

LED Eyelash


source: highlike
The LED Eyelash project is brought into the world from a simple question: Why do women want larger and bigger eyes? Asian women tend to have stronger needs for bigger eyes as a standard of beauty, but relatively few of them are born with naturally big eyes. Those without big eyes can only look for alternative ways to make their eyes look prettier, i.e., larger, by using a repertoire of skills such as putting on makeup and wearing jewelry. Sometimes, the desires for bigger eyes can become almost obsessive, and many women opt for plastic surgery in order to make their dream come true. Soomi calls this, the fetish of Big Eyes. LED Eyelash is a clever product that speaks to many women’s desire for bigger eyes. It features a sensor to turn on and/or off. The sensor can perceive the movements of the pupil in the eyes and eyelids. If you wear it and move your head, LED Eyelash will flicker following your movements. It is as simple to use as wearing false eyelashes and as easy to remove as taking off a piece of jewelry.
Work: This project has been patented since 2009 (registered at Korean Intellectual Property Office). This project won Honorary Mention in Interactive Art at Ars Electronica 2008(Linz, Austria).
Photographer: Minsoo Kang
source: inventorspot
False eyelashes not getting you enough attention? LED Eyelashes from Korean designer Soomi Park will have you turning heads so fast you might be sued for causing whiplash.
You know, it’s easy to say women will do almost anything for the sake of fashion but Soomi Park’s startling LED Eyelashes aren’t just another ploy to grab dames’ dollars. By using women as his template, however, Park and designers like him have a ready-made base of attraction upon which to place creations that might seem merely bizarre on their own.
OK, that’s my take on this latest foray into freaked out fashion. Let’s get to the LED Eyelashes themselves. First off, there’s no price tag attached to Soomi’s so-called LED Eyelash project which has been “brought into the world to find an answer to this simple question: Why do women want larger and bigger eyes?” Good luck with that, Soomi, you’re not the first to try and understand the feminine mystique and you won’t be the last. Perhaps a better question would be, “Why would women want to shackle electric lights to their eyelids, potentially blinding themselves with each flirtatious wink?”
The video features a model demonstrating the LED Eyelashes on some Korean street that, if the reactions of the passersby are any indication, has already seen everything there is to be seen.
How do the LED Eyelashes work? They’re actually quite complex; not really a selling point but I digress. Thin wires run back from each lash along the wearer’s temples to a combination power source and mercury switch.
Yes, mercury switch – like the ones they used to use in old thermostats BEFORE THE DANGERS OF MERCURY WERE MADE KNOWN. Er, ahem. Anyway, the nodding motion of the wearer’s head jiggles the globule of mercury in the switch, thereby inducing the LED lights embedded in the lashes to turn on and off.
I’d imagine this would be somewhat distracting to the wearer, like being constantly accosted by a posse of paparazzi. Then again, isn’t that something that would have great appeal to those in search of fame?
source: jackymulekblogspot
Toda mulher adora ter aquele cílio gigante e causar onde quer que seja não é mesmo?? Mas não satisfeitos com isso os orientais foram mais longe, e criaram o cílio postiço de LED, isso mesmo LED!! Um novo acessório para ravers e clubbers ou para você que gosto de coisas inusitadas ou quer causar na balada.
Soomi Park a criadora do Led eyelash, diz que o projeto foi realizado baseado em uma questão, o porque mulheres querem ter olhos grandes?!
As mulheres asiáticas tendem a ter uma necessidades maior nessa questão de ter aquele olhão grande, como padrão de beleza, mas poucos deles nascem com esse olhão, pois todos nós sabemos que asiático que é asiático tem olho pequeno e fechado >.< Sendo assim elas procuram alternativas para fazerem seus olhos parecerem ,maiores usando muita maquiagem, acessórios e afins, assim se sentem mais bonitas, mas existem casos que as mulheres tem uma obessão tão grande por olhos grandes que só a maquiagem não basta, então recorrem a cirurgia plástica, que Soomi chama de Big Eyes fetiche. O Led Eyelash é um produto inteligente que mexe com muitas mulheres que desejam ter olhos maiores. Ele possui um sensor para ligar e / ou desligar. O sensor percebe os movimentos da pupila e pálpebras. Se você usá-lo e mover sua cabeça, o LED irá piscar após seus movimentos. É tão simples de usar como usar cílios postiços e tão fácil de remover como tirar uma peça de joalheria diz Soomi. . . . . . . . . source: iurbaninth LED Eyelash ขนตาที่มีไฟ led ประดับอยู่นี้ สามารถใช้ได้จริงเพียงติดไปที่ขนตาเหมือนขนตาปลอม และไม่สร้างการระคายเคืองให้ดวงตา เพียงแต่สร้างความเป็นจุดสนใจที่ดวงตาของผู้ใช้ เพื่อต้องย้ำความอยากมีดวงตาที่โตของสาวๆในปัจจุบัน ไอเดียนี้เป็นของดีไซน์เนอร์สาวชาวเกาหลี Soomi Park จึงไม่แปลกใจเลยว่าทำไมเธอถึงได้คิดเครื่องประดับขนตานี้ขึ้นมา เสมือนเป็นสนับสนุนความคิดในเรื่องค่านิยมการทำศัลยกรรม. . . . . . . . . source: soxiqi 女人都喜欢拥一双会说话的大眼睛,忽闪忽闪放电。女人都喜欢拥有长长的睫毛,衬托明眸,显得楚楚动人。Soomi Park设计了一特殊的眼睫毛,同时又能让你的双眼真正“放光”,就是这一LED眼睫毛(LED Eyelashes)。眼睫毛内置一传感器,能捕捉眼皮的动作,一旦捕捉到眨眼动作,就会促使LED小灯闪烁,让你拥有一双闪烁光芒的电眼–睫毛。 . . . . . . . . . . source: lookatmeru Ни для кого не секрет, что любая женщина всегда стремиться выделить свои глаза, а особенно находится в постоянных переживаниях за длину ресниц. В принципе, любая реклама и построена на решении женских страданий, предлагая различные новшества. Но, пожалуй, с изобретением от Soomi Park будет сложно потягаться. Ресницы с подсветкой LED Eyelash имеют светодиодный источник и оснащены датчиком движения. И, хотя это украшение только в стадии концепт-проекта, уверена, оно найдет своих и поклонниц, и поклонников.