source: marijevogelzangnl
“Eating design is to design from the verb ‘to eat’.”
Designers who work with the subject of food are often called ‘food designers’. According to Marije Vogelzang, food is already perfectly designed by nature. Instead, her designs focus around the verb ‘to eat’. Vogelzang is inspired by the origin of food and the preparation, etiquette, history and culture around it. For this reason, she doesn’t consider herself a ‘food designer’, but as the first ‘eating designer’ in The Netherlands.
“There is no material that comes as close to human beings as food.”
It is often thought that designers who work with food only design the shape of it. Vogelzang’s aim is to look at the content and background of the food as well; the shape is just a tool to tell a story.
“You put my designs inside your body.”
After 10 years of experience with food projects, Vogelzang has developed a philosophy consisting of eight inspirational points. They can be used as a tool to inspire designers and creatives about food. Eating design is a uncultivated area with an endless amount of possibilities. The eight point philosophy gives insight into where the possibilities of working with food can lead.
“Food goes to the stomach, but it can also activate the brain and can rouse strong memories and emotions.”
The eight points are:
– the senses
– nature
– culture
– society
– technique
– psychology
– science
– action
The eight point philosophy is thoroughly covered in Marije’s book EAT LOVE
source: traveludn
到底怎樣才算上一間設計餐廳?是要在裝飾擺設上別出心裁,還是在菜色料理上突發奇想?Proef的創立者Marije Vogelzang並不以此為滿足,她認為食物本身早已被大自然設計得很完美了,因此她所要設計的並不是食物的名詞,而是「吃」這個「動詞」!
與其說Proef是一家餐廳,其實她們更希望被稱做「食的工作室」(Food Studio),對Marije而言,食物被做成什麼形式並非最重要的,那充其量只是一種說故事的方式,她所在乎的是食物的內涵與背景,畢竟食物本身用不了多久就會在腸胃裡被消化排泄,但食物的精神卻有可能在大腦中激發靈感,喚醒情感或記憶。
本著這樣的哲學理念,Proef舉辦過無數場形形色色的有趣宴會:在一場名為Connection Dinner的餐宴中,Marile用鹹麵糰做成一大片桌布,再把碗盤放在「桌布」下方,上面盛上熱湯與燉肉,於是參與盛宴的眾人們便靠著吃同一張桌布而獲得連結。
另一場Urban Eco標榜的是大都會裡的在地食材,所謂「在地」,指的是你吃到的有可能是路邊的野草、人行道上的蕁麻、公園裡的香菇、池塘邊的鴨蛋,最後再用校園中的莓子打果汁喝。而Black Confetti則是利用二次大戰的配糧食譜做成前菜,再邀請曾經歷過那段時期的人們前來享用,得證出二個不同世代的人因為記憶差異,而對同一道菜懷有不同感受。
此外,Marije也經常受邀在各地展出作品,譬如在梵谷博物館那著名的「Ham man」,她在一座人形雕塑上插滿了以西班牙火腿做成的荷蘭玫瑰,現場觀眾從觀看製作到動手享用都全程參與。食物至此已成了一種裝置藝術,吃東西也像是一場遊戲,而所有賓客則共同參與了這場行動劇的演出。
source: sleekdesignfr
Dîner chez la designer culinaire la plus débridée d’Europe ? C’est désormais possible, puisque le studio Proef de Marije Vogelzang inaugure officiellement son restaurant le 17 juin à Amsterdam. Après avoir imaginé nombre d’ »eating experiences » pour les design weeks de Milan à Eindhoven, la galerie de son ami Marcel Wanders et quelques happy few du caravansérail artistique, le laboratoire de Proef s’ouvre à tous. Au menu, de la barbe à papa de… bois de cèdre, une « cuisinière virtuelle » et des suspensions lumineuses en papier d’Egbert-Jan Lam, de studio Jet.
Marije Vogelzang s’est autodésignée «Eating designer». Non pas « food designer », qui laisserait sous-entendre qu’elle se concentre uniquement sur la nourriture : dans son « eating design » («I put my designs inside your body », s’amuse-t-elle), elle englobe les arts de la table, les coutumes et habitudes de chacun, jusque l’art de mettre en scène un événement social autour de la nourriture et du repas.
La philosophie de Marije tient en huit points cruciaux : les sens, la nature, la culture, la société, la technique, la psychologie («Food goes to the stomach, but it can also activate the brain and can rouse strong memories and emotions.»), la science et enfin l’action.