

via highlike submit

source: highlike submit
The idea of work is based upon the idea of performance on the context of new media, dance, music, and images, however it doesn’t really belong to any style, in fact. The controllers of gestures and other continuations, such as Wifi and programming are originally developed. Utilizing this, the work explors the extension of the potentialities in the relationship of man and machine. This performance specially exploits the interaction between the the body of the performers and the video images and the body of the performers, and the image and architetual/lightning-like image on stage, which can transform in real-time, thanks to his BodySuit.
This is based upon the concepts of Dualism. Non of them are not intended to show superior or inferior, however the both interacts each other, and at last to bring the new different contexts. For example, with its two dancers (which seem to be the opsite characters), it expresses the interaction between the video representation and the real bodies which is presented on scene.

In European pholosophy, this refers to “mind-body” or “mind-matter dualism”, e.g. Cartesian Dualism, and the Asian philosophy talks “physical dualism”, e.g. the Chinese Yin and Yang. For example, the stage of performance is regarded as space – architecture / time – body. The dancers consist of female – male / man – machine, and like these, the work expresses its ideas that seem to conflict each other, but as a matter of fact, these co-exist. The images consist of only white – black, and augmented body – virtual space, the music are sound – noise /expression – abstract, the choreography is meant for rationality – perception / body – machine. One can extent these abstract “dualistic” ideas into the conjunction of geographic and cultural mixtures between Asia and Europe, as well.
source: parisetudiant
Suguru Goto explore l’extension des potentialités dans la relation homme-machine. Sa performance joue sur l’interaction entre les images vidéo représentant des corps virtuels et le corps de l’artiste présent sur scène, qui peut, grâce à son BodySuit, transformer ces images en temps réel. Un puzzle se crée autour des différences et des ressemblances entre corps réel et virtuel.
Suguru Goto est un compositeur et un artiste multimédia japonais. Il fait partie de la génération d’artistes qui, au Japon, a réagi au fort développement de la technologie en l’adaptant à ses créations et à son imaginaire. Indépendamment de la composition instrumentale, il a développé des systèmes interactifs et des instruments de musique virtuels qui lui permettent de contrôler des sons et des images en temps réel. Il a été invité à de nombreux festivals internationaux tels ICC à Tokyo, Sonar à Barcelone et le KHM à Köln. Actuellement, il développe le projet “Corps artificiel et corps réel” dans lequel un orchestre de robots est contrôlé en tant réel par un performer à l’aide du BodySuit.