ryan johnson
blue watchman
source: saatchi-gallerycouk
Made from plaster bandage, Johnson’s Sentinel (Orange) towers with mummified clumsiness; its hollowed skin a disembodied armour encasing a time-defying tick-tock face. Its hazard orange – the actual colour of the medical tape – doubles as emergency unit uniform; the figure is an unsung hero of past and present, an underappreciated deity of safety and assurance. Rescuing his paladins from an eternally forlorn fate, Johnson’s sculptures in this series were originally exhibited with marker pens tied to their appendages, inviting viewers to decorate their surfaces with messages; the public outpouring of adulation becoming graffiti defacement of monuments no longer valued.
source: dailyartfixx
Born in 1978 in Karachi, Pakistan Ryan Johnson currently lives and works in Brooklyn, New York. He has a BFA from the Pratt Institute in New York and an MFA from Columbia University, New York.
Johnson’s sculptures are made from a mish mash of ingredients including casting tape, glass, plywood, cement, plastic, cardboard, spray paint, enamel paint, aluminum, steel, keys, fabric, and rubber.
“Through his playful use of materials, Johnson’s work creates a theatrical tension between ‘stuff’ and its implied function: clock faces stand in for people faces, bandages become noblesse armour, and steel rods protrude painfully as arms and legs; his battered crafty aesthetic giving all the appearance of the walking wounded.”
source: naseba08exblogjp
For his first solo exhibition in New York, Ryan Johnson presents six large sculptures that explore the psychological and imaginative narratives built in and around the subject of a Watchman. The Watchman’s solitary endless night shift erodes the distinction between the real and the imagined creating a hallucinatory space where functional objects are appendages, racing clocks stare back, and his own anxieties materialize a self-image that is nightmarishly distorted and disfigured.
The gallery is divided into three distinct spaces. Upon entering, there is a long hallway leading to a small back room where the Watchman stands. He has become a manifestation of his obsessions, composed of the objects that make up his existence. Turning from the Watchman, the larger main room is populated by five monumental empty body-casts made primarily with casting tape. These abstracted totem-like statues, the scale of which imposes a much larger shared trauma, conflate a private interiority with the public imaginary; these statues are not just the inner machinations of the Watchman’s wandering mind. The inclusion of markers attached via small aluminum chains that are built-in to the sculptures encourage visitors to sign, write, or draw on the casts the same way one might decorate a friend’s cast who has broken their arm. However, these chained writing implements bring to mind the chained pens in banks, which allow a certain level of freedom within a controlled ritualized space. The sculptures are considered complete once the exhibition is over and the markers are cut from the chains.
Ryan Johnson lives and works in New York. He received an MFA from Columbia University in 2003. Selected exhibitions include Capricci (possibilities of other worlds) at the Casino Luxembourg-Forum d’Art Contemporain, Luxembourg (2007); 2006 Untitled (For H.C.Westermann) at the Contemporary Museum Honolulu, Hawaii (2006); Franco Scoffiantino Arte Contemporanea, Turin, Italy (solo) (2006); Greater New York, P.S.1, New York (2005).
source: nambrenaurbanoblogspot
Los divagues artísticos son una constante en los escultores e inventores y en esto, Ryan Johnson es un escultor con todas las letras.
Es un artista escultor nacido en Karachi, Pakistan, trabaja y vive en New York, donde expone generalmente en Guild & Greyshkul. tiene 33 años de edad, utiliza todo los materiales a su disposición para darle vida a personajes deformados e intrigantes.
source: blognaver
Ryan Johnsonkommt 1978 in Karachi, Pakistan zur Welt. Heute lebt und arbeitet er in Brooklyn, New York. 2000 macht er seinen Bachelor of Fine Arts am Pratt Institute in New York und drei Jahre später folgt der Master of Fine Arts an der Columbia.
Seine humorvollen Skulpturen wurden unter anderem in der Franco Soffiantino Arte Contemporanea in Turin und der Modern Human Animal LFL Gallery in New York ausgestellt.
source: kulturologiaru
Произведения Райана Джонсона (Ryan Johnson) как нельзя лучше подходят под определение «современного искусства»: его скульптуры, выполненные из найденных материалов, выглядят очень необычно, абстрактно и немного странно.
Название у серии произведений автора довольно грозное – «Watchman», то есть «Сторож». Но несмотря на свой большой размер – достигая высоту трех метров, многие скульптуры возвышаются над зрителями – эти странные персонажи кажутся скорее смешными, чем угрожающими. Их деформированные тела наряжены в разрисованную граффити униформу, вместо лиц у них циферблаты часов с множеством стрелок, а одна нога застряла в ведре с бетоном, что делает невозможным любое преследование с их стороны. Более того, к каждому персонажу прикреплен маркер, чтобы любой желающий смог оставить на поверхности его рваной одежды свое собственное послание. С учетом этого названия скульптур – а все они «сторожа» или «стражи» – вызывает как минимум недоумение.