


rain room

source: random-international

Rain Room has been made possible through the generous support of the Maxine and Stuart Frankel Foundation for Art.

Video by Gramafilm, music by Max Richter
Rain Room is a hundred square metre field of falling water through which it is possible to walk, trusting that a path can be navigated, without being drenched in the process.
As you progress through The Curve, the sound of water and a suggestion of moisture fill the air, before you are confronted by this carefully choreographed downpour that responds to your movements and presence.
source: architizer

Last fall, we spotlighted a mesmerizing exhibition by UK-based rAndom International called “Rain Room.” While we at Architizer sadly missed out on the installation in London, we are thrilled to announce that “Rain Room” is coming to MoMA on May 12th! Now we New Yorkers have the chance to walk through a downpour, without being touched by a single drop of water! And what a relief that will be after a long and gloomy winter.

A major component of EXPO 1: New York, “Rain Room” will be presented from May 12 through July 28. A large-scale immersive environment, the installation is a field of falling water that pauses wherever a human body is detected—offering visitors the experience of controlling the rain. Using digital technology, “Rain Room” is a carefully choreographed downpour—a monumental work that encourages people to become performers on an unexpected stage, while creating an intimate atmosphere of contemplation. Visitors can literally walk through rain, as though surrounded by an invisible magnetic field, and never get wet. The work invites visitors to explore the roles that science, technology, and human ingenuity can play in stabilizing our environment. You know where you can find us May 12!

“Rain Room” is on view at The Museum of Modern Art, courtesy of RH, Restoration Hardware. EXPO 1: New York is made possible by a partnership with Volkswagen of America.
source: saoromaomoveiswordpress

“Rain Room” é nome da exposição que foi destaque em Londres, feito por Artistas Aleatórios Nacionais e estará agora no dia 12 de maio no MoMA, em NY. Agora os nova-iorquinos poderão passear por uma chuva torrencial e sentir uma única gota d’agua.
A exposição é uma instalação em larga escala que oferece aos visitantes sensações como controlar a chuva, usando a tecnologia digital. O objetivo é tornar os visitantes a serem os artistas de um palco inesperado criando uma atmosfera de contemplação.
Pense em caminhar de baixo da chuva cercado por um campo magnético invisível e nunca se molhar…sem duvidas é um avanço cientifico aonde a tecnologia e engenhosidade humana expressam uma sensação do meio ambiente.
source: metalocuses

La lluvia es una constante en el Reino Unido, que se lo pregunten a quien haya pasado una temporada allí. Los temas sobre ella son frecuentes y Barbican inaugura hoy más sobre el tema. Rain Room es un espacio de cien metros cuadrados sobre el que cae agua en forma de lluvia y a través del cual es posible caminar, confiando en que uno pueda cruzarlo sin que ello suponga quedar empapado al final de la experiencia.
A medida que avances a través de The curve, el sonido del agua y la sensación de humedad llenan el aire, incluso antes de que experimentes el aguacero que cuidadosamente coreografíado responde a tus movimientos y tu presencia. Agua, controlada por piezas cerámicas, electroválvulas, reguladores de presión, software a medida, cámaras de seguimiento 3D, marcos de madera, vigas de acero, sistema de gestión hidráulica, piso tramex, 100 m2, todo en Barbican.

Aquí el texto completo de prensa de Barbican:

Rain Room

Wayne McGregor / Random Dance, con la colaboración de Max Richter

The exhibition is supported by Arts Council England. Rain Room has been made possible through the generous support of the Maxine and Stuart Frankel Foundation for Art.

Known for their distinctive approach to digital-based contemporary art, rAndom International’s experimental artworks come alive through audience interaction. Their largest and most ambitious installation yet, Rain Room is a 100 square metre field of falling water for visitors to walk through and experience how it might feel to control the rain. On entering The Curve the visitor hears the sound of water and feels moisture in the air before discovering the thousands of falling droplets that respond to their presence and movement. Rain Room opens in The Curve on 4 October 2012.

Kate Bush, Head of Art Galleries, Barbican Centre, said: The Curve has previously played host to guitar-playing finches, a World War II bunker and a digital bowling alley. rAndom International have created a new work every bit as audacious and compelling – Rain Room surpasses all our expectations.

At the cutting edge of digital technology, Rain Room is a carefully choreographed downpour – a monumental installation that encourages people to become performers on an unexpected stage, while creating an intimate atmosphere of contemplation. The work also invites us to explore what role science, technology and human ingenuity might play in stabilising our environment by rehearsing the possibilities of human adaptation.

rAndom International said: Rain Room is the latest in a series of projects that specifically explore the behaviour of the viewer and viewers: pushing people outside their comfort zones, extracting their base auto-responses and playing with intuition. Observing how these unpredictable outcomes will manifest themselves, and the experimentation with this world of often barely perceptible behaviour and its simulation is our main driving force.

Finding a common purpose as students at the Royal College of Art, rAndom International was founded in 2005 by Hannes Koch, Florian Ortkrass and Stuart Wood. Today the studio is based in Chelsea – with an outpost in Berlin – and includes a growing team of diverse talent. With an ethos of experimentation into human behaviour and interaction, they employ new technologies in radical, often unexpected ways to create work which also draws on op art, kinetics and post-minimalism.

rAndom International have gained international recognition, inspiring audiences from broad multidisciplinary interests. A breakthrough work of 2008, Audience, marked rAndom’s first installation with audience participation. Motorised mirrors disconcertingly respond to human activity in their midst in inquisitive, synchronised movements, with the viewer becoming both active agent and subject of the piece. Swarm, a light work of 2010, emulates the behaviour of birds in flight: the sound created by the presence of visitors causes the abundant individual light sources to respond in swarm-like formations. With Future Self, a new commission by MADE Berlin in 2012, the studio explores the direct interaction of the viewer with the full body image of the self, represented in light in three-dimensions.

Other notable commissions include Reflex, a large scale light installation that inhabited the windows of London’s Wellcome Trust for one year, and the studio’s scenography for Wayne McGregor’s production, FAR, presently on world tour. rAndom International’s kinetically responsive sculpture Fly was premiered at the last Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art, while intelligent light installation Swarm Study / III is on display permanently at the Victoria & Albert Museum, London.

rAndom International are represented by Carpenters Workshop Gallery, London and Paris. An overview of their work, Before the Rain, is on show in Paris 8 September – 21 December 2012. Prior to this they have exhibited at Tate Studio at Tate Modern, Pinakothek Der Moderne, Munich and Museum of Modern Art, New York. They have won a number of awards including Designer of the Future 2010, Prix Ars Electronica – Honourable Mention, CR – Creative Futures Award, Wallpaper* Award and were listed in the Observer’s Top Ten Creative Talent in the UK. Earlier works form part of the permanent collections at the Frankel Foundation for Art, the Victoria & Albert Museum and the Museum of Modern Art, New York.
source: vivilondrait

“Rain down, rain down, come on rain down on me…” così recita Paranoid Android dei Radiohead. Consentitemi la citazione per descrivere, in parte e con una certa licenza poetica, la mia personale esperienza quando ho attraversato con stupore la Rain Room. Un’installazione artistica ad opera di Random International in mostra fino al 3 Marzo 2013 nella sala The Curve, al Barbican Centre.

Se vi trovate nella capitale inglese o siete intenzionati a visitarla in questo periodo vale la pena, allora, farsi un giro al Barbican Centre per ammirare questa singolare installazione artistica. Non fatevi scoraggiare dalle quasi due ore di fila (potreste comunque essere più fortunati di me), ne vale davvero la pena.

Il Barbican Centre è una delle principali venue culturali nella capitale britannica, nonché il più grande centro artistico e teatrale d’Europa. Perché simulare l’effetto della pioggia a Londra, già di per sè abbastanza umida? È una domanda che probabilmente vi passerà in mente – anche un po’ ironicamente – sia prima, che durante l’attesa ordinata in fila all’ingresso. Una risposta plausibile, a tale domanda, può essere letta tra le righe della stessa mission di Random International; studio fondato nel 2005 che ha come obiettivo quello di indagare i comportamenti e le interazioni tra gli universi, sempre più convergenti, dell’animato e inanimato. Ovvero tra il mondo umano e un contesto sempre più tecnologizzato in cui l’essere umano vive e si relaziona. In quest’ottica ecco, dunque, che la Rain Room acquista molteplici chiavi e livelli di lettura, caricandosi di significati in grado di dare una forma espressiva a quesiti e istanze del nostro mondo contemporaneo.

Una volta entrati, però, non temete e lasciatevi trasportare dall’esperienza stupefacente e dal singolare straniamento che vi troverete a vivere. D’altronde non capita tutti i giorni di poter controllare la pioggia ad ogni vostro singolo passo. Si, avete letto bene! All’interno di questa stanza di circa 100 metri quadrati avrete la possibilità di attraversare un autentico “acquazzone” senza che una sola goccia – o quasi – vi possa sfiorare. Ecco, dunque, che la citazione iniziale di Paranoid Android assume quasi i contorni di una sfida; sfida folle e dal risultato scontato nel mondo reale, possibilità e sovversione – di contro – tra le mura della Rain Room.
source: modenusde

Rain Room – 100 Quadratmeter begehbarer Platzregen. Die Londoner Barbican Curve Gallery zeigt eine außergewöhnliche Installation des Ateliers Random International.

Nicht das Regen in London etwas Erwähnenswertes wäre, aber dieser Regen hat es in sich. Das Wasser ist real, aber man wird nicht nass. Der Regen meidet Sie. Dort wo Sie gehen und stehen, hört es einfach auf zu regnen. Ein unglaubliches Gefühl, die vermeintliche Kontrolle über den Regen bei gleichzeitiger Isolation durch das umgebende Wasser und alles ohne nass zu werden. Mann kann den Regen fühlen, riechen und hören und bleibt selbst komplett trocken.

Die Faszination entsteht auf dem Weg durch die Installation. Ein sorgfältig inszenierter Wolkenbruch, der auf Ihre individuelle Bewegung reagiert und Ihnen ausweicht.

Für jemanden mit gemischtem Vertrauen in die Technik baut sich hier eine gewisse Extraspannung auf. Was ist, wenn etwas schief geht? Bei der Menge an ausgeklügelter Technik ist eine Fehlfunktion doch denkbar, oder?

Zur Technik: Die Installation wird gesteuert von einer Reihe von Kameras, die den Weg der Besucher durch die Ausstellung abbilden und dies an ein Raster von 25cm x 25cm großen Panelen übertragen. Jedes dieser Paneele kontrolliert neun Wasserauslässe,

Insgesamt sind 2.500 Liter Wasser im Umlauf, das bei einer Rate von 1.000 Litern pro Minute herab fällt. Gefiltert und behandelt gelangt es erneut zum Einsatz.

Rain Room läuft noch bis zum 3. März 2013 in der Barbican Curve Gallery, in der Stadt, in der ein Regenschirm zum guten Ton gehört: London

Bedanken möchten wir uns bei allen, ohne deren Arbeit dieser Post nicht möglich gewesen wäre. Das Foto ist von Oli Scarff / Getty Images, das Video von Gramafilm ist mit der Musik von Max Richter vertont, Rain Room wird von der Maxine und Stuart Frankel Stiftung für Kunst unterstützt und wir wurden aufmerksam durch den Blog von Atticus and Finch und Modenus.com. Danke!
source: multiinteriorwordpress

Rain room (deszczowy pokój) to jedyne w swoim rodzaju miejsce, to instalacja oparta na…deszczu. Odwiedzający może obejrzeć deszczowy spektakl lub wziąć w nim udział – bez zmoknięcia. Spadające krople są kontrolowane przez serię kamer 3D, a cała instalacja działa w obiegu zamkniętym, w którym znajduje się 2500 litrów wody. Ilość deszczu na minutę to 1000 litrów.
Rain room zabiera odwiedzających w podróż po ciemnym korytarzu, otoczonym przez dźwięki bębniącego deszczu, do pomieszczenia, gdzie jeśli wejdą zostaną otoczeni deszczem, który ich nie zmoczy.

W rzeczywistości można złapać kilka kropel deszczu, jeśli zwiedzający zbyt szybko się przemieści, lecz w rzeczywistości dalej jest się pod niewidzialnym parasolem chroniącym od deszczu.
Do Rain Roomu może wejść 5 osób naraz, oczekiwanie w kolejce wynosi od 2 do 3 godzin, co potwierdza popularność przedsięwzięcia.

Random International składa się z niemieckich artystów Hannes Koch, Floriana Ortkrass’a i brytyjczyka Stuarta Wood’a. Założone w 2005 Random International jest znane ze swojego charakterystycznego podejścia do opartej na cyfrowych technologiach sztuki współczesnej. Ich eksperymentalne dzieła ożywają dzięki interakcji publiczności. Reprezentowane przez Carpenters Workshop Gallery, Londynie i Paryżu.
source: youpouch


そんなあなたの「雨に打たれたい願望」を叶えてくれそうなのが、今回ご紹介する体感型インスタレーション『Rain Room』。こちらの作品の一番の魅力は、なんといっても「雨を、雨に濡れない状態で楽しめる」という点です。んん、それってどういうこと!?

こちらの作品を手掛けたロンドンのアーティスト集団『Random International studio』によると、『Rain Room』は空間内に存在する人間を3Dで感知するため、そこを避けるように雨を降らせることができるのだそう。つまり、あなたを囲むようにして雨が降り注ぐという、とっても非現実的な体験ができるというわけ。想像しただけで、わくわくするでしょ?


『Random International studio』曰く、「このインスタレーションでしか実現できない雨とのボーダーラインを、思い切り楽しんでほしい」とのこと。うんうん、楽しみたい! こういう体感型インスタレーション、日本でもやってほしいと切に願うばかりですっ。
source: admeru

Лондонская арт-студия Random International представила удивительную интерактивную инсталляцию «Дождливая комната».
В зале центра искусств Barbican Centre студия Random International создала дождь, из которого можно выйти сухим. Под потолком на площади в 100 кв.м. оборудовали «тропический душ», имитирующий ливень. Каждую минуту с потолка в ней льется около 1000 литров воды, которая протекает сквозь решетки в полу, фильтруется, собирается в емкости и снова поступает в распылители, встроенные в потолок.

Поток воды синхронизирован с датчиками движения. При приближении человека на определенное расстояние капли меняют траекторию таким образом, что посетитель Rain Room остается сухим. При этом у зрителей, наблюдающих за установкой Rain Room, создается полное впечатление, будто человек, находящийся внутри, ходит под дождем, хотя он при этом будет совершенно сухим.

Участники rAndom International предполагают, что это их необычное изобретение придется по душе театральным постановщикам, ведь с помощью Rain Room можно создавать удивительные визуальные эффекты: устраивать на сцене настоящий дождь, при этом не беспокоясь насчет того, что актеры, играющие в спектакле, действительно, промокнут до нитки.
source: consoleir

چیدمان خلاقانه جدیدی در مرکز هنرهای باربیکن لندن (London’s Barbican arts center) گشایش یافته است که به بازدید کنندگان این اجازه را می دهد بدون اینکه خیس بشوند در بین قطرات یک باران شدید شبیه‌سازی شده راه بروند. این مجموعه که توسط استودیوی هنری Random International با نام «اتاق باران» ساخته شده است، از یک سری دوربین‌های سه بعدی برای تشخیص مکان افراد جهت قطع یا وصل نمودن جریان باران مربوط به هر شخص استفاده می‌کند. برای پوشش دادن حدود هر ۳۰.۶۵ متر مربع تقریباً از ۸۳۳ لیتر آب در هر دقیقه استفاده می‌شود، که البته کل این آب مصرفی به سرعت تصفیه شده و دوباره مورد استفاده قرار می‌گیرد.
استودیوی Random International سابقه ساخت پروژه‌های تعاملی دیگری را نیز دارد، از جمله یک مجموعه به نام «مخاطب» (Audience) در سال ۲۰۰۸ که این مجموعه شامل ده‌ها آینه بود که با چرخش خود حرکات بازدیدکنندگان را دنبال می‌کردند. از این لینک می‌توانید عکس‌ها و ویدئوهای این پروژه تعاملی را ببینید. استوارت وود (Stuart Wood) یکی از هنرمندان گروه در مصاحبه با خبرگزاری Press Association «اتاق باران» را نوعی آزمایش اجتماعی می داند. دست اندرکاران این پروژه برای تفسیر نتایج و تاثیرات ساخته خود و بررسی چگونگی تعامل مخاطبان با این اثر هنری، با متخصصان علم اعصاب همکاری می کنند. چیدمان «اتاق باران» تا چهارم مارچ ۲۰۱۳ در مرکز هنرهای باربیکن دایر خواهد بود. از این لینک یوتیوب می‌توانید ویدئوی طرز کار این اتاق و مصاحبه دو تن از هنرمندان این گروه با خبرگزاری Press Association را ببینید یا از این لینک دانلود کنید.