Шайна Лейб
Stiniva 2/5
source: shaynaleib
Shayna Leib is a multimedia artist whose sculptural glass and metal art reflects her intelligence, sense of design, and rhythm. Her art reflects her ability to manifest her diverse artistic background with her creative talents in an intelligent way.
While completing her Bachelors of Art degree in Philosophy at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, California, Shayna also studied literature, glass, and concert piano. Accepted to pursue a Doctorate in Philosophy, she chose instead to enter the University of Wisconsin-Madison for graduate studies in glass and metal.
Her glass interests at UW-Madison led to an equal focus on functional and sculptural works, where she explored the subtly different ways in which glass’ most unique qualities were captured in each. Shayna uses the flow of hot glass, its capacity to freeze an artistic moment in time, and the inherent ability of glass to manipulate optics to express her artistic vision and inner direction.
Her intricate cane pieces focus on the beauty of a single solitary unit, which both asserts and subordinates its autonomy in a work. “My visual concept of beauty has always been fractal,” she says. “I am intrigued by multitudes of tiny little parts, like blades of grass all bending in the wind to the same rhythm. As you pan out you have waves of form. Zoom in and you see each individual blade of grass moving to the flow of the wind.”
Shayna views glass and music in a similar manner. After 14 years of training in concert piano, music is a very physical and visual experience, “it feels like it moves before my eyes as if it is a visual entity,” she says. “It’s a habit that comes from reading sheet music, and even when you take the symbols of the notes away, and I still feel and see the passage of sound in a corporeal way. The closest language to articulate the passage of pattern, motion, and building momentum is the language of glass with its movement and fluidity.” Shayna uses the properties of glass to suggest movement in a lyrical way reminiscent of rhythm and sound, allowing art to focus on time as well as space.
When she is creating art, Shayna uses glass in a unique way. Her cane pieces are very genuine, sensitive, and designed with sensibility. The look of her art is natural and subtle, yet her aggressiveness with the glass medium is intensely focused to produce original, colorful and chromatic works. There is a transformation through chaos. Her works derive pattern from chaos and possess a self-similarity.
The mediums Shayna works with are demanding, but she has the ability to tame them. Known for her careful, meticulous, and intelligent sense of design, the skill she exhibits in producing beautiful art is a product of her competence and her unique understanding of the extreme demands of the characteristics of the medium.
— Shirley Koehler
source: shaynaleib
When I was seven years old, I saw glassblowing for the first time at a local university. I haven’t been the same since.
I began my study of glass as an undergraduate at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, California where I received a BA in philosophy and minors in glass and literature. Accepted to pursue a PhD in philosophy at SUNY Binghamton, I chose instead to study glass at the graduate level and move to Madison, Wisconsin where I completed my MFA degree in May of 2003.
My work at the University of Wisconsin-Madison has included exploration into the vessel and sculptural object. I use glass, not for its mimetic quality to capture the look of stone or plastic, but for its most unique properties; the inclination to flow, the capacity to freeze a moment in time, and its ability to manipulate optics.
source: shaynaleib
For 6 years now, I have been creating works in the Wind & Water Series, and it wasn’t until I visited Croatia a year ago that I had the urge to directly depict the water itself. Up until now, my goal has been to capture the flow of water vicariously through anemone-like landscapes.
During a sailing trip, I came upon one of the most beautiful and remote coves on our planet, Stiniva Cove on the island of Vis in Croatia. I dove off our sailboat, swam a quarter of a mile in high surge, through the narrow opening to the cove, and stood upon a beach renowned for its high cliffs and crystal clear waters. The color of the water was unlike anything I’ve seen before, part blue, part green, part white. This piece is one of five I am working on in an attempt to capture the beauty of that experience.
source: photoshtabru
Шайна Лейб (Shayna Leib) создаёт из стекла необычные стеклянные экспозиции. В этих скульптурах легко угадываются очертания всевозможных подводных растений. Шайна максимально использовала потенциал стекла, его способность создавать оптические иллюзии и по-разному преломлять свет, благодаря чему создаётся эффект постоянного движения.
Каждая часть мозаики требует около месяца работы. Сначала художница делает большое количество 10-20-метровых стеклянных заготовок-сегментов, далее она постепенно разделяет их на сотни кусочков нужной длины. После этого начинается утомительный процесс построения самой скульптуры, при котором на каждые 5 квадратных сантиметров уходит до 45 минут. Ещё стоит учитывать тот факт, что вся работа происходит с раскалённым стеклом.
«Меня интригует вид множества крошечных частей одного целого, изгибающихся под действием ветра. Увеличив масштаб, можно заметить, как каждая отдельная былинка движется в этом потоке. Всё в природе обладает этим качеством».
Первой признанной работы Шайны была “Поток — 2 июня, 17:46″, на создание которой у девушки ушло два месяца и 40 000 рукотворных стеклянных элементов. Скульптура была представлена в 2003 году на выставке SOFA в Нью-Йорке, где заняла первое место.
Шайна воспринимает стекло словно музыку. Она проводит параллели между текучестью нот и формами, которые она делает из стекла, а получившаяся цельная картина для неё сродни музыкальному произведению. Поэтому в её скульптурах можно уловить своеобразный ритм и даже расставленные в нужных местах акценты.
source: itpaperblog
Sonoveramente estasiata davanti a queste fotografie che vi propongo: meravigliosesculture di vetro, realizzate dal glass artist Shayna Leib. Inparticolare, la serie “Wind & Water” è incredibile, per bellezzae per complessitá di procedimento: basti pensare che dopo la fase dilavorazione “a caldo”, in cui l’artista ottiene dei filamenti curvidi vetro colorato, seguendo la tradizione vetraria veneziana, segue una fase diassemblaggio e composizione lunga e meticolosa.Lelunghe “cannucce” di vetro vengono tagliate in migliaia di pezziindividuali che vengono ordinati secondo forma e lunghezza. Uno a uno i pezzivengono composti nelle cornici per richiamare l’idea del movimento.Pensateche per completare 2 soli pollici quadrati di questa meravigliosa texturetridimensionale ci vogliono approssimativamente 45 minuti!
source: forumsmihandownload
در این نوشته شما را با کارهای هنری فوق العاده زیبای خانم Shayna Leib هنرمند آمریکایی آشنا می کنم. این مجموعه مجسمه های شیشه ای با عنوان “باد و آب” توسط این هنرمند و با الهام گرفتن از دو عنصر بسیار مهم و حیاتی روی کره زمین یعنی باد و آب ساخته شده اند. عناصری که تقریباً با چشم قابل دیدن و تشخیص نیستند ولی ما انسانها به طور ذاتی آنها را حس و درک می کنیم و از روی حرکت و تأثیری که روی اجسام مختلف و زندگی ما می گذارند، آنها را لمس می کنیم. این دو عنصر به خودی خود بی رنگ هستند ولی ما قادریم حضور آنها را در اطرافمان درک کنیم. هنگامیکه در میان یک جنگل یا چمنزار هستیم و حضور باد را از تکان خوردن شاخه های برگ درختان و علفها احساس می کنیم و یا وقتی که سوار بر امواج دریا شده و به دور دستها سفر می کنیم، میدانیم که حرکت ما به واسطه آبی است که از دیدن قطرات درخشان آن به تنهایی عاجزیم.
این هنرمند با تجربه زیادی که در زمینه کار با شیشه به دست آورده است، توانسته شیشه را به فرم مورد نظر خود تغییر دهد. او با ایجاد تکه های طویل شیشه ای نازک و سپس با تکه تکه کردن آن به هزاران قطعه نازک شیشه ای در طولهای مختلف، این مجسمه های بی نظیر را خلق می کند. کنار هم قرار دادن و خلق هر قطعه به حدود ۱ ماه زمان نیاز دارد. نظر شما دوستان در مورد کارهای هنری شگفت انگیز این هنرمند چیست؟
source: ucnauri
შაინა ლეიბი (Shayna Leib) არის თანამედროვე მხატვარი, რომელიც მუშაობს საკმაოდ რთულ მატერიაზე-მინაზე. გოგონამ განათლება კალიფორნიის ქალაქ სან ლუის ობისლოში მიიღო განათლება ,სადაც სწავლობდა ფილოსფიასა და მუსიკას. შემდეგ ვისკინსონ-მედისონის უნივერსიტეტში მოეწყო მოქანდაკების შემსწავლელ კურსებზე და განსაკუთრებულად დააინტერესა მინამ.
source: 1889cafe
Shayna Leib é a responsável por essas belíssimas obras. Trabalhando com vidro, a artista dá vida aos quadros 3D que parecem algas e corais.