Rosmarie Weinlich
source: rosmarieweinlichde
Eine melancholische Erinnerung an die Vergänglichkeit
2011 – 2014
Verschiedene Materialien (Glühbirnenkörper mit fleischfressenden Pflanzen [Droseraceae], Nährmedium, LEDs, Kabel)
Variable Größe
Unter der Annahme, dass unser Universum ein abgeschlossenes System ist, wird alles Leben in ihm irgendwann einmal erlöschen. Mein Experiment: Die biologische Voraussetzung für das Entstehen von Leben ist hergestellt. Ein kleiner Pflanzenabschnitt wird in einem Nährmedium platziert, mit Licht versorgt und luftdicht verschlossen.
Ist eines meiner Habitate fertig, übernimmt die Zeit den Rest der künstlerischen Aufgabe.
source: rosmarieweinlichde
A melancholy memory of transience
2011 – 2014
Various materials (light bulb body with flesh eating plant [Droseraceae], culture medium, LEDs, cable)
Variable size
Considering that the universe is a closed system, all life here will perish eventually.
My experiment: The biological condition for the creation of life has been established. A small plant is being placed into a culture medium, receives light and is being sealed airtight.
Once my Habitat is ready, time takes on an artistic role.
source: narracjeeu
Rosmarie Weinlich was born in Erfurt and studies fine arts at the Bauhaus-University in Weimar. She did her studies abroad at the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design in the USA. She has been exhibiting since 2006, mainly in Germany but as well in Israel, Switzerland and the USA. The display of her work during NARRACJE is her first exhibition participation in Poland. In her artistic focus are site-specific installations. Her works are linking installation environment and performative processes, often with a nostalgic connotation.
The installation Habitat consists of a number of luminous objects spread throughout the gallery space. Referring to the traditional shape of light bulbs, they are glass bulbs which are filled with a nutritive solution and host plants of the plant family Droseraceae. Because the drops of mucilage at the tips of their tentacles which resemble drops of morning dew, they are well known under the name of the sundew family. Equipped with an LED-based light source and closed air-tight the interactions of natural and technical processes create their unique ecosystem. In their synopsis they appear like a laboratory exploring living conditions in closed circuits of transformation with only emitting light as an external stimulus.
source: rosmarieweinlichde
Rosmarie Weinlich was born in 1984 in Erfurt and studied fine arts at the Bauhaus- University in Weimar. She did her studies abroad at the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design in the USA. She has been exhibiting since 2006, mainly in Germany but as well in Israel, Switzerland, Netherlands, Poland and the USA. In her artistic focus are site-specific installations. Her works are linking installation environment and performative processes, often with a nostalgic connotation.
source: glasplastik-und-gartende
Geboren 1984 in Erfurt/DE. Studium der Freien Kunst an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar/DE und am Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design/USA. Diverse Aufenthalte im Ausland wie Italien, Israel, Litauen und Schweiz. Teilnahme an Ausstellungen und an Kunstmessen.
Ihr wurde der 1. Deutsche Installationspreis und der GRAFE Kreativ Preis 2011 verliehen.
Im Jahr 2013 erhielt sie ein Stipendium zur Nachwuchs- und Begabtenförderung der Sparkassenstiftung Erfurt.