

Скотт Ярви

Clutch Chair

source: scottjarvie

Made from 10,000 drinking straws, the Clutch Chair is an exploratory research piece that passes comment on our disposable culture. The development process of this piece also informed that of the Clutch Light, both of which were developed from an observation of the structural characteristics of trees. This piece was selected by Zaha Hadid as her Curators Choice at Noise Festival 2008

The Clutch Project began as a microscopic observation of the structural composition of trees and the directional properties of Capillary tubes (xylem).

Ubiquitous drinking straws are grouped and transformed into a primitive spot light. The reflective inner surface of the straw transmits the light in a directional manner creating a jewelesque effect.
source: waitmag

Nessuno mi crederà, ma quando ero bambina consumavo intere confezioni di cannucce realizzando improbabili strutture e oggetti per arredare la casa della mia Barbie.
Naturale quindi che questa Clutch Chair, creata dal giovane designer scozzese Scott Jarvie, mi faccia letteralmente impazzire. E’ realizzata con ben 10.000 cannucce di plastica… Che lavoraccio!
source: webandluxe

En surfant sur internet, nous sommes tombés nez-à-nez avec cette chaise unique et originale. Son créateur, Scott Jarvie, né à Glasgow, s’inspire des meubles, de l’espace et des matières pour réaliser ses œuvres qu’il considère comme des recherches exploratoires.
source: enteresan

Tasarımı Scott Jarvie’ye ait olan “Clutch Chair” adlı sandalye 10,000 adet kamıştan yapılmış.
source: silose

Seguro que de pequeño hacías construcciones con bloques de lego, y alguna vez, aburrido en una fiesta de adultos, también con pajitas. El diseñador Scott jarve le ha dado continuidad a sus obras infantiles con este sillón Clutch Chair, un sillón formado por nada más ni nada menos que 10.000 pajitas… una silla estructural y original.