

source: richardwilsonsculptor

The work consists of a vast 10 metre diameter ovoid section of the facade of a currently disused building. This section of facade will be cut free to allow it to rotate.
This ovoid section of façade is then mounted on a central spindle, aligned on a specific angle to the building. When at rest the ovoid section of façade would fit flush into the rest of the building. The angled spindle is, however, placed on a set of powerful motorised industrial rollers, and will rotate. As it rotates, the facade will not only become completely inverted but will also oscillate into the building and out into the street, revealing the interior of the building, and only being flush with the building at one point during its rotation. This will create an acute sense of disorientation and even danger for the viewer as the architectur.
source: zengbaopixnetnet

上面這張圖你以為是合成的嗎?Nonono ~ 這可是貨真價實相機拍出來的畫面,雖然房子已經不在了啦……但是像這種把牆壁當厚紙板一般剪裁,開了一個洞後又把原本的牆壁留在那,還是相當新奇呢!這其實是2007年在英國利物浦展開的藝術計畫「Turning The Place Over」,看到一個直徑8公尺的外牆在轉動,令人感覺自己來到了超現實的空間中。
利物浦「轉動計畫」,由雕刻家Richard Wilson策畫
source: newsgamme

上面這張圖你以為是合成的嗎?Nonono ~ 這可是貨真價實相機拍出來的畫面,雖然房子已經不在了啦……但是像這種把牆壁當厚紙板一般剪裁,開了一個洞後又把原本的牆壁留在那,還是相當新奇呢!這其實是2007年在英國利物浦展開的藝術計畫「Turning The Place Over」,看到一個直徑8公尺的外牆在轉動,令人感覺自己來到了超現實的空間中。
利物浦「轉動計畫」,由雕刻家Richard Wilson策畫

▼這房子原本是一個廢棄的倉庫,在拆除前Richard Wilson把這裡短暫變成他的藝術計畫作品之一



source: nerdalorsfr

Regardez une des réalisations architectural de Richard Wilson à Liverpool. Un diamètre de 8m qui tourne en 3 dimension. Sacré perspective, non ?