


source: peterroot

Stacks of staples were broken into varying sizes from full stacks about 12cm high down to single staples. These stacks were then stood up and arranged over a period of 40 hours.


A shining monochrome mega-construction defies immediate identification of scale. Vulnerable, not to a rampaging Godzilla, but to the looming threats of a micro-apocalyptic light breeze or a ballistic projectile fired from the shoe of an unwitting passer-by. A potato city festers under the occupation of the microscopic civilization of bacteria resident since it’s construction. Restricted by isometric scaffolding, shapes and colours converge to create puzzle-like structures: conjuring associations with the colourful complexity of a computer game world awaiting to be conquered by the never-to-arrive hero.

Fictional landscapes created through an exploration of techniques often used within the presentation of architectural concepts. Scale models, digital image manipulation and technical drawing have all been exploited to create artwork that is complex, colourful, repetitions, alive and ephemeral.


Peter Root was born in Jersey in 1978 and was raised and educated in Guernsey, both British Channel Islands. Since graduating in 2000 with a fine art degree from University College Falmouth, Peter’s work has achieved notable recognition including an exhibition in conjunction with the Saatchi Gallery London, in addition to a recent commission for LIVELIVEProject, a digital arts periodical and community engagement programme supported by the BBC.

As well as lecturing in Art and Media, Peter has worked in various professional fields including architectural presentation and model making, the associated techniques, both digital and physical, are evident in Peter’s drawings and architectonic installations.
source: design-milk

Artist Peter Root took your everyday staples and turned them into an entire city in an installation called Ephemicropolis. Root spent about 40 hours building the miniature city on the floor of a financial building in the Channel Islands. He used stacks of staples that were split into various sizes to create the buildings. It’s impressive that something so mundane can turn into this incredible silver skyline of skyscrapers (say that five times). This must take a steady hand. I’m pretty sure my hands would be shaking so much that the staples would all tumble over like dominoes.
source: arkinetblog

Ephemicropolis 2010 is an installation by Peter Root made with 100,000 staples that were broken into varying sizes from full stacks about 12cm high down to single staples. These stacks were then stood up and arranged over a period of 40 hours. Approx floor area 600x300cm

At the artist statements we can read:

The work I create regularly involves highly labor-intensive, mantra-like procedures of construction and assemblage. As well as being simple, playful experiments the work often touches upon themes of impermanence, repetition, structure, pattern, scale and architecture. My work often takes the form of extremely fragile, temporary arrangements, with works subject to micro-apocalyptic events such as a light breeze or a falling leaf.
source: artsblog

E’ una installazione costruita da Peter Root con 1000 punti metallici (quelli delle spillatrici). Per realizzare Ephemicropolis all’artista sono servite circa 40 ore di lavoro, fatto di inventiva, pazienza e precisione. Bellissimo risultato.

Dopo il salto il video con il making dell’installazione.
source: noticiasr7

Um artista construiu uma cidade inteira com um tipo de material de escritório comumente desprezado: os grampos de papel.

Peter Root gastou 40 horas de sua vida para juntar 100 mil grampos em uma área de 6 por 3 metros e fez uma paisagem urbana de meter inveja a qualquer metrópole.

Ele deu para a sua obra o nome de Ephemicropolis, fazendo trocadilho entre “efêmero” e “metrópole”.

Quem olha fotos, sem saber do que se trata, pode achar que é algum vilarejo futurista, mas não é não – é tudo grampo.

Para Root, seu trabalho é fruto de muita paciência.

– O trabalho que eu faço normalmente envolve trabalho intensivo e procedimentos de construção e montagem como mantras. Apesar de serem experimentos simples e divertidos, o trabalho frequentemente aborda temas de instabilidade, repetição, estrutura, padrão, escala e arquitetura. Meu trabalho sempre assume formas de extrema fragilidade e arranjos temporários.
source: raydipediarch

藝術家 Peter Root 運用了她的巧手創造了一個新視界,這個用釘書針所
source: explide

Die Plastik “Ephemicropolis” von Peter Root ist 18qm groß. Zu sehen ist darauf eine Großstadt mit zahlreichen Wolkenkratzern. Nichts Besonderes sagen Sie? Und wenn wir Ihnen sagen, dass Root alle Häuser und alle Wolkenkratzer aus Klammern gebaut hat? Unmöglich sagen Sie? Ganz im Gegenteil. Wie viel Zeit Root für “Ephemicropolis” gebraucht hat weiß nur Gott selbst, wir wissen, dass so etwas eine geniale Deko – Alternative zu dem üblichen Kram aus dem Möbelhaus ist, man braucht ja nicht gleich 18qm davon…fangen Sie doch mal klein an und bauen Sie sich so eine Modellstadt, es wird sich genauso anfühlen wie damals, als Sie täglich stundenlang LEGO gebaut haben.
source: graftio

Британский художник Peter Root создает скульптурные инсталляции на тему архитектуры из подручных материалов: трансформаторных пластин, металлического мусора, кубиков картофеля и концелярских скоб для степлера.

«Искусство, которое я создаю – это результат эксперимента и игры. Мои работы — яркие и кричащие рисунки, эфемерные и архитектурные инсталляции» – так характеризует свое творчество Peter Root. Питер Рут родился на острове Jersey в 1978. В 2000 окончил колледж в Фалмуте / University College Falmouth. После окончания колледжа уехал на пару месяцев в Индию, где вдохновлялся работами индийских художников. Там он и переосмыслил понятие слова мантра, решив его реализовывать в своих скульптурных инсталляциях. Мантра – это повторение, позволяющее войти вам в состояние транса. Питер как раз и использовал алгоритмические повторения в своих работах.

Ephemicropolis , 2010. Использовав примерно 100 000 скрепок, Peter Root собрал на полу целый город, мегаполис. Все это заняло у него 40 часов. Площадь его города занимает 600Х300 см, высотой 12 см.