



source: faulders-studio


Deformscape is an outdoor extension to a private dwelling in San Francisco. Situated in a tightly packed urban neighborhood, this limited space outdoor sculpture garden inherits a large tree, and uses this sole arboreal presence to establish a gravitational pattern of grooves that are focused towards the tree’s centroid. This asserts the valued presence of the carbon-absorbing tree and its green canopy overhead, while allowing for a maximum of usable surface area below free of other vegetation. To generate the resultant pattern, a 3-dimensional bulge is formed around the tree, and its distorted wire-grid projected onto a 2-dimensional surface. Taking into account appearance effects created by perspective views from inside, the resultant planar surface appears sink around the tree.
source: ccaedu

Thom Faulders is the founder of FAULDERS STUDIO, an award-winning architecture and design office with projects spanning a diverse range of building scales. With an equal footing in speculative research and applied practice his work integrates innovative material performance, user perception, and environmental exigencies to pursue architecture as an open and dynamic condition. Architecture is critically examined not as static form or pre-programmed space, but as an arena for adaptive opportunities and responsive possibilities. This is a forward-thinking and exploratory approach to creating spaces, articulated through and defined by the relationships linking functionality and subjective engagement, optical and tactile conditions, or a building and its surroundings. Ranging from temporary exhibitions to full-scale buildings, FAULDERS STUDIO is internationally recognized for its innovative practice and development of new building fabrication processes and material hybrids. Thom Faulders’ work is included in the Permanent Architecture and Design Collection at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, and is included in leading international exhibitions and publications.

Recent awards include a New Practices Award from the San Francisco AIA; winner of the Rising Tides Competition sponsored by the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission; and Top 25 International Projects for Private Plots International Competition in Austria. Faulders received an Emerging Architect Award from the Architectural League of New York, and he is a recipient of the SFMOMA Experimental Design Award 2001.

Recent exhibitions include BAMscape at the UC Berkeley Art Museum/Pacific Film Archive, Sensate: Bodies and Design at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art; Learning Modern at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago; Architecture and Lace at the Maison De l’Architecture et De La Ville in Euralille, France; New Practices San Francisco at the Center for Architecture in New York; and Case per Tutti at the Fondazione La Triennale di Milano. His work has been exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, permanent collection exhibitions at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the Lisbon International Biennale, and the Kunstlerhaus in Vienna.
source: arkidesignblogit

Lo studio americano di Berkeley, Faulders Studio, ha superato le dimensioni spaziali nella progettazione di un’estensione esterna di un’abitazione privata a San Francisco.

Situata in uno dei migliori quartieri della città, nela zona esterna dell’abitazione vi è un grande albero che i proprietari, nei lavori di riqualificazione esterna, non volevano abbattere. L’architetto Thom Faulders ha deciso di realizzare un’installazione che simula un modello gravitazionale grazie all’utilizzo di una texture che, come si vede dalle foto, dà l’impressione di “risucchiare” l’albero. Nonostante si tratti di un modello 2D in piano si ha l’effetto che intorno alla base del tronco dell’albero il terreno affondi.

Davvero molto interessanti gli studi che si sono effettuati dietro a questo progetto e direi che il risultato è davvero ottimo. Questo dimostra come la percezione ottica sia più importante di come siano le cose realmente, un argomento studiato fin dagli antichi greci (che affilavano le colonne per farle sembrare più slanciate) che ancora oggi non ha perso l’interesse di molti architetti e designer come dimostra questo progetto “deformscape”.
source: palapapl

Architekt Thom Faulders, założyciel Faulders Studio, oprócz standardowych projektów użytkowych zajmuje się przede wszystkim hipotetycznymi koncepcjami, które zgłębiają relacje pomiędzy przestrzenią, percepcją oraz kontekstem. Projektowanie jest dla niego nie tylko tworzeniem według utartych kanonów i zasad ale przede wszystkim poszukiwaniem, badaniem, sprawdzaniem możliwości materiału, technologii oraz środowiska.

Architektura nie jest dla niego statyczną formą lub zaprogramowaną przestrzenią, to płaszczyzna bardzo odpowiedzialnych zachowań, definiowana przez Thoma Fauldersa jako spontaniczne, nieustannie zmieniające się relacje pomiędzy funkcjonalnością i subiektywnym dążeniem, pomiędzy budynkiem i jego otoczeniem. Pracuje w duchu coraz silniejszego nurtu design intelligence, który obejmuje zależność nieprzewidywalnej natury współczesnego budownictwa, modyfikowanego przez nowoczesne technologie.

Koncepcyjna analiza otaczającej nas przestrzeni oraz jej zastosowanie w architekturze, sztuce i designie świetnie współgra z teorią. Thom Faulders jest znanym i szanowanym profesorem architektury w CCA/California College of the Arts w San Francisco. Wcześniej współpracował z Berkeley College of Environmental Design, Royal Institute of Technology w Sztokholmie, UCLA, Penn Design, University of Toronto, Columbia, Cranbrook oraz Harvard. Ponadto bierze udział w licznych międzynarodowych warsztatach dotyczących współczesnej architektury.
source: culturadeco

El arquitecto Thom Faulders ha conseguido agrandar un patio de una forma muy original, creando un efecto tridimensional en el patio trasero de Jeff Dauber, un ejecutivo de Apple.

Un aburrido patio trasero se ha convertido en una original figura tridimensional, que consigue ampliar el espacio de cualquier pequeña estancia, generando un diseño que produce vértigo y cuya disposición crea una ilusión óptica de movimiento que maximiza el espacio. Aunque la superficie parece inclinarse y hundirse hacia la zona del árbol, en realidad estamos ante un plano horizontal que juega con nuestro cerebro y su percepción.

Éste arquitecto ha hecho algo nuevo y único al moldear las formas para darle una tres dimensiones reales con un punto focal claro enmarcado por el tronco del árbol.

El diseño fue creado con un software para crear modelos 3D, que recreó el espacio y diseño los azulejos que recubren el patio.
source: duoyidu

这个作品命名为”Deformscape”设计者是Thom Faulders的建筑师隶属于人Faulders工作室,创作地方是在旧金山城市街区的一栋私人住宅。在室外有限的空间凋塑花园使用唯一的树,设计成引力模式的重心树作品。
