



source: simonheijdens

A responsive skin to the windows of a building that filters daylight into a moving projection of shadows, that translates the ever-changing natural timeline of the outdoor to the static and perpetual indoor space.

Shade is a new material that applies as a glass window surface. Through variably blocking or passing light, it forms sunlight into a spacial, graphic projected moving image of shadows. It’s surface holds a grid of triangular cells that are each individually able to change their level of opacity, and hence block or pass light. The graphic shadows projected on the floor, walls and ceiling of the space – varying from sharp and graphic, to environing and spacial depending on the time of day – reveal the geometrical patterns of wind that pass the building on the other side of the glass, as choreographed by the measurements of an outdoor sensor.

As both the angle of the sun and the patterns of wind are continuously changing throughout the day and year, the perpetual character of the artificial space is reconnected with an evolving, unplanned natural timeline.
source: dezeen

A responsive glass facade reacts to wind passing overs its surface, scattering triangular patterns of light and shadow in this installation at Now Gallery London by Dutch designer Simon Heijdens (+ movie).

The effect of Simon Heijdens’ Shade installation is created using sheets of responsive film fixed to glass panels – a technique the London-based designer debuted at the Art Institute Chicago in 2010.

In the largest iteration of the project to date, the version at the Now Gallery takes the form of a seven-metre-tall, 20-metre-long glass curve around the edge of an exhibition space facing the street.

The film on the glass responds to fluctuations in the wind outside, changing the tessellated triangular sections from clear to opaque in ripples as gusts flow across the surface.

As the sun moves around the facade and varies in intensity, the patterns gradually shift around the interior. The inverse occurs at night, when the light inside is projected in patterns onto the pavement surrounding the exterior.

The gallery describes the work as: “A cellular glass facade that filters natural sunlight into a moving kaleidoscope of light and shadow directly choreographed by the elements passing outside, to restore an unplanned natural timeline to the interior of the new Now Gallery building.”

Heijdens often uses natural elements to generate visual effects in his work, with previous creations including a series of hanging hand-blown glass vessels that turn data from wind movement into projected patterns of light by dying the water contained inside.

“Nature is becoming rare in our daily life,” said Heijdens. “In the way our urbanising world is generally built and planned, our everyday surroundings have become perpetual and static through conditioned climates and 24 hour lighting.”

“When unpredictable natural elements such as a lifting breeze, a sudden shower, or a setting sun are planned out of our surroundings, the timeline of the everyday is lost,” he continued.
source: desocialdesignmagazine

Maintenant, vous pouvez profiter de la beauté des quatre saisons dans la maison. Shade, une nouvelle installation Simon Heijdens est un révolutionnaire de la peau sensible pour Windows, conçu pour filtrer la lumière pour projeter le jeu attrayant de la lumière et des ombres. Le matériau est composé de la grille d’auto-développé des triangles qui se traduisent par un mélange de formes sublimes, créés à partir des triangles se estomper entre transparent et opaque.

Explique le designer:
“Comme l’angle des motifs de lumière et de vent sont en constante évolution tout au long de la journée et de l’année, la nature perpétuelle de l’espace artificiel est reconnecté avec une évolution, le calendrier naturelle imprévue”.
source: desocialdesignmagazine

Jetzt können Sie die Schönheit der vier Jahreszeiten im Haus genießen. Schatten, um eine Neuinstallation Simon Heijdens ist eine empfindliche Haut revolutionären für Fenster, entworfen, um das Licht, das fesselnde Spiel von Licht und Schatten projizieren filtern. Das Material besteht aus selbst entwickelten Raster von Dreiecken, die in einem Durcheinander von Formen erhaben, von den Dreiecken führen verblassen zwischen transparenten und opaken zusammen.

, Sagt der Designer:
“Da der Winkel des Lichts und der Windverhältnisse ändern sich ständig den ganzen Tag und das Jahr wird die ewige Natur des künstlichen Raum mit einer Evolution wieder angeschlossen, timeline natürlichen ungeplante”.
source: desocialdesignmagazine

Ora si può godere la bellezza di tutte le quattro stagioni in casa. Shade, una nuova installazione da Simon Heijdens è una pelle sensibile rivoluzionaria per le finestre, progettata per filtrare la luce per proiettare il gioco accattivante di luce e di ombre. Il materiale auto-sviluppato è composto da griglia di triangoli che si traducono in un medley di forme sublime, creato dalla dissolvenza tra triangoli trasparenti e opachi.

Dice il progettista:
“Come l’angolo di luce ed i modelli di vento sono in continua evoluzione per tutto il giorno e l’anno, il carattere perpetuo dello spazio artificiale viene ricollegato con una evoluzione, timeline naturale non pianificata”.
source: desocialdesignmagazine

今、あなたは家の中で四季折々の美しさを楽しむことができます。 シェード、新規インストール サイモンHeijdens 光と影の係ゲームを投影する光をフィルタリングするように設計された、Windows用の敏感肌の革命的である。 材料は透明と不透明との間でフェードの三角形から作成された崇高な形態のメドレーになる三角形の自己開発のグリッドで構成されている。

source: desocialdesignmagazine

Agora você pode apreciar a beleza de todas as quatro estações do ano na casa. Sombra, uma nova instalação Simon Heijdens é um revolucionário pele sensível para Windows, projetado para filtrar a luz para projetar o jogo envolvente de luz e sombras. O material é composto por grade de auto-desenvolvimento de triângulos que resultam em uma mistura de formas sublimes, criados a partir dos triângulos desaparecer entre transparente e opaco.

Diz o designer:
“À medida que o ângulo de padrões de luz e de vento estão mudando constantemente durante todo o dia e ano, a natureza perpétua do espaço artificial é reconectado com uma evolução, o espaço temporal naturais não planejada”.
source: desocialdesignmagazine

Ahora puede disfrutar de la belleza de las cuatro estaciones en la casa. Shade, una nueva instalación Simon Heijdens es un revolucionario de la piel sensible para ventanas, diseñado para filtrar la luz para proyectar el juego atractivo de la luz y las sombras. El material se compone de rejilla de desarrollo propio de triángulos que resultan en un popurrí de formas sublimes, creados a partir de los triángulos desvanecerse entre transparente y opaco.

Dice el diseñador:
“A medida que el ángulo de los patrones de luz y el viento están cambiando constantemente durante todo el día y el año, la naturaleza perpetua del espacio artificial se vuelve a conectar con una evolución, línea de tiempo natural, no planificado”.