



source: somethingwelike

Stefano Bonazzi

I am 27 years old and I work from 7 digital art. I love all contemporary art, graphics and all forms of expressive design.

I bought my first reflex twenty years with money saved for the holidays. Are still convinced they had taken a best decision. Photography for me is a passion saving, which allows me to communicate everything that my voice would be difficult to convey. is a noble art, yet a powerful tool. I’ve always been fascinated by black and white photography and great photographers of the past.

Their ability to capture an aspect of his era and present it anew as such in many years away is a talent that I admire, both are also very affected by new digital technologies and its potential with the photograph on a door new plan of creativity. I think it’s photography that digital art has much to say and I would, in my small way, to leave a personal contribution in this.
source: blogartintern

Nato a Ferrara nel 1983, dove vivo e lavoro.
Autodidatta, sono appassionato d’arte moderna, grafica digitale, videoarte, design architettonico.
Le tecniche che uso per i miei lavori sono il disegno a carboncino, il fotoritocco digitale e la fotografia.

A striking series of artworks by artist Stefano Bonazzi who creates these ethereal, smoky portraits using a combination of digital photography, photo editing, and charcoal drawing.
source: artchinacn

Stefano Bonazzi是一名意大利设计师,1983年生人,他的作品融合摄影和绘画,风格奇幻,寓意深刻。他形容自己的创作风格为“ 我们面对的生活是不无绝望和玩世不恭的,焦虑和不安,这些情绪几乎伴随着城市生活中的人的始终,这让我更加关注事物的消极方面。”

他坦言自己喜欢灰色,而非黑色和白色,正如他的官网的名字“between black and white”。他使用木炭画+数码摄影的创作方式,面目模糊的人、灰蒙蒙的阴天、 孤独的姿态……这些都是表达Stefano Bonazzi情绪的零件,他就像个自己和自己玩儿的小孩儿,艺术世界里充满了孤独和私