Реми Клемента и Моргана Маккари
The Duramen Series
source: fastcodesign
A frame, whether literal or metaphorical, bounds something in and gives it structure. But what if the frame is loosey-goosey, hanging on the wall like goopy molasses? Doesn’t that subvert the whole idea of the thing? Yes, and that’s exactly the idea behind Bonsoir Paris’s Duramen (“Heartwood”) series, a set of hand-carved wooden “frames” (no CNC-milling here) that appear to be in the process of melting into puddles on the floor.
The French multimedia agency, headed by Remy Clémente and Morgan Maccari, worked with a sculptor (Adrien Coroller), cabinetmakers (Kwantiq), and a fellow designer (Jules Cairon) to create frames that, in their words, have been “so strongly mistreated they have become unrecognizable.” The duo experimented with various kinds of wood, including oak, fir, wenge, pear, and linden, ascribing a different character to every species. “Each one of them has its own way to melt,” Maccari tells Co.Design. He elaborates on the process:
The sketches have been done a first time to explain our intentions; in a second time, the drawings were reworked according to the sculptor’s advice and remarks. For example, some technical specifications about the different woods helped us to know what type of shapes we could get, which finish we could have. So the woodworkers and us were on the same wavelength.
The sculptures are mind-bending displays that blend craftsmanship with a surreal sensibility, and, in the words of Clémente and Maccari, they walk the “razor’s edge [of] two opposites, that of the deformed and that of the elegant, instinctive and thoughtful.”
source: behancenet
DURAMEN is a series of handmade wooden sculptures. Born of a simple impulse, the one to break with conventional ways of exhibiting, BONSOIR PARIS and its team have imagined a series of frames so strongly mistreated that they have become unrecognizable. Their wish is to break the properties of the compound, a form of compromise as minimal and it is efficient. They found a subtle twist while remaining faithful to a primitive form of revolt, without getting lost in vain styles effects. The choice of noble materials (Oak, Fir, Wenge, Pear, Linden) and the quest for finesse, enables them – with the DURAMEN series – to position themselves on the razor’s edge between two opposites, that of the deformed and that of the elegant, instinctive and thoughtful.
These are amazing. Duramen is a series of wooden sculptures depicting melted picture frames from French design collective Bonsoir Paris. The level of craftsmanship with these handmade works (sculpted by Adrien Coroller) is tops. The dynamic in play between the fine wood used and the decaying, deathly manner in which it is presented nicely illustrates how even the most supple, healthy aspects of life can easily fall from grace. The picture frame reference is a nice touch, forcing us to call into question our very perception and take into account its tendency to directly affect the practical world. Bonsoir Paris, founded by Morgan Maccari and Remy Clemente, has only been around since 2010, but if they continue to push forward in a direction that allows for the production of more work of this quality, they should do fine.
source: bonsoirparisfr
The design Duo Rémy Clémente and Morgan Maccari founded Bonsoir Paris design studio on a common taste for nonstandard conceptual projects and maker’s « savoir faire ». They met while studying at Duperré design school before Morgan flew to Gobelins graphic and 3D school. Bonsoir Paris is a design studio with strong creative ideas that won’t exist without a network of modern and traditional french creators and craftsmen.
Bonsoir Paris’ state of mind is to shake usual borders. They balance between logic and absurd, art and design. They like to play with Gravity and to marry materials that usualy don’t belong together… They make it simple, as every good idea should be. Wether it is on 3D Mockup (objects, set design), on set design (for photography and film), on installations for retail windows, on graphic design, on digital and interactive design or on packaging and branding the duo fades creative limits.
source: non2art
Творческий тандем Bonsoir Paris художников Реми Клемента (Remy Clemente) и Моргана Маккари (Morgan Maccari), изготовил серию необычных рам-скульптур из дерева пихты, дуба, венге, липы и груши.
Нарушая все законы физики, авторам удалось сделать дерево жидким и текучим. И пускай это всего лишь мастерски созданная иллюзия, создается полное впечатление что сейчас эти древесные потеки сползут и расплывутся по полу. Синтез камеи Гонзага и горячего шоколада. Почему бы и нет?
source: alltrendsover-blognet
Le duo de designers français Rémy Clemente et Morgan Maccari de bonsoir paris ont conçu la série ‘duramen’, composée de trois sculptures.
Pour chaque pièce, la forme d’un cadre photo a été modifié à un point tel, qu’il ne peut plus fonctionner en tant que tel, mais reste toujours reconnaissable. lesoeuvres ont été sculptés, poncés et finis à la main, sur différents types de bois comme le chêne et le sapin. le contraste entre les couleurs naturelles des textures et des matériauxaide à définir les contours détaillés des sculptures.
source: vidabinaria
Só a arte permite dar essa ilusão de madeira derretida. Bonsoir Paris e sua equipe imaginaram essa série de esculturas feitas à mão, chamadas de DURAMEN. Bonsoir Paris, é um dueto formado por Rémy Clemente e Morgan Maccari. Dois jovens designers gráficos que trabalham juntos desde os estudos em Comunicação Visual e Moda.
source: hayatinitasarla
Fransız tasarım stüdyosu Bonsoir Paris’in kurucuları Rémy Clémente ve Morgan Maccari tarafından geliştirilen ahşap heykeller, çikolatadan yapılmış ve erimekte olan çerçeveleri andırıyorlar.
Tamamı el üretimi olan her esere baktığınızda çerçeve olduğunu anlayabiliyorsunuz ancak büyük emekle ortaya çıkan erime görüntüsüne inanamıyorsunuz. Farklı ahşaplar kombinlenerek veya farklı cila türleri tercih edilerek iç içe geçen parçaların ayırt edilebilmesi istenmiş ve yaratılan kontrastlar etkiyi daha da arttırmış.
source: ketchstudio
Con la loro serie di sculture in legno (fatte a mano) chiamata Durame, hanno rotto il convenzionale modo di “esporre”.
Rémy Clémente & Morgan Maccari sono due giovani artisti/graphic designers-plastic, vengono da un percorso di studi in Visual Communication and Fashion e con la loro serie di cornici sciolte vi lasceranno a bocca aperta.
Con la loro sculture di legno, hanno letteralmente rotto il “composto”, trasformandolo in quello che non è. L’apparente legno si fluidifica in quello che l’occhio fatica a percepire ed è in questi casi che la mano, il tatto stenta a trattenersi.
source: designmagazincz
Teprve rok staré francouzské studio Bonsoir Paris představilo fascinující sérii dřevěných soch nazvaných Duramen. Trojice objektů připevněných na zeď je ručně vyrobena ze dřeva tak, aby působila jako roztékající se čokoládová hmota. Až dva a půl metrů vysoké sochy mají prolomit ustálené cesty k vystavování umění.
Bonsoir Paris je zatím neznámá multimediální kreativní agentura z Paříže, která o sobě dává vědě svými velmi promyšlenými a propracovanými koncepty. Dva zakládající členové Remy Clémente a Morgan Maccari mají poměrně velký rozsah působnosti a překvapivě ve všech svých oborech excelují. Po několika velmi povedených editoriálech pro francouzské časopisy hrajících si s geometrií, přichází fascinující série Duramen.
Duramen jsou tři objekty složené z mnoha pečlivě ručně tvarovaných kusů dřeva. Každý z objektů, dosahující výšky buď dva metry nebo dva a půl metru, navozuje dojem velké tekoucí čokolády po stěně, přičemž zdánlivě se jedná o čokoládu hořkou, mléčnou nebo bílou. Požadované odstíny byly dosaženy výběrem druhu dřeva jako dub, jedle, wenge, hrušeň a lípa.
Do nejmenšího detailu propracované objekty, které existují vždy v jediném exempláři, navozují ve dvou případech dojem rozteklých rámů na obrazy. To vše je cíl autorů, který má vystavením deformovaných objektů změnit přístup k vystavování umění. Jejich hra s tvary a materiály má být elegantní, instinktivní a vybízet k přemýšlení diváka. Mnohým však bude jistě dělat i chutě na sladké.
source: vmdesignbloggblogspot
Όχι δεν ξέρασε κανείς! Η Γαλλική ομάς Bonsoir Paris που αποτελείται από τους graphic designers Rémy Clémente και Morgan Maccari δημιούργησε από κοινού με την ομάδα τους το Duramen, μια σειρά από γλυπτά που ξεκινούν τη καριέρα τους ως ξύλινες κορνίζες για να μετατραπούν σε κάτι απροσδιόριστο.
Έτσι τα γλυπτά αποτελούν το συνδετικό κρίκο ανάμεσα στη συνεστραμμένη φύση των σχεδίων και τη χρήση των φυσικών πρώτων υλών κατασκευής όπως τη δρυ, την αχλαδιά, το έλατο, το wenge και τη φλαμουριά.