

Таня Лидтке


Tanja Liedtke construct

source: performinglines

It starts with an empty theatre full of possibility – a space in which to construct. Building – collapsing – re-building – assembling – disintegrating – always building – slow decay. Effortlessly shifting between the physical act of building and the emotional construction of lives, Liedtke explores with wicked humour the curious connections between building a home, a life, a relationship, and a future.

“construct could apply to many things, from personal careers and relationships, to larger matters. We build cities and destroy them. Great civilisations fall apart. Things increase and decrease. It’s a universal subject, something that is inherent in the world.” Tanja Liedtke

construct won two Helpmann Awards in 2008: Best Choreography in a Dance or Physical Theatre Production (Tanja Liedtke) and Best Male Dancer in Dance or Physical Theatre Production (Paul White). It was also nominated for four awards in the 2009 Australian Dance Awards.
source: tanja-liedtke-foundation

Tanja Liedtke’s construct was premiered in May 2007 at Southbank Centre in London. The work received extremely positive reviews and was subsequently presented at the 2008 Sydney Festival. It then went on to tour Australia, Israel, Canada and the US. The construct season in Seattle, Washington, was filmed by On the Boards (OtB) a contemporary performing arts organisation that strives to showcase artists and companies that are defining the future of contemporary dance, theatre, music and new media. On the Boards TV was launched in January 2010, and provides a video on demand program. construct was one of the first productions to be offered by On the Boards TV.

Our world expressed through the theatre of dance.
Fresh ideas, adventure, challenge and collaboration.
The Tanja Liedtke Foundation was established in 2008 to honour the dancer and choreographer, Tanja Liedtke. The Foundation’s purpose is to preserve the artistic legacy of Tanja Liedtke, support the development of contemporary dance theatre and foster Australian/European artistic connections.

The Tanja Liedtke Foundation was established in 2008 to honour the dancer and choreographer, Tanja Liedtke. The Foundation’s purpose is to preserve the artistic legacy of Tanja Liedtke, support the development of contemporary dance theatre and foster Australian/European artistic connections.

The Tanja Liedtke Foundation seeks to achieve this by encouraging, supporting and celebrating a spirit of creative adventure in choreography and dance practice, and by enabling exciting opportunities for a broad range of dance artists.

The Tanja Liedtke Foundation is registered in Stuttgart, Germany as Tanja Liedtke Stiftung with tax-privileged purposes in accordance with German Law.

Additionally, the Tanja Liedtke Endowment has been established in Australia as a sub-fund of Perpetual Foundation. www.perpetual.com.au The Tanja Liedtke Endowment reflects the vision, aims and priorities of the Tanja Liedtke Foundation. Perpetual provides the financial management and administration processes for the Tanja Liedtke Endowment.