

روبن إيلي
Робин Элей


Robin Eley idolatry

source: justsomething

Robin Eley is an Australia-based artist born in England and raised in America. Eley’s paintings obsess over the textures of materials like plastic and aluminum. Draped over nude bodies or strategically positioned in close-up portraits, his impressive creations capture every detail of his fleshy and artificial forms. He can spend anywhere between two and eight weeks on a single work.

So why spend so much time on images that end up appearing like simple photographs?

“By shortening our attention spans to the click of a mouse or the swipe of a finger, pictures are being reduced to a disposable folly,” Eley writes on his website. “For some the solution is to shout louder, demanding attention by raising the volume of the message. My approach is different… my paintings speak softly, the labour of my technique demanding you linger, step closer and listen.”

He tries to explore the perception of isolation in the modern world, and the plastic wraps in his paintings just empower this message, as “it is something you can see through, but not feel through”.
source: webneel

Robin Eley was born in London in 1978, migrating with his family to Australia at the age of 3. In 1997 he moved to California where he attended Westmont College, earning his Bachelor of Fine Arts and captaining the basketball team. In 2002 he returned to Australia where he now lives with his wife Rachel.
source: robineley

Robin Eley was born in 1978 in London, England. In 1981 his family migrated to Australia where he completed his secondary education. In 1997 he moved to the United States where he would attend Westmont College, captaining the basketball and earning a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Fine Art in 2001. Eley’s international exhibitions include Koi No Yokan (2013) at 101/exhibit in Los Angeles, BMG First Look (2013) at Bernarducci Meisel Gallery in New York, and Journeys at the Ridley Tree Museum of Art in California (2012). Solo exhibitions include Singularity (2012) and Idolatry (2013), both held at Hill Smith Gallery in Adelaide, South Australia, and in 2014 he will exhibit with 101/exhibit in Los Angeles. Eley has been a finalist in numerous Australian art prizes, most notably Runner Up (2010) and Highly Commended (2011) in the Doug Moran National Portrait Prize, the world’s richest prize for portraiture. In addition, he has also been a finalist in the Archibald Prize (2012), the Eutick Memorial Still Life Art Prize (2010, 2012) and the Nora Heysen Still Life Art Award (2011). In 2012 he was the recipient of an International Presentation Grant from Arts SA which enabled him to accept an invitation to travel to the United States to exhibit his work in California. His work is held in numerous private art collections around the world and has recently had work acquired publicly by the Ridley Tree Museum of Art in the United States. Eley currently works and resides in Adelaide, South Australia.
source: pessegadoro

Quando você descobrir que as obras de Robin Eley são realmente pinturas a óleo, e não fotografias, provavelmente vai querer ligar imediatamente para seu oftalmologista. É preciso um olhar muito bom, e sem graus de miopia, hipermetropia, etc, para realmente ver as pinceladas. E como se não bastasse possuir uma técnica que consiga representar de forma tão realista, Robin também “envolve” os seus modelos em plásticos, o que torna ainda mais impressionante. Quem em algum momento da vida, tentou pintar uma transparência, vai entender melhor o grau de complexidade e bafonese do trabalho dessa fia.

A artista australiana – com certidão de nascimento britânica e educação americana – gasta cerca de 5 semanas em uma única pintura, trabalhando aproximadamente 90 horas semanais. Isso sim é labuta! Tombou com os atendentes do Mc Donald’s!!!
Robin diz que tenta explorar a percepção de isolamento no mundo moderno, e o plástico em seus quadros funciona como um meio para isso, uma vez que “é algo que você pode ver através, mas não sentir através dele”.
source: legeekcestchic

L’artiste Robin Eley, basé en Australie, est maître dans l’art de la tromperie… Ses peintures sont tellement réalistes qu’il y a de quoi en rester béat !
Car oui, Messieurs, Mesdames, vous avez bel et bien affaire à de véritables peintures à l’huile, nécessitant pinceaux, brosses, plastique et même parfois aluminium, soit des heures et des heures de concentration, des semaines de boulot pour nous laisser médusés devant tant de réalisme ! (Il faut avoir un très bon oeil pour arriver à distinguer les traits de peinture).L’artiste nous confie : «En réduisant notre capacité d’attention à un clic de souris ou au glissement d’un doigt, les images sont réduites à une folie jetable. Pour certains, la solution est de crier plus fort, réclamant l’attention en augmentant le volume du message. Mon approche est différente… mes peintures parlent doucement, le travail de ma technique vous demandant plus d’attention, de proximité et d’écoute»
source: klonblog

Warum posieren all diese Leute mit einem riesigen Stück Plastikfolie? Das hab ich mich als erstes gefragt, als ich diese Bilder gesehen hab. Dann hab ich gelesen, dass es alles Ölgemälde sind und keine Fotos. Das muss man sich erstmal vorstellen, oder? Wir hatten ja schon öfter mal hyperrealistische Malerei, aber die hier sind ja wirklich extrem fotomäßig, die würd ich gern mal real in einer Ausstellung sehen. Der australische Maler Robin Eley scheint von zerknitterter Folie jeglicher Art total begeistert zu sein, denn auf seiner Homepage gibt es noch mehr unterschiedliche Bilder zu dem Thema. Und im Video unten könnt ihr ihm beim Malen ein bisschen über die Schulter gucken.
source: loexie

Ketika pertama kali tahu bahwa karya Robin Eley ini lukisan, bukan photo, rasanya kita pasti akan membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama untuk menyakinkan diri kita. Dan rasanya sulit dipercaya juga sih…

seniman asal Australia yang lahir di Inggris dan sekolah di Amerika ini, menghabiskan waktu sekitar 5 minggu, (sekitar 90 jam per minggu) untuk setiap lukisannya.
source: itchingcircus

來自澳大利亞的羅賓·埃利(Robin Eley) 出生於英國倫敦,然後在美國就受教育。他是一位超寫實油畫家。他擁有高超的寫實油畫繪畫技巧, 早期他也是和其他超寫實畫家一樣描繪ㄧ般的人,事,物,後來開始畫透明塑膠布與錫箔紙, 終於在透明塑膠布與人物的結合中找到自己的視覺語言;用透明塑膠布裹住人體, 表達他試圖探索現代世界感知的隔離感。就是這個視覺語言讓他在同質性超寫實家中有了極高的辨識性。

有關超寫實畫派,請參看( 超寫實主義繪畫 Hyper Realistic Painting )那篇。