Стивена Шахина
스티븐 샤힌
ستيفن شاهين
source: stephenshaheen
Stephen Shaheen is a Brooklyn-based artist whose work explores the porous borders between art, design and architecture. His work spans both manual and digital processes, and employs materials as diverse as repurposed found objects, marble, and recycled denim fiber.
Shaheen trained in Italy as a sculptor and earned his MFA from the New York Academy of Art in 2005. His projects include large, community-driven pieces such as a 100-ton marble and granite installation, Memoria (2002), and his Metrobench (2011), created from 5,000 NYC Metrocards. Shaheen is the recipient of a Ludwig Vogelstein grant, the Italian Cultural Institute/La Fortuna Foundation grant, and a 2009-2010 Residency at the Digital Stone Project. His indoor and outdoor installations are in public and private collections in the United States and Europe.
source: weheartcouk
There is a brilliance of concept, technique and execution in Brooklyn artist Stephen Shaheen‘s illuminated sculpture project The Headlight Series that shines as brightly as the bulb heads of his humanoid creations.
We all messed about with papier-mâché in childhood, but plugging the results into the mains tended to be frowned upon, at least in our school. Shaheen’s work is modelling on an evolutionary scale, using all manner of recycled paper, cotton and denim to create a pulp which he has moulded into life-sized figures whose expressiveness belies their lack of facial features.
It’s difficult to tell whether the power cords connecting his figures are giving them life or impaling them – indeed one of his creations seems determined to turn out the light permanently by pulling his own plug – but they are all centred on the theme of connection. Improbably posed, at times tender, at others desperate, the figures of The Headlight Series shine a light on a rare talent.
source: laparola
Algodão, papéis reciclados, componentes elétricos e criatividade formam as esculturas da série Headlights. Stephen Shaheen utilizou estes elementos para criar formas humanas com lâmpadas substituindo as cabeças. Os “Cabeças de Lâmpada” se acendem quando conectadas à tomada e se apagam quando desconectados. É como se nosso cérebro desligasse sem eletricidade.
source: blokinfokublogspot
Stephen Shaheen membuat beberapa lampu unik dengan menggunakan bahan – bahan daur ulang seperti kertas, kapas dan benang yang telah direkatkan sehingga menghasilkan sebuah rangkaian benda ringan namun kuat. Benda hasil daur ulang tersebut dengan hati – hati ia bentuk menjadi beberapa boneka yang mirip manusia dengan lampu di kepalanya. Untuk membuat boneka – boneka itu, Stephen Shaheen meneliti boneka tradisional dan teknik pembuatannya. Hasilnya sangat unik, lihatlah foto.
source: tengasepresenteblogspot
Brooklyn artista Stephen Shaheen (Stephen Shaheen) crea esculturas inusuales lámparas. Uno de ellos, por ejemplo, “Vamos a unir la cabeza”. Se trata de unas cifras azules de tres hombres, que se inclinaron sus cabezas en un círculo.
source: mniusnews
來自布魯克林的Stephen Shaheen主要作品都是以雕塑為主,他喜歡用不同的方式來表現他認知中的藝術感,今天要介紹一組有點幽默的設計商品,相信我,真的滿幽默的。
source: kisakukuru
Бруклинский художник Стивен Шахин (Stephen Shaheen) создает необычные скульптуры-светильники. Одна из них, например, “Давайте объединим наши головы”. Она представляет собой синие фигуры трех мужчин, которые склонили свои головы, образовав круг.
source: peupledepapierblogspot
Stephen Shaheen vit à Brooklyn mais a été “formé” en Italie.
Artiste multi-carte, art désign et architecture mêlés, du travail de création très contemporain qui utilise des matériaux et des techniques très divers.
Adepte des “installations” qu’il affectionne par dessus tout,il expose à la fois aux Etats-Unis et en Europe où il fait l’admiration d’un nombreux public.