻且有時大膽的設計為名,優雅流暢的創造了許多新穎的設計。共同合作的有 Cassina、Fermob、Kartell、Alessi、MGX 等著名家具大廠。參與了許多突破性的製造技術和經典的家具設計,曾獲2003年 Maison & Objet 設計師獎。