Поколонг Анэдинг
source: mymodernmet
Today, just about everyone has a cellphone that functions as a camera. People are eager to photograph every moment and stay connected through images which can conveniently be shared through social networking platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Documenting and memorializing life has never been easier! While connecting with each other is simple, anonymity is scarce.
Philippines-based photographer Poklong Anading plays with the idea of capturing life without exposing facial identity in his appropriately titled photo series Anonymity. Each image in the series presents a subject with a radiating white flash of light blocking out his/her face. It looks like a point-of-view shot, as though the subjects are photographing the photographer, but they are in fact holding up mirrors, reflecting blinding beams of light.
source: g76330pixnetnet
面對眾多的自拍,有時候在想什麼樣的方式才能夠讓人一眼便印象深刻,是穿少的嘟嘴照呢?還是惡搞的醜妝?面對這些可能過目即忘的自拍,菲律賓攝影師 Poklong Anading 的系列作品《匿名》(Anonimity)反而帶給我們一種全新的視覺感受。
source: etodayru
Филиппинский фотограф и художник Поколонг Анэдинг (Poklong Anading) представил простую, но интересную серию фотографий Анонимность (Anonimity), состоящую из черно-белых портретов фотографов, чьи лица скрыты вспышкой их собственных камер.