
Tim Noble and Sue Webster


source: thisismarvelous
From discarded wood, welded scrap metal, broken tools, cigarette packets, soda cans and piles of trash, Tim Noble and Sue Webster make assemblages and then point light to create projected shadows of people standing, sitting, smoking, drinking or anything easily recognizable. Every debris is precisely set in place, taking into consideration its distance from the wall, and its angle with the spotlight. The result is surprising and powerful as it redefines how abstract forms can transform into figurative ones.
source: mymodernmet
British artistic duo Tim Noble and Sue Webster, who are well-known for their incredible light and shadow sculptures, have expanded their remarkable collection of said creations and we couldn’t resist sharing them with you. Using scraps of wood and seemingly discarded materials, the artists form abstract constructs that, left alone, look like a mess of mistakes or perhaps a work in progress. The true forms of their work are visualized on an adjacent wall with the help of a single spotlight.
Noble and Webster produce silhouetted self-portraits through carefully constructed mounds of rubbish and debris illuminated at one precise angle, transforming the abstract pieces into figurative composites. Each sculptural installation represents this duality of art and also references the duality of man. Things appear to be far more complex than what first meets the eye. Whether you first notice the figurative shadow or the abstract wood piles, there is always the other to view second as its other half.
source: piecesinblack
Tim Noble and Sue Webster did a series of shadow sculptures in the past few years, which made of rubbish and discarded furniture hailing from London’s East End.
Later last year, they did a new exhibition at Blain/Southern gallery in London, which documents both their personal 26 years relationship and commitment to the continuation of their art.
source: lifo
Ο Tim Noble και η Sue Webster γνωρίστηκαν στο Πανεπιστήμιο του Nottingham Trent το 1986, κι από τότε δουλεύουν μαζί σαν ζευγάρι στην τέχνη, και στην ζωή. Το 1996 έγιναν παγκοσμίως γνωστοί με την παρθενική τους έκθεση British Rubbish, στο Λονδίνο. Έκτοτε, συνδυάζουν την σύγχρονη γλυπτική, τα σκουπίδια της πόλης, και τις επιρροές τους από το punk κίνημα σε μία προσπάθεια να δημιουργήσουν “τέχνη μέσα από την αντι-τέχνη”. Λατρεύουν τις αντιθέσεις: Tην μορφή και την αντι-μορφή, την υψηλή κουλτούρα και την αντι-κουλτούρα, το αρσενικό και το θηλυκό, την τέχνη και τα σκουπίδια, το σεξ και τη βία, το φως και τις σκιές.
Σύμφωνα με τους ίδιους, “η τέχνη της προβολής φωτός πάνω σε αντικείμενα συμβολίζει την μετασχηματιστική τέχνη. Η διαδικασία του μετασχηματισμού από πράγματα που ο σύγχρονος άνθρωπος απορρίπτει, όπως σκουπίδια, παλιοσίδερα, ή ακόμη και ταριχευμένα ζώα, σε μία αναγνωρίσιμη εικόνα, μεταφέρει την ιδέα της Αντιλιπτικής Ψυχολογίας.”
source: euevcfazendoarte
Nascidos na Inglaterra, os artistas Tim Noble e Sue Webster recolhem lixo nas ruas de Londres e criam incríveis experimentações, onde trabalham luz e sombra, revelando contornos em meio ao caos formado pelo lixo. Suas peças são pilhas de lixo, cujas sombras projetadas com um foco de luz criam imagens totalmente diferentes. Ou seja, depois da montagem do lixo, as luzes projetam imagens fabulosas nas paredes. São as Sombras do Lixo. O trabalho do casal foi tão elogiado que foi integrado em exposições de Arte Contemporânea da Royal Academy.
source: adaymag
本周來自倫敦的雙人藝術家團體Tim Noble and Sue Webster在Blain|Southern畫廊開設個人作品展,給大家帶來名為“Nihilistic Optimistic”的影像展覽。作品的一切都屬於不可思域的範疇——他們僅僅用一堆看似雜亂而破碎的垃圾,便成功讓燈光在牆上投影出完整而美麗的身影,其中有一些還是Tim Noble和Sue Webster二人的自畫像。