

سيباستيان ارازوريز

cry baby shoe


source: pilarrossiblogbr
Bem a tempo para Art Base de Miami, este novo espaço/galeria na South Beach tem parceria com o artista chileno baseado em Nova York, Sebastian Errazuriz e mostra uma instalação intitulada “12 SHOES for 12 LOVERS”.
Com 12 esculturas/sapatos, cada uma inspirada em uma ex-namorada, Errazuriz explora os limites da arte e do design usando a tecnologia de impressão 3D state-of-the-art. A exposição será apresentada quinta-feira dezembro 5, e ficará em exibição durante um mês. Portanto, para aqueles em direção a Art Basel de Miami, não se esqueçam de verificar esta gama de calçado único e sua instalação de arte.
source: meetsebastian
Chilean born, New York based artist and designer Sebastian Errazuriz was raised in London; took art classes in Washington, film courses in Edinburgh, and a design degree in Santiago. He later received his Master’s in Fine Arts from New York University. He currently lives and works in NY with parallel workshops in Santiago.
A prodigious and obsessive workaholic, with only 28 years of age Sebastian became the second living South American artist to have work auctioned at Sotheby’s Important Twentieth Century Design. In 2007 Errazuriz was selected one of the top emerging international designers by I.D. Magazine. In 2010 he received the title of Chilean Designer of the Year. In 2011 he was selected for the Compasso d’ Oro and at the end of that year his work was the talk of Design Miami Basel.
Sebastian Errazuriz’s work has been exhibited alongside the most celebrated architects and designers in over forty international exhibitions. His work has been included in exhibitions at the Copper Hewitt, National Museum of Design in New York, The Helsinki Museum of Contemporary Art, The Vitra Museum in Weil AM Rheim in Germany, The Museum of Art and Design in New York, The Bellevue Arts Museum in Boston, The Mint Museum, The Corning Museum of Glass and the National Museum of Fine Arts in Santiago. He is currently preparing his first museum solo exhibition for the fall of 2014 at the Carnegie Museum of Art.
Sebastian’s work has been featured in multiple magazine covers and portrayed in over 1000 press articles by the specialized art and design media. He has also received critical acclaim from The New York Times, The Financial Times and The Wall Street Journal. His work has also been featured in mainstream TV in BBC, CNN, ABC, and NY1. Multiple books and catalogues feature his projects and his first monograph “The journey of Sebastian Errazuriz” was published and distributed internationally by Gestalten in 2012.
source: demilked
Chilean-born and New York-based artist and designer Sebastian Errazuriz gave new meaning to his romantic and sexual relationships by creating 12 shoes that represent his 12 ex-lovers in a unique and slightly twisted way.
Each woman made a specific important contribution to Sebastian’s relationship baggage. The artist used these personal experiences to create 12 unique shoe sculptures illustrating the defining characteristics, kinks, oddities and charms that he saw in each of these women. The shoes are all given special nicknames that can seem at times mysterious or greatly informative. Furthermore, every design is accompanied with a story that makes the origin of the nicknames and designs even clearer.
source: krazyinfo
ebastian Errazuriz y su colección de 12 zapatos para 12 amantes – El artista chileno Sebastian Errazuriz quien actualmente reside en Nueva York, ha creado una serie de zapatos exquisitamente diseñados que representan sus relaciones amorosas pasadas de una moanera singular. Su creación, llamada “12 Shoes For 12 Lovers” (12 Zapatos para 12 Amantes) cuenta con 12 pares de zapatos diseñados para reflejar cada una de sus 12 ex-parejas. Cada zapato de tacón alto tiene un apodo y viene con una breve anécdota o descripción dedicada a casa mujer que formó parte de su pasado. Los zapatos creados por el artista definen características, encantos, locuras de cada una de sus ex-parejas. Los nombres reales se su ex-parejas fueron cambiados para proteger su identidad. Errazuriz trabajó junto a Melissa, una famosa empresa de calzado reconocida por trabajar junto con otros diseñadores como Vivienne Westwood y Karl Lagerfeld. Veamos la famosa colección de zapatos y juzgue por usted mismo.
source: vivasfi
Tällä teemalla taiteilija Sebastian Errazuriz alkoi työstää kenkiä, jotka kuvastavat hänen entisiä tyttöystäviään. Jokainen korkokenkä edustaa yhtä naista, yhtä piirrettä.
Kauniit kengät kantavat mukanaan myös tarinaa, jonka taiteilija on liittänyt kuvan yhteyteen. Jokainen tarina on kaunis ja persoonallinen omalla tavallaan. Sebastian asettaa tarinoiden kautta exänsä valokeilaan, mutta myös itsensä ja oman haavoittuvuutensa. Haastattelussaan Core77 Sebastian kertoo saaneensa muutamalta ex-tyttöystävältään viestin myöhemmin, jossa he kertovat yllättyneensä vaikutuksestaan mieheen. Sebastian myöntää myös, että vaikka onkin vaihtanut naisten nimet eikä hän ole julkaissut naisten kuvia, hän tietää, että joidenkin poikaystävät tai aviomiehet ovat varmasti kiukuissaan tai ainakin osittain järkyttyneitä.
Tässä siis 12 kaunista kenkää, 12 persoonallista tarinaa.
source: 2tout2rienfr
Sebastian Errazuriz est un designer chilien qui vit à New York et qui, dans un projet intitulé « 12 shoes for 12 lovers », a créé une paire de chaussures pour chacune de 12 de ses ex compagnes.
Des compagnes d’une nuit ou plus si affinité et dont la personnalité est reflétée par la chaussure à talon.
Des objets splendides accompagnés d’un petit texte, flatteur ou non, au sujet de la rencontre amoureuse.
Les créations de Sebastian Errazuriz sont rassemblées dans un tumblr ici.
source: etodayru
Нью-йоркский современный художник чилийского происхождения Себастьян Эрразуриз (Sebastian Errazuriz) представил коллекцию оригинальной женской обуви под названием 12 shoes for 12 lovers (12 туфель для 12 любовниц).
source: retikulhu
Sebastan Errazuriz, a chilei születésű, New York-i művész 12 elképesztő cipőt alkotott, korábbi szeretőinek dedikálva. A 12 cipő 12 szeretőnek nemcsak a lábbelik miatt érdekes, hanem a történetek miatt is, amit elmesélnek a darabok. Van közöttük vicces, van szomorú is. Az egyszerű magas sarkú cipőket szinte szoborrá alakította a művész. Íme, a legérdekesebbek.
source: byteznl
Kunstenaar Sebastián Errazuriz heeft een reeks schoenen ontworpen die persoonlijkheid van al zijn twaalf in een unieke en artistieke manier omschrijft. Elke hoge hak wordt geleverd met een korte anekdote over of beschrijving van de dame uit Errazuriz’ verleden. Sommige beschrijvingen zijn mooi en flatterend terwijl anderen een niet zo aardig toon bevatten.
source: paraskhniogr
Ο Sebastian Errazuriz εμφανώς επηρεασμένος από τις πρώην κοπέλες του, σκέφτηκε να το εκμεταλλευτεί με ένα πρωτότυπο τρόπο, δημιουργώντας 12 διαφορετικά και ιδιαίτερα παπούτσια ανάλογα με τον χαρακτήρα της κάθε μίας.
Τα ψηλοτάκουνα παρουσιάστηκαν στο Art Basel show στο Mαϊάμι και κέρδισαν τις εντυπώσεις.
source: gheylooleir
Sebastian Errazuriz طراح اهل شیلی که در نیویورک مستقر است در ساخت و طراحی کفش های پاشنه بلند برای زنان تبحر خاصی دارد. هر کدام از این طرح ها الگو گرفته از روابط شخصی طراح است که در گذشته با آن مواجه بوده است.
تصاویر را در ادامه ببینید خودتان متوجه این خلاقیت و زیبایی خواهید شد.
source: wolipopdetik
Desainer asal Amerika, Sebastian Errazuriz. Ia melampiaskan rasa patah hatinya dengan merilis sepatu dengan berbagai desain yang unik. Setiap orang memiliki cara masing-masing untuk melampiaskan patah hati pasca putus cinta. Beberapa dari mereka memilih melakukan aktivitas yang disukai. Hal itu yang dilakukan oleh desainer asal Amerika, Sebastian Errazuriz. Ia melampiaskan rasa patah hatinya dengan merilis sepatu dengan berbagai desain yang unik.
source: verycoolit
Il progetto di cui scoprirete alcune foto in gallery porta un nome che dice già molto: si chiama 12 shoes for 12 lovers e a firmarlo è Sebastian Errazuriz che parte da un concept, attraversa una serie di bozzetti dal sapore molto tecnico e infine giunge all’oggetto finale che appunto è una scarpa, ma una scarpa davvero originale.
Il designer e artista ha pensato di esplorare il concetto di calzatura creando delle scarpe scultura ispirate a dodici relazioni amorose del passato, riportando in esse la propria esperienza ma ponendosi di fronte ad una sfida nuova.
Come traslare in una scarpa la vita vissuta e catturarla all’interno di norme artistiche e costruttive predefinite? Errazuriz commenta: “Quando ho cominciato non immaginavo dove sarei andato a finire, è stato un processo molto più complesso e rivelatore di quanto avessi pensato.”
source: farm4
不知道大家跟舊情人的關係是朋友?仇人?還是陌生人?分手之後又是怎麼對待你的舊情人的呢?來自紐約的設計師Sebastian Errazuriz一個浪漫的想法,將所有前女友的特性都幻化成一雙雙美麗的高跟鞋,女王般的、愛哭的、火辣的、甜美的、、、很難想像創作過程是怎麼樣的煎熬甚至高潮迭起,但是感謝這麼浪漫的想法,留下了美麗的作品。
source: sustainorkr
칠레 출진 뉴욕 디자이너 Sebastian Errazuriz가 디자인한 예술가의 개인적이며 옛 연인과의 관계를 담은 신발 조각이다. 신발 조각과 함께 그 내용을 함께 이야기하고 있다. 이 작품들은 브라질 브랜드 Melissa에 의해 Art Basel Miami Beach 2013 행사에 전시되고 있다.