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Team Lab


source: fubiznet

Après Floating Flower Garden, voici « Harmony », la nouvelle installation digitale et interactive du studio japonais teamLab pour la Japan Pavilion Expo Milano 2015. Ils ont reproduit un espace où sont projetées des rizières en mapping sur des plateformes plates blanches qui montent jusqu’aux genoux. Les projections bougent selon le mouvement et la marche du visiteur.
source: blogpwrgru

Японская технологическая группа представила интерактивный стенд под названием «Diversity» (дословно как «многообразие, обилие»), выполненный в виде водопада, символизирующего воду, как один из самых почитаемых символов в Японии.

При помощи данного интерактивного стенда авторы попытались передать всю мощь и силу воды: в том, как она проявляется и ведет себя в природе, а также как влияет на культуру питания в Японии. Среди цифровых, бурлящих потоков воды посетители могут разглядеть множество различных изображений, на которых изображено изобилие блюд национальной японской кухни.

Пользователям предоставляется возможность взаимодействия с интерактивным стендом посредством захвата изображений, возможностью их перемещения, а также синхронизацией с мобильными устройствами. Для обнаружения смартфона, необходимо положить его в специальный паз, расположенный по периметру стола, после чего выбрать изображения и синхронизировать их с устройством при помощи нескольких нажатий.
source: ydsinacn

2015年的米兰世博会(Milan Expo)的日本馆中的一大亮点便是日本团体实验室(teamLab)的最新交互装置《共存》(HARMONY)。作品的灵感来源于“日本稻田”,睡莲状的屏幕上投影映射出一片色彩斑斓的稻田 。伴着虫鸣蛙声,绿油油的“水稻”不时摇曳起舞,一大片“锦鲤”跟随着你的步伐缓缓游弋,让人仿佛置身于夏夜的田野中。“我们的作品为人们打造出一个独立的空间,在这里似乎能感觉到自己在用指尖轻拂着水稻,”teamLab这样介绍道,“徜徉在其中,去感受大自然所想要表达的一切。”
source team-labnet

Japan, as a country surrounded by mountains and the sea, undergoes many changes with the passing of the four seasons. Rivers go through great changes in terms of the volume of water that passes through them, from the melting snow in the spring to the rainy season and typhoon season. Also, the distance between the mountains and the coast is very short, with very few plains along the way, causing many short fast-flowing streams to form throughout the islands.
This art installation uses waterfalls to represent water, a symbol that is at the heart of Japan’s food culture.

The artwork seeks to convey large volumes of information related to the great diversity found in Japanese food. In order to achieve this, it shows a gigantic waterfall that can be viewed from all around 360 degrees, displaying many images of food.

Visitors can touch the images that flow down the waterfall and transfer the image, with some detailed information, into their smartphones. They can then take the information home with them.

This art installation tackles the challenge of making sure that people can share their emotions and experiences, while offering the convenience of providing large amounts of information. teamLab achieves this by creating a symbolic waterfall that allows many visitors to share the same experience within the same space, and by giving them the ability to link this experience with their own personal smartphones.
source: designboom

under the theme of ‘harmonious diversity’, teamlab showcases two art exhibits within the expo 2015 milan japan pavilion. the interactive installations are spread across two rooms, comprising ab immersive projection space that requires the visitor to wade through a technological expanse, to a digital waterfall of information, relaying descriptive knowledge about japanese food.

rice fields are the backbone of japan’s food culture. in order to demonstrate the importance of paddy fields for the japanese people, both traditionally and culturally, teamlab describe the necessary relationship between humans and nature. the exhibition space is infilled with an interactive art installation comprising a sea of screens resembling ears of rice. these screens have been installed at varying heights throughout the room — spanning from visitors’ knees to waist — creating an interactive projection space that seems to spread out infinitely.

the projected images that make up ‘harmony‘ change with visitors’ movements as they meander through the vast expanse, making them both appear and feel as if they are wading their way through rice fields. as they wander around, people can experience the passing of nature that is characteristic of japan across the period of a whole year.

japan, as a country surrounded by mountains and sea, undergoes many changes with the passing of seasons. rivers can drastically change in volume from the melting snow in the spring to the typhoon season. ‘diversity’ uses the image of a waterfall to represent water, a symbol at the heart of japan’s food culture.

the artwork seeks to convey large volumes of information related to the great variety of japanese food. in order to achieve this, the ethnologically-enhanced installation comprises a gigantic waterfall that can be viewed from a 360 degree circumference. the interactive display visualizes individual images of food: visitors can touch the images that flow down the length of the waterfall and transfer the digital pictures onto their smartphones. the photos are accompanied by detailed information about the origin and importance of the food, which they can then take home with them.
source: team-labnet
teamLab is an Ultra-technologists group made up of specialists in the information society such as; Programmers (User Interface Engineers, Database Engineers, Network Engineers, Hardware engineers, Computer Vision Engineers, Software Architects), Mathematicians, Architects, CG Animators, Web Designers, Graphic Designers, Artists, Editors and more. We create works through “experimentation and innovation” making the borders between Art, Science, and Technology, more Ambiguous.