


source: romain-laurent
Romain Laurent is currently based in New York City and specializes in conceptual photography, moving image and short movies. He was born and raised in the French Alps and studied product design at the Ensaama National School of Applied Arts and photography at Gobelins.
He has worked globally with top brands, agencies and magazines including Xbox, Hilton, Axe, Coca-Cola, Google, Nissan, TBWA, Publicis, Saatchi, Y&R, LLR, BBH, BSSP, Chi&Partners, GQ, WAD, Wired…
Romain also received the Young Gun X award from the Art Directors Club of New York.
source: sobadsogood
Sometimes, no matter how focused you are, you need to step out of the pressure zone and just have fun. That’s precisely what photographer Romain Laurent decided to do when he opted to create an animated portrait of his friends each week.
Rather than photographing the stock standard personal portraits you so often see around the web, he decided to experiment with his subjects and animate the bizarre. The result of his work is a series of hilarious and decidedly ludicrous images the traverse the line between nonsensical & strangely hypnotising.
“As far as the intention of the series, it’s a way for me to explore a hybrid medium, experiment and being spontaneous while still sticking to a short weekly deadline. There isn’t a common concept between each loop, I just ‘go with the flow’ and see what comes to my mind each week.”
Make sure you follow his on-going project via his official Tumblr profile – where laughs and confusion are guaranteed.
source: sakainaokiblogspot
写真家のロマン·ローランは、一時的に商業プロジェクトのルーチンから抜け出すために、毎週ループアニメーション化された肖像画を作成することを自分自身に課して挑戦した。Absurd Animated Portraits by Romain Laurent portraits humor gifs
source: bronx1985wordpress
Romain Laurent é fotógrafo e exerce sua profissão na França, onde nasceu, em seu portfólio listam-se clientes de peso, como Coca-Cola, Citroen, EMI e Discovery Channel, porém, no campo artístico-cultural, Laurent é mais conhecido pelo seu criativo trabalho de edição e montagens de fotografias das mais variadas temáticas e vertentes.
Laurent utiliza-se de uma técnica básica de fotografismo sob diferentes perspectivas de captação de imagens, que depois são editadas via photoshop para fins de obtenção de um maior realismo de cores e sombras, como produto final, obten-se inusitadas fotografias que, aos olhos de leigos, representam situações impossíveis de acontecer na rotina das pessoas.
O trabalho do francês encontra-se exposto em todos os lugares e galeria modernas do mundo, porém o mesmo sempre focou suas obras para o público francês, fato este que justifica seu sucesso no país em questão, embora, dada a qualidade constatada nas fotos abaixo, pudesse fazer sucesso em qualquer que fosse o lugar.
source: fubiznet
Avec cette nouvelle série « In Depth » le photographe français Romain Laurent joue avec talent sur la perception de profondeur et détourne l’ordre des différents plans. Des clichés d’une grande qualité à découvrir en images et en détails, sur son portfolio et dans la suite de l’article.